The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Oklahoma
Report to the General Board
Prepared by Pamela G. Holt, Regional Minister
December 21, 2020 

Continuing to Connect, Empower, and Equip Oklahoma Disciples to Love & Serve Like Jesus In a Pandemic

No one has been exempt from this unprecedented season of a pandemic.  Life began to change rapidly in mid-March and all aspects of ministry changed for clergy and congregations.  The grief, from transitioning to on-line worship and deaths, is real and deep and feels unending.  We’ve seen in clergy and congregations stages of denial, anger, tears, frustration, depression.  It is difficult to get to the healing stages of grief because we are still in the midst of such pain.

However, this pandemic has also revealed our determination and commitment and love of serving Jesus.  In mid-March, within a week, pastors and congregations figured out how to worship on-line.  Worships around the Region are so creative!  Some congregations cautiously figured out how to return to the sanctuary.  Others continue to worship on-line. Some found worshiping outdoors to be particularly meaningful.

As time marched on, ministers and members found new ways to connect with their flock. Leadership teams stepped up to do more connecting with their people.  While it is not the same and while still longing to be together, folks till have their eyes fixed on Jesus giving thanks every Sunday, taking communion virtually, and offering gifts electronically.

Oklahoma congregations have found ways to continue their ministry in the community by feeding the hungry, preparing and serving hot meals and delivering, making backpacks, making activity bags and delivering to doorsteps, hosting drive bys for a celebration of a birthday or a graduation, renovating the pre-school areas or children’s areas, providing school for struggling students, paying attention to the health care workers and chaplain colleagues, taking a special offering for their neighbors or Week of Compassion. They altered their witness and care for one another the best they could when they could not be physically present with one another, especially in sickness or in death.  Oklahoma Disciples have picked up the essentials and are still witnesses to the love and grace of God.  It is hard and challenging us at every level.  And, it is beautiful. 

Click here to download the entire report in pdf format.