Rev. Pam Holt,
Regional Minister
Remembering the Saints
By Regional Minister Pamela Holt Because November 1st fell on a Tuesday this year, many Disciples in Oklahoma celebrated All Saint's Day on October 30th or November 6th. Thank you for remembering those saints in your midst who have walked this journey before you and alongside you. The Regional Church also celebrates All Saint's Day by remembering our clergy who have gone before us this last year. We keep a library of these faithful servants on our website. These saints said "yes!" to the call [...]
College of Regional Ministers Bring a Variety of Gifts
By Pamela G. Holt, 09.09.2022 Finally, we gathered in-person! After two years and five months, on July 21-23, 2022, the College of Regional Ministers and the Fellowship of Regional Moderators gathered in Fort Worth, Texas to learn, to worship, to fellowship, and to eat good food! We had such a good time being in one another’s presence! On Saturday, just the Regional Ministers met together, and our meeting opened with worship and a time to get re-acquainted. The first exercise invited each of us [...]
Pentecost Sunday Celebrations
By Regional Minister Pamela Holt When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place . . . Pentecost was an exciting Sunday in Oklahoma. Michael and I noticed and participated in many congregations across our region celebrating the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. We are grateful to see such renewed energy and spirit among Oklahoma Disciples. On the morning of Pentecost Sunday, I had the honor and privilege of worshiping at Broken Arrow First Christian Church. It was p [...]
What more can we do?
"Everybody has a story that will break your heart. And if you're paying close enough attention, most people have a story that will bring you to your knees." Brene Brown (The Summer Sister Series on The Gifts of Imperfection, Part 1 of 6, June 23, 2021) There are many of us who have stories that will break our hearts. In the last month we have seen stories on climate change, wild fires, Afghanistan, hurricanes, flooding, earthquakes, COVID-19. If we are paying close enough attention, these st [...]
Wonderful! Restful! Fruitful!
This summer, the Region granted me a three month sabbatical. I was hungry for some rest, yes, but I was also very hungry to find a deeper, stronger, more resilient faith. After a wonderful, restful, and fruitful sabbatical, I am pleased to return to the call to serve the Regional Church! I am grateful for the Regional Executive Committee and the Regional Board for their encouragement and support for this sabbatical time. And I am also grateful for the Regional Staff and Rev. Paxton Jones fo [...]
Ready? Set? Go! Wait, I’m not ready!
Remember the children's game, "Ready? Set? Go!" These are the words I'm hearing in my mind as I prepare to depart my Regional responsibilities for a long awaited three month sabbatical. Am I "ready?" No, I'm not! Am I "set?" Wait! I'm not ready! I entered into the work force when I was 15 years old, and I have worked every year since with only two weeks vacation most years. In the latter years, four weeks but I never took all four at once. I was eligible for a sabbatical in 2007, but I gav [...]
Ministry in Extraordinary Times
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Oklahoma Report to the General Board Prepared by Pamela G. Holt, Regional Minister December 21, 2020 Continuing to Connect, Empower, and Equip Oklahoma Disciples to Love & Serve Like Jesus In a Pandemic No one has been exempt from this unprecedented season of a pandemic. Life began to change rapidly in mid-March and all aspects of ministry changed for clergy and congregations. The grief, from transitioning to on-line worship and deaths, is re [...]
Which Story Will You Choose?
Dear Friends in Ministry, Thank you for serving as a minister in the Region of Oklahoma! I am always grateful for your pastoral presence, your leadership, and your faithfulness especially in the last few months. I know you all are physically, mentally, and spiritually weary from all that you have had to do to transition to on-line worship. And yet, you are still hopeful, encouraging, and caring for your flock in amazing, creative ways. While I highly recommend some down time for rest and re-cre [...]
A New Season: Pentecost!
Acts 2:1-2 When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Just imagine this scene with me for a moment. We live in Oklahoma where if this storm were coming, David Payne would be entertaining us with warnings and the community sirens and our phones would be blaring! We would take cover, either in a shelter or in our bathroom with helmet [...]
A Message from Rev. Pam Holt: Return to Worship or Still Safer at Home?
Return to Worship or Still Safer at Home? Rev. Pam Holt, Regional Minister We been practicing being “safer at home” for about six weeks now. Like you, I lament that life has changed. We cannot be with our family or our friends to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries in ways we are accustomed. We have cancelled weddings, graduations, and vacations. We’ve cancelled many Regional and church events. We cannot even gather in person in our sanctuaries for worship or funerals. These days of safer [...]
