
General Assembly 2017 Promotional Sundays Set

July 31 • October 30 • January 29, ’17 • April 30, ’17

You have an opportunity this year to incorporate calls to attend the 2017 General Assembly with your worship and newsletters. Check this out!

• GA is providing a short video you can download from the promotion page to show before or during worship (or add to your website!).

• Just posted on the new General Assembly website is a document (in Word and  PDF) that contains text for newsletters/bulletins and suggested hymns for the fifth Sundays between now and the opening of the event.

• In addition there are communion and offering meditations and liturgies based on the Common Lectionary for the date.

• And the first two weeks of this month (and offered again in October and continuously from January to June) you can order polo shirts with the GA2017-Polo-ShirtGeneral Assembly logo to wear as promotion and also bring along to the event. Ten percent of all sales benefit Disciples Mission Fund. You can also order customization for a small fee and your purchase will still benefit DMF.

General Assembly registration opens Friday, July 8, 2016

2017-01-08T11:03:03-06:00Jul 5, 2016|Congregations|Comments Off on General Assembly 2017 Promotional Sundays Set

Central Area Disciples Men Invited to Quarterly Meeting

Disciples Men-logoThe quarterly meeting of the Central Area Disciples Men will be held at 6:30 pm on Thursday, July 14, 2016. The gathering will take place at Wildewood Christian Church (South Building), 6900 N. Kelley Ave., Oklahoma City.

Spouses are welcome to attend. Please phone your reservation for the $8.00 meal to Randy at (405) 306-9695 by Friday July 8.

2017-01-08T11:03:03-06:00Jul 5, 2016|Congregations|Comments Off on Central Area Disciples Men Invited to Quarterly Meeting

Authors Crossan and Campolo to Speak at Summer Events

FCC Edmond to Host Renowned Author John Dominic Crossan August 26-28

john_dominic_crossanFirst Christian Church in Edmond is pleased to host an educational weekend event featuring renowned author and New Testament scholar Dr. John Dominic Crossan August 26-28.

The event is open to the public and will include small group presentations throughout the weekend. Dr. Crossan will also preach at three worship services on August 28; service times are 8:15, 9:00 and 11:00 am at the church located at 201 E. 2nd Street in Edmond.

John Dominic Crossan has received awards for scholarly excellence from the American Academy of Religion, DePaul University, and an honorary doctorate from Stetson University, DeLand, FL. An author of twenty-seven books on the historical Jesus, the apostle Paul, and earliest Christianity, Crossan’s work has been translated into thirteen foreign languages. His most recent book is How to Read the Bible and Still Be a Christian: Struggling with Divine Violence from Genesis through Revelation (HarperOne, 2015).

For more information on the event contact the First Christian Church of Edmond (405) 341-3544 or go to

Tulsa’s East Side Christian Church Welcomes Author Tony Campola June 17-19

Tony CampoloOver his many years of Christian service, Tony Campolo has boldly challenged millions of people all over the world to respond to God’s boundless love by combining personal discipleship, evangelism, and social justice. East Side Christian Church, Tulsa, has scheduled a weekend of events to give people the opportunity to participate and be inspired by Tony’s powerful message of hope.

Baptist minister Tony Campolo is an American sociologist, author, public speaker and former spiritual advisor to U.S. President Bill Clinton. A professor emeritus of sociology at Eastern University, Campolo is founder and president of the Evangelical Association for the Promotion of Education. He has written more than 35 books, and is one of the founders of the Red Letter Christian movement.

Schedule of Activities

Friday, June 17
Noon: Private clergy lunch. Area ministers from all churches are invited.
7:00 pm: Speaker at a public event in the East Side CC sanctuary. This is the BIG event.

Saturday, June 18
7:00 pm: Speaker at Oklahomans for Equality, open to the public. 621 East 4th St., Tulsa, OK

Sunday, June 19
10:45 am: Preaching at East Side Christian Church
2:00 pm: Dessert social – all area Disciples of Christ invited

There will be no charge for any event, and books will be available for purchase as well as book signing at every event. For more information on the event contact East Side Christian Church, (918) 744-1377, 1438 South Indianapolis Tulsa, OK at the church website  Or Oklahomans for Equality (918) 743-4297.

2017-01-08T11:03:04-06:00Jun 6, 2016|Congregations|1 Comment

Laity and Clergy Events Examine Faith Traditions

“Beyond Coexistence” Series Explores Three Faith Traditions and Prayer

In an effort to understand the prayer traditions of Islam, Christianity and Judaism, local religious leaders will share their views of prayer in a series of messages this month at the Restoration Church at the Dome, 3700 N. Walker Ave. Oklahoma City.

