Pamela Holt Blog

Remembering the Saints

By Regional Minister Pamela Holt

Because November 1st fell on a Tuesday this year, many Disciples in Oklahoma celebrated All Saint’s Day on October 30th or November 6th. Thank you for remembering those saints in your midst who have walked this journey before you and alongside you.

The Regional Church also celebrates All Saint’s Day by remembering our clergy who have gone before us this last year.  We keep a library of these faithful servants on our website. These saints said “yes!” to the call of God to serve vocationally. These saints planted seeds of faith formation over the years and found great joy in preaching, teaching, caring, and offering God’s forgiveness and grace around many tables. They also presided at funerals and officiated weddings, and baptized many. We remember and give thanks.

This past week, I had the privilege of preaching at Yale Avenue Christian Church in Tulsa. I took the opportunity to invite us to also be “saints” with a story from my journal. I do not know the original source.

I learned about a congregation who took their Halloween celebration and tied it to a celebration of All Saint’s Day in a little bit different way. The did this by inviting everyone to come to church on Sunday morning dressed as their favorite saint. St. Paul was there, as well as Saint Francis. Saint Nicholas made an appearance, and Saint John the Baptist showed up too, with his head on a platter!

Then there were those who did not follow the instructions at all. Or maybe, they just had a better understanding of what the word “saint” means. There were a couple of cowboys present, and many people came dressed in the costumes of nurses and doctors, constructions workers and policemen, firefighters and even a politician. One even dressed up as a minister.

At the end of the party awards were given out to those with the best costumes, and then everyone was given a glittery halo to wear. Made with Christmas tinsel, they were beautiful things that hovered over every person’s head just like the real thing might. And then everyone marched into the church sanctuary and took their place for a time of worship with their halos bobbing and swaying and sparkling in the light of candles. The minister wrote, “I was amazed at how funny and eerie and even beautiful this all looked. There were all kinds of people there, from all the different times and places on earth, and binding them all together, making them one, were those delicate, beautiful halos, linking each person with the others and everyone there with all God’s saints in all times and places.”

Saints are not just those in our past who we remember and to whom we are still connected by love. They are also all of us who are baptized, proclaiming Jesus as our Lord & Savior, who gather at the Lord’s Table every week where all are invited to eat the bread and drink from the cup of the new covenant, and who strive every day to love and serve as Jesus. I hope we can recognize our holiness amidst our humanness. It is a thin place to be. Thanks be to God.

You may view those we honor in Oklahoma on our Saints page.

2022-11-22T15:28:03-06:00Nov 22, 2022|Pamela Holt Blog, Regional News|Comments Off on Remembering the Saints

College of Regional Ministers Bring a Variety of Gifts

By Pamela G. Holt, 09.09.2022

Finally, we gathered in-person! After two years and five months, on July 21-23, 2022, the College of Regional Ministers and the Fellowship of Regional Moderators gathered in Fort Worth, Texas to learn, to worship, to fellowship, and to eat good food! We had such a good time being in one another’s presence!

On Saturday, just the Regional Ministers met together, and our meeting opened with worship and a time to get re-acquainted. The first exercise invited each of us to name two gifts we bring to the College. The following is a list of just a few of the various gifts we share together in our ministries.

Generation x representation
Saying hard things
Spiritual direction & formation
Holy impatience
Sense of humor

The second exercise invited each of us to name something we have done recently that was inspiring.

Helped my mom to make end of life decisions
Got a new puppy
Attended my best friend’s wedding
Sold a home
Served as a church camp counselor
Enjoyed a beautiful sunset during summer camp worship
Read the Lord of the Rings Trilogy for the first time
Learned to quilt
Made a “hole in one” while playing golf
Completed a major life goal
Pilgrimage to Ghost Ranch
Trip to Martha’s Vineyard
Read the US Constitution and Amendments
Traveled back to my hometown NYC
Hiked the Continental Divide to an elevation of 11,800 ft
Attended granddaughter’s graduation

As you can begin to see, Regional Ministers together reflect a diverse, extraordinary group of individuals with a variety of gifts and passions, just like our diverse Regions. Regional Ministers also bring a vast collection of ministerial experiences. We are often referred to as consultants or administrators, but also we are pastors. We hope and pray we are still alert in our vocation as pastors who, Martin Marty writes, “are daily engaged in discovering, as [we] unearth old, often ancient stories for the light [we] throw in an otherwise shadowy or dark world of human activity.” Cynthia G. Lindner, Varieties of Gifts, (Roman & Littlefield, 2016), forward vii-viii, (adapted).

I am grateful to serve as a Regional Minister and to be a part of this very gifted group of colleagues! Enjoy!