What Can We DO?
These days are more than difficult with continued multiple mass shootings. We can hardly even take a breath before we hear, read, experience another senseless shooting in a public setting. While we are not in the midst of the tragedies, almost every time we have family or friends who are among the victims, or are serving as first responders, or live in the community and wrestling with fear and deep grief. Also, our hearts continue to be broken when we see and read about refugees and immigrants [...]
Pentecost Offering
Pentecost Offering supports new congregations! Also, thank you for praying for our brothers and sisters who are called to start new congregations by reaching out into the community with Christ's love. Your gifts are helping 4 congregations in Oklahoma. OKC - Simplicity Church led by Israel Hogue, MDiv PTS student OKC - The Table @ The Paramount led by Cece Jones Davis and Jonathan Martin Tulsa - Seeking The Kingdom Ministries led by Mareo Johnson Lawton - American Samoan congregation seeking to [...]
Lamenting With Our UMC Brothers & Sisters
Help us, O God, to prove to our disjointed world that You are in our midst. Psalm 92.15 (Psalms Now) Many years ago, a local United Methodist Church uptown was struggling with a conflict. They tried every way they knew how to correct the situation. After following UMC protocol, members still perplexed and dissatisfied with their minister, the District Superintendent, and Bishop, they walked out. Forty families, hurt and broken, frustrated and disappointed, walked out of their “church” not knowi [...]
State of the Region 2018: A Letter from Regional Minister Rev. Pam Holt
This year for my birthday, my husband gave me an Apple watch! A watch that does way more than tell time! I hadn’t been wearing this watch very long when an elderly friend of ours died after struggling a long time with Alzheimer's disease. She was Japanese and came to the United States via marrying a soldier serving in WWII. Her faith was Japanese Buddhist. Her daughter is a Disciple and asked if I would do her mother’s service, plus would I be able to make it a Buddhist Christian service. Sure, [...]
How Your Stewardship Funds the Region of Oklahoma
In recent months, I have been teaching about how the General Church and the Regional Church are funded. Several listening folks have responded, “I’ve been in a Disciple congregation all my life, and I have never known how the money worked.” You might be interested to know about funding the Oklahoma Region. Your stewardship matters. Oklahoma's Variety of Income Sources Did you know the Region has a variety of income sources? Disciples Mission Fund is what congregations give through their annual [...]
The Day After . . . Election Day 2016
It was very difficult to wake up to the day after Election Day 2016. While many Americans were celebrating, by noon on this day, I had received e-mails, texts, and phone calls from heartbroken people trying to make sense of this what happened in this election: ~ From a teacher in a Jewish high school whose students arrived in her classroom with tears and fear about the future of their families. ~ From a pastor who asked, “How can I return to “the table?” ~ From a friend who lamented, "I will no [...]
Picking up the pieces. This time from Orlando.
“We have conquered every distance except one – the distance between human beings.” — Jonathan Henry Sacks, British rabbi, philosopher, and scholar of Judaism Dear Colleagues, We are picking up the pieces once again. This time from Orlando. Words are everywhere, but there really are no words that speak enough comfort to the grieving. In the 21st Chapter of Revelation, we have heard many times, “God will be with the people; God will wipe every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; mourning [...]
Pam’s Peace
I never answer the phone at the Regional Office, but one evening back in December, when the phone rang, I answered. "Rev. Holt," the woman said, "my name is Julia from Global Ministries. I'd like to extend an invitation to you to join a delegation of Regional Ministers from the Disciples of Christ and the United Church of Christ to travel to the Middle East." As she took a breath, I said, "Me?" "Yes, ma'am! We'd really like for you to go." After gaining further clarity, I finally asked how [...]
Welcome to our new website
Dear Oklahoma Church Family ~ A GLORIOUS good day to you! The Regional staff is excited to present the Oklahoma Region’s new website. Our mission is to be the portal to visionary and provocative faith in action. Just as Jesus opened the way for us to see life in all its joys and tribulations through God’s eyes, we hope our leadership and this website opens the way for you to see life anew. As you wander through each page you will see congregations engaged in mission and ministry ways to deepen y [...]