Similarities can be acknowledged. Differences can be respected. And a big part of that journey is simply knowing. The “Beyond Coexistence” series looks at three faith traditions and their approach to prayer: Islam, Christianity, and Judaism.

Senior Imam Imad Enchassi, founder of the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City, was the guest speaker June 5. The Rev. John Malget, co-pastor at Restoration Church at the Dome, will be the speaker at 10:30 a.m. June 12. Rabbi Vered Harris, spiritual leader of Temple B’nai Israel, will be guest speaker at 10:30 a.m. June 19.

Church leaders said the purpose of the series is to move beyond coexistence in interfaith work and worship to an appreciation of the rich heritage that three of the world’s major faith communities share. It is believed that by sharing the differing but similar approaches to prayer by Muslims, Christians and Jews, a growing ecumenical spirit will be strengthened, they said.

For more information on the interfaith series contact: The Restoration Church at the Dome, (405) 525-6551, 3700 N. Walker Ave. Oklahoma City, OK or visit their Facebook page.

Clergy Discussion Group Sponsored by Western Oaks Christian Church

Clergy are invited to attend a new monthly Clergy Discussion Group, sponsored by Western Oaks Christian Church. This diverse group comes with no agenda but rather a time to gather to enjoy a meal together and converse with one another of various faith backgrounds.

When: Third Wednesday of every month, 12:00-1:00 pm.
Where: Temple B’nai Israel, 4901 N. Pennsylvania Ave., Oklahoma City
Lunch: Contact Western Oaks CC with lunch preferences (405) 789-8812


Oklahoma Gazette Article Features Historical Dome of Restoration Church

Restoration Church at the Dome (a Disciples of Christ congregation), along with the Okie Mod Squad, hosted the first Annual Oklahoma Modernism Weekend May 20-22. Oklahoma Gazette recounted the amazing story of Rev. Bill Alexander’s mission to build the “Church of Tomorrow!”. The architecture of “the Dome” is a Mid-Century Modern Icon, not just in Oklahoma City, but throughout the country. Read the article.

2017-01-08T11:03:04-06:00Jun 6, 2016|Congregations|Comments Off on Laity and Clergy Events Examine Faith Traditions

Family Fun at Metro Church

FCC Moore Family Fun Fest – Saturday June 11th

FCC Moore Fun FestMusic takes over First Christian Church in Moore starting at noon June 11, with a free live music festival, food trucks, and fun activities for all ages. This outdoor event will feature performances by The Red Dirt Road Band, Annie Oakley, The 3, and Kyle Reid. Bring your own blankets and chairs to enjoy the family fun festival.

Food trucks appearing include: Mutts Famous Hot Dogs & Burgers 12-2:30 pm, Taste of Soul Chicken & Waffles 3:30-6 pm, and Kona Ice 12-6pm.

Fun Fest runs noon-6 pm at First Christian Church in Moore, 629 NW 12 St. Moore, OK. For more information call (405) 794-6166.


2017-01-08T11:03:04-06:00Jun 6, 2016|Congregations|Comments Off on Family Fun at Metro Church

Disciples Women Join for Encounter 2016

Preparations are underway for the annual Oklahoma Disciples Women Encounter. This year’s theme is “Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace Piece”. First Christian Church Moore is hosting the event July 8-9.

Online registration is available now, and you’ll find all the details on the Disciples Women webpage.

“Speak your piece,” and “Hold your peace” are two common idioms in the English language. The spelling is often confused. That is not the case when the theme was chosen for Encounter 2016. There is logic in the difference.

“Hold your peace,” generally means to keep silent or not to say anything about something. It is often in traditional marriage vows, and usually in wedding ceremony scenes in old movies. Generally it means hold your peace and accept the changes. If someone is “at peace” with the situation, he/she is then obligated to speak of it no more, to keep silent. That is to hold your peace. In those movie wedding scenes it is always a dramatic moment after the person performing the ceremony speaks the words, “If any of you has reason why these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace.” In the movies this may be the time when the ex-lover runs forward and declares his or her love or some other shocking information that stops the ceremony.

The word chosen for Encounter 2016 theme is Piece; as in, your oration. Hold your piece. If you were at peace with the situation it would not need to be held. Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Piece implies that you have something to say on the matter, but if you do not share it at that time, you must hold it forever.