2022-10-10T10:57:01-05:00Oct 10, 2022|Pamela Holt Blog, Regional News|Comments Off on College of Regional Ministers Bring a Variety of Gifts

Pentecost Sunday Celebrations

By Regional Minister Pamela Holt

When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place . . .

Pentecost was an exciting Sunday in Oklahoma. Michael and I noticed and participated in many congregations across our region celebrating the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. We are grateful to see such renewed energy and spirit among Oklahoma Disciples.

On the morning of Pentecost Sunday, I had the honor and privilege of worshiping at Broken Arrow First Christian Church. It was particularly moving because on this Sunday, four congregations became one family, and we installed Rev. Shane Hickey as the minister.

You remember that Rev. Glenn Davis died at the end of 2021 which left Broken Arrow First without a minister. Broken Arrow Fellowship sold their building to the school district, and they agreed to merge with Broken Arrow FCC. Owasso Disciples had already begun to worship with BA Fellowship so they came along too, also selling their building. And New Life Fellowship Christian Church is an Ethiopian congregation nesting in Broken Arrow FCC. These four congregations made a covenant to unite as the family of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Here’s the litany:

Leader: On this day of Pentecost we celebrate the Spirit of God being poured out on us.
All: We are also here today to celebrate the coming together of our brothers and sisters in Christ to become one family.
Leader: Into this family comes First Christian Church, Fellowship Christian, Disciples Owasso and New Life Fellowship.
All: We have all come together to worship God, to work to fulfill the ministry of Jesus Christ and to empower not only each other with the Holy Spirit, but empower all who enter these doors to be the church we are called to be. We are all now the family of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), the one, whole body of Christ forever! Amen.

Near the communion table was a small table adorned with four taper candles and a unity candle. At the end of the litany above, a representative of each congregation came and together each lit the unity candle symbolizing the covenant of love and serving together. Following this covenant, we installed Rev. Shane Hickey as the pastor of Broken Arrow First Christian Church. It was a moving and memorable morning.

On the evening of Pentecost Sunday, I traveled from Broken Arrow over to Mustang for another moving and memorable fellowship dinner and worship experience. Three of the four congregations in Canadian County came together for a Pentecost gathering: El Reno FCC, Yukon West Point, and Mustang FCC. With joy, these Disciples gathered for a meal and conversation and then gathered in the sanctuary for singing and preaching. Rev. Dr. Lisa Barnett preached a wonderful sermon on the Holy Spirit’s presence in the early years of Disciples at Cane Ridge. The offering collected was designated to treat our summer camp counselors.

. . . They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.

Pentecost was a good Sunday! May the Spirit continue to be upon us all.

Regional Minister Rev. Pamela Holt installing Rev. Shane Hickey at First Christian Church Broken Arrow.

(pictured l-r) Pastor Lisa Wynn, West Point; Regional Minister Rev. Pamela Holt; Rev. Colton Lott, FCC El Reno, speaker Rev. Dr. Lisa Barnett, Phillips Seminary; and Pastor Randy Martin, Mustang CC.

2022-06-14T08:55:11-05:00Jun 13, 2022|Congregations, Pamela Holt Blog|Comments Off on Pentecost Sunday Celebrations

What more can we do?

“Everybody has a story that will break your heart.  And if you’re paying close enough attention, most people have a story that will bring you to your knees.”  Brene Brown (The Summer Sister Series on The Gifts of Imperfection, Part 1 of 6, June 23, 2021)

There are many of us who have stories that will break our hearts. In the last month we have seen stories on climate change, wild fires, Afghanistan, hurricanes, flooding, earthquakes, COVID-19.  If we are paying close enough attention, these stories will bring us to our knees. Our prayers are necessary for our heart and soul as we pray, sometimes with no words, for comfort and care as well as hope to pour forth on those who are hurting and suffering.

What more can we do?  We can use our gifts and our resources in several ways to help bring comfort, care, and hope to our siblings near and far.  Week of Compassion is working endless hours around the world.  You care by reading about their work on our behalf below and you bring comfort and hope by offering a donation before you leave the website.  Creating Church World Service Emergency Clean-up Buckets (or Health Kits) is a way for your community to have a hands-on, working together opportunity to bring comfort, care, and hope upon delivery to people in disaster areas.  The COVID-19 vaccination is also a wonderful way for us to protect ourselves, our families, our neighbors, and all our children, from this highly contagious virus that has become unpredictable for our health and the world’s health and well-being.  Our prayers and our work together will certainly bring healing and wholeness to this broken and fragmented world in ways that we cannot yet see, but is promised through Jesus Christ.  Let’s be disciples of Christ . . .

Hurricane and Flooding Damage

Welcoming Afghanistan refugee families

Relief efforts needed for Haiti earthquake

2021-09-14T11:03:08-05:00Sep 14, 2021|Pamela Holt Blog|Comments Off on What more can we do?

Wonderful! Restful! Fruitful!

This summer, the Region granted me a three month sabbatical.  I was hungry for some rest, yes, but I was also very hungry to find a deeper, stronger, more resilient faith.  After a wonderful, restful, and fruitful sabbatical, I am pleased to return to the call to serve the Regional Church!  I am grateful for the Regional Executive Committee and the Regional Board for their encouragement and support for this sabbatical time.  And I am also grateful for the Regional Staff and Rev. Paxton Jones for their dedication, knowledge, and wisdom to continue the ministry as expected.

So what did I do on this sabbatical?  Several things.  On May 1st, Randy and I moved temporarily to a cottage on a sizable horse ranch in Mineral Wells, Texas.  We brought our cat, our dog, and our two horses with us.  While there, we also welcomed a feral cat, a longhorn, and a crawdad!  The month of May was a muddy mess.  It rained every single day!

I began this sabbatical by taking the Faith Institute’s “Teaching Healthy Boundaries 101 & 201.” While this course was intended for me to join our other trainers in preparation for teaching Healthy Boundaries to clergy, it really helped me understand more fully why self-care boundaries are so important for clergy, even during sabbaticals.

Randy and I both were refreshed in our souls by sharing many evenings with friends we have not seen in several years. Around many tables, we broke bread and drank wine. We laughed and we wept with one another as we shared our joys and lamented our sorrows we had experienced over the last several years.

Family Time

We spent two weeks of this sabbatical time in Pagosa Springs, Colorado where we gathered with our children, our three year old grandson, and Randy’s sister and brother-in-law. This time was absolutely delight-full as we ate together and played together. Our adventures included fishing, hiking, shopping, and exploring through the eyes of a three year old! We also gathered as family at Lobo Lookout at Wolf Creek Pass to finally spread the ashes of our son Brook who died in December of 2018.

We also gathered with my family to finally join the ashes of my mother, Shirley Green, with my father in Arlington, Texas.

Sorrow permeated my sabbatical when Rev. Dr. Don Pittman died. And that same week, my favorite professor from TCU, Dr. Ronald B. Flowers died, and Rev. Bob Stewart died. All three of these men influenced my call to ministry in profound ways. I cling to the joy of knowing them and remembering them in simple and profound ways.

True Connection

The pinnacle of my sabbatical was a surprise invitation to participate in an eight day horse conference north of Dallas, Texas.  The leader would be a woman I had never heard of, Ingela Larsson Smith, a professional horsewoman from Canada, who was offering an opportunity to have “True Connection” with your horse.  I had one hour to decide and pay to reserve my place.  I had the time, the horse, the trailer, and the money, and a very supportive husband!

Of course, I went with one set of expectations and came away awed and fulfilled . . . let me explain, very simply.  In the first lecture, Ingela shared that she was a professional dressage rider and horse trainer around the world. She has trained the Queen of England’s horses and horses for the Sheik in the Middle East. Impressive, right? But she continued to say that her performance path left her heart yearning for something more, something deeper. So she turned to the Christian faith. She shared with her twelve students that we could never have “true connection” with our horses unless we had a “true connection with God.”  Full stop, right?  In other words, we as humans can make horses perform and work, but for a horse to choose us as a leader, and choose to be in relationship with us, we have to find a way to be fully present.

Before we ever got to the arena with our horses, she invited us to consider our relationship with God.  God’s deepest desire, or hunger, is that we will choose to be in full relationship with God.  That is easier said that done and where we often get confused. For a visual, Ingela placed three chairs in front of us.  One of the three chairs represented the unbelievers in the world.  People who have not yet heard the good news or choose not to believe it.  A second chair represented all the believers, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, all those who believe in God and have a faith tradition.  This is a good place to be, of course, but it is a place where we are also driven by the cultural demands of society . . . achieving, doing, ladders to success, demands. It becomes a place where we begin to hunger for more and more only to discover exhaustion and depletion.

The third chair represented God — the full, unconditional, steadfast love of God, who is fully present to us and lavishes us with love and grace when we choose to be in God’s presence, every time.  This is the place to gently push aside and silence the many voices that question our goodness and to trust that you will hear a voice of blessing, and most importantly to realize that God walks with us, together.  Ingela asked us, “In which chair would you like to sit?”