Speak your piece literally means to “speak aloud a piece of writing”. The understanding is we are encouraged to express our ideas, to make a statement.

To Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Piece also points us to scripture as the writing and wisdom on a situation, but if it is not shared, it must be held forever, perhaps lost to the situation. If scripture with God’s wisdom is held and not shared, we as disciples are not following God’s directive to share His word with the world.

Encounter 2016 is designed as your opportunity to be encouraged by the worship services, the keynote speakers, the workshops and your own reflective moments to be empowered to speak His word to the world.

The visual theme is PUZZLES. Why puzzles? Because living life as a Christian and striving to follow God’s plan for each of us, we encounter mysteries, enigmas, riddles, conundrums, posers, problems, dilemmas, and brain teasers; all puzzling. Each of us is a part of the bigger puzzle of society. We are all called to speak our piece with others and clarify our piece of God’s Kingdom here on earth.

Women’s status and freedoms were severely limited by Jewish law and custom in ancient Israel, as they were in essentially all other cultures at the time.

Christ overthrew many centuries of Jewish law and custom. He consistently treated women and men as equals. He violated numerous Old Testament regulations, which specified gender inequality. He refused to follow the behavioral rules established by the three main Jewish religious groups of the day: the Essenes, Pharisees and Sadducees. He ignored ritual impurity laws: Mark 5:25-34 He talked to foreign women: John 4:7 to 5:30 and in Matthew 15:22-28. He taught women students: In Luke 10:38-42, He taught Mary, sister of Martha.

Luke 13:16 describes how He cured a woman from an indwelling Satanic spirit. He called her a daughter of Abraham, thus implying that she had equal status with sons of Abraham. “The expression ‘son of Abraham’ was commonly used to respectfully refer to a Jew, but ‘daughter of Abraham’, was an unknown parallel phrase…It occurs nowhere else in the Bible.” It seems to be a designation created by Jesus.

He accepted women into his inner circle: Luke 8:1-3 describes the inner circle of Jesus’ followers: twelve male disciples and an unspecified number of female supporters (Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna and “many others.”) It would appear that about half of His closest followers were women.

He appeared first to one or more women after His resurrection: Matthew 28:9-10 describes how Mary Magdalene and “the other Mary” were the first followers of Jesus to meet Him after His resurrection.  Women were present at Jesus’ execution: Matthew 27:55-56 and Mark 15:40-41 describe many women who followed Jesus from Galilee and were present at His crucifixion.

Jesus called women to be an integral part of His ministry then and He continues to call us today.

Now more than ever before, it is time for us to speak our piece. The puzzles of the world are challenging us each and every day.

The stated Christian Women’s Fellowship Purpose calls us to be proactive in our ministries. The CWF Scripture, 1John 1:3, calls us to “declare” to others what we have seen and heard. The CWF Opening Prayer we recite at every meeting and event calls us to service. Our CWF Benediction sends us into the world to “Speak our Piece!”

It is the hope of all who worked to plan, implement and present this Encounter 2016 that you experience an encounter with Christ that inspires you to be a speaker of His word to the world.


Penny Hampton,
Encounter 2016 co-director

2017-01-08T11:03:07-06:00May 10, 2016|Congregations, Disciples Women|Comments Off on Disciples Women Join for Encounter 2016

Disciples Men to Hang Their Hats at Ft. Worth General Conference

General Conference of Disciples Men
Sessions 2016
Hang Your Hat in Fort Worth
At Texas Christian University

July 8-10, 2016

You are a man, active in leadership in a congregation, or you would probably not be reading this far. You may be wondering, “Is it worth the trip?”

We, the General Conference of Disciples Men, know that it is. We all struggle with many of the same problems in our congregations and we know the value of fellowship, exploring our calling as leaders, hands-on mission, and having fun while doing all that.

The Sessions agenda includes hearing about “Being a Man in the Local Church” from Todd Adams and “Three Big Mistakes Churches Make” from Newell Williams.

There will be workshops both introspective and practical, repeated so all can participate. We will learn about “Soul Repair” with Rita Brock and “Fiduciary Responsibility” with Todd Adams. And Bible study with Dr. Warren Carter, Professor of New Testament at TCU.

We will hang our hats out and about with optional activities, a bus tour of Fort Worth, a tour of the TCU athletics department, or a mission project at a local food pantry.