Of course, we all opted for the third chair because we are deeply hungry for this true connection with God, but we realized that we all, even as the best disciples of Christ, find ourselves in the second chair most often, distracted by the demands of our culture and daily work/tasks, and often lured by the critical voices in our head.  To have true connection with your horse, Ingela said, you must find your way into the chair of God for yourself, to be loved without any distraction, to be fully and truly accepted for all that you are created in God’s image, and to be anointed over and over again with goodness and mercy. This, Ingela said, is the kind of presence you will need to be with your horse — fully present in your mind, in your heart, in your soul.  At that moment, your horse will find true connection with you and you will walk together.

In the afternoon practical applications of Ingela’s lectures with our horses, all twelve of us found that magical and mystical moment of true connection with our horses. As you might imagine, holding on to it is another challenge!

I was on the edge of my seat for every word Ingela uttered about faith and relationships. And, feeling truly inspired and connected, equipped and empowered, I have discovered a new level of servant leadership both with my horse and with ministry. What I know for sure is that it is not all about me, it is about “we” and what we do together.

Again, I am deeply grateful for this time of rest and renewal to discover a deeper, stronger, more resilient connection with God, and I am equally as grateful to return to you as we do ministry together!

Peace & God’s Grace,

2021-08-10T12:40:35-05:00Aug 10, 2021|Pamela Holt Blog, Regional News|Comments Off on Wonderful! Restful! Fruitful!

Ready? Set? Go! Wait, I’m not ready!

Remember the children’s game, “Ready?  Set?  Go!”  These are the words I’m hearing in my mind as I prepare to depart my Regional responsibilities for a long awaited three month sabbatical. Am I “ready?”  No, I’m not!  Am I “set?”  Wait! I’m not ready!

I entered into the work force when I was 15 years old, and I have worked every year since with only two weeks vacation most years. In the latter years, four weeks but I never took all four at once. I was eligible for a sabbatical in 2007, but I gave it to my colleague instead who desperately needed it. I was eligible for a sabbatical again in 2013, but I chose to forego it so I could apply for this current position. I was supposed to take this sabbatical last year, but COVID-19 came. This year, I’m going, ready or not!

I have created a list of things to do while on sabbatical! After being trained to become a Healthy Boundaries trainer, my list includes rigorous exercise, playing with horses, reading a long list of books, writing every day, volunteering at a local community garden or food pantry, burying my mother’s ashes and spreading our son’s ashes, and reconnecting with family and many (vaccinated) friends.

My executive coach, Rev. Cameron Trimble, has advised me to set aside this long, too-long, list of things to do. Rather, she says, I need to make a list of ways “to be” ~ to rest and reclaim the person God has intended. Robert Saler in Planning Sabbaticals reminds me of the same wisdom in four important points:

  1. He recommends taking the “joy vs. obligation test.” Is the activity on my list going to bring joy or is it an obligation? Sounds a bit like Marie Kondo!
  2. He cautions not to make the mistake of creating a bucket list rather than balancing energy. The goals of a renewal leave all depend upon a deliberate pace with lots of “downtime” for reflection and processing built in.
  3. He encourages reveling in unplanned detours, surprises, or other deviations from the “script”. In other words, make space for improvisation or the Holy Spirit.
  4. Most of all . . . dream.  Breathe. Give yourself over to the vulnerability of showing the world what it is that feeds your soul. That trust is the cornerstone of sabbaticals that renew and delight. Robert Saler, Planning Sabbaticals, (Missouri: Chalice Press, 2019) 39-48.

I think I will listen to these two wise, experienced mentors who are both encouraging me to practice being and not doing. I truly pray my time away will be filled with the grace and mercy of God to be renewed and prepared for a new season of shared ministry and mission with you all.

So, ready or not, I am going! As I walk out the door in a few weeks I am reminded of Wayne Muller’s words:

“Jesus did not wait until everyone had been properly cared for, until all who sought him had healed. He did not ask permission to go, nor did he leave anyone behind “on call,” or even let his disciples know where he was going. Jesus obeyed a deeper rhythm. When the moment for rest had come, the time for healing was over. He would simply stop, retire to a quiet place, and pray . . . When Jesus prayed he was at rest, nourished by the healing spirit that saturates those still, quiet places.”  Wayne Muller, Sabbath: Finding Rest, Renewal, and Delight in Our Busy Lives (New York: Bantam, 1999), 25.

Like Jesus, I am going, leaving some tasks untended. Unlike Jesus, I have permission! And, I am leaving you in the very competent hands of Rev. Paxton Jones, the Acting Regional Minister, Associate Regional Minister Rev. Michael Davison, and Executive Assistant Ellen