And we will worship Sunday morning with Alvin Jackson leading us in proclamation and hope as we set off for home knowing that we have been called by name and with new experiences to share where we hang our hats.

The program starts with dinner at 6:00 pm, Friday, July 8 and ends after 8:30 am worship on Sunday, July 10. Download a schedule.

Come and see—God is calling!

You can register online now at:

Or at the Registration link at Or by downloading the paper registration form and sending it in with your fees.

2016-04-04T16:02:32-05:00Apr 4, 2016|Congregations, Disciples Men|Comments Off on Disciples Men to Hang Their Hats at Ft. Worth General Conference

Quilt Squares Arriving for Regional Assembly Mission Quilt

We’re excited to see the creatively crafted quilt squares arriving for Regional Assembly. Congregations are asked to submit a quilt square representing their mission activities.

The squares will be assembled into a large quilt and displayed at Regional Assembly on April 29-30 at FCC Tulsa.

Want to be a part of this project? Look for all the details here – and hurry! Deadline for submission is March 15th.


2016-03-10T11:09:22-06:00Mar 10, 2016|Congregations|Comments Off on Quilt Squares Arriving for Regional Assembly Mission Quilt

Disciples4Water Welcomes Rev. ELIKI Bonanga & Rev. Marco Cable

Come hear Rev. Bonanga and Rev. Cable share their stories of the partnership between the Community of Disciples of Christ in Congo (CDCC), Disciples4Water, a ministry of First Christian Church Edmond; Global Ministries, and Oklahoma based Water4.  Together, these organizations have trained and equipped drilling teams in the Congo and have completed over 30 water wells. These wells have changed lives and brought life-giving water to thousands of people.
We invite you to join in the conversation as we find new ways to provide safe, clean drinking water to communities across the world.

Saturday, April 1, 2016  from 11:30am – 1:00pm
First Christian Church Edmond
201 East 1st Street, Edmond, OK
Lunch $5.00
For more information, contact Janet Helms at, visit our Facebook page at Disciples4Water, or visit
2017-01-08T11:03:07-06:00Mar 9, 2016|Congregations|Comments Off on Disciples4Water Welcomes Rev. ELIKI Bonanga & Rev. Marco Cable

New at Regional Assembly! City Wide Mission Work

This year’s Regional Assembly gets hands on! With 8 different mission sites city-wide there is something for everyone. Find a mission site that matches your passion!

Mission work will take place Saturday morning from 9:30-11:30 after we’ve shared breakfast and completed the short regional assembly business meeting.

Let’s Get to Work!Festival of Missions 4x3 Slide

Green Thumb?

Do you have a green thumb? Do you like to weed or water plants? Then join Harvard Avenue Christian Church to work in their community garden by pulling weeds and watering plants.

Feed the Hungry?

Perhaps you have a passion for feeding ministries! You can help repackage and sort donated food and other grocery items in the Product Recovery Room at the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma.

Help provide fully nutritious food packages for impoverished children through partnerships with humanitarian organizations in the USA and worldwide by working with Stamp Out Starvation.

FCC Tulsa “Snack Packs” feed the hungry in downtown Tulsa. Snack Packs are handed out at FCC Tulsa 3 days a week to help feed hungry people. We need your help in these easy-to-assemble packaging process.

Nature Fan?

Perhaps you are big on nature. You can join the Oxley Nature Center at Mohawk Park to help clean trails and brush for local hikers.

Donate Blood to Save Lives

Consider signing up to be a part of the #BloodDonorChallenge by giving blood on site at First Christian Church Tulsa for the Oklahoma Blood Institute. The Oklahoma Blood Institute is the local non-profit, blood bank that provides blood products to almost 90% of the state of Oklahoma’s hospital facilities.

Sign up online at to make your appointment

Animal Lover

Maybe you are an animal lover. At the Tulsa SPCA you will be either painting the night kennels for the dogs or walking dogs and socializing (playing with) dogs and helping them to socialize with others dogs.

Hygiene Kits for CWS

Consider assembling hygiene kits for Church World Service or bring items for the kits. This mission project takes place at FCC Tulsa. Click here for a full list of items to donate.

There is something for everyone! Register for Regional Assembly and reserve your space at the mission site of your choice. Be sure to review the mission site descriptions as some sites require special clothing and volunteer applications to participate. It’s easy to serve! Help us spread the word #RAOK16

2017-01-08T11:03:07-06:00Mar 8, 2016|Congregations|Comments Off on New at Regional Assembly! City Wide Mission Work
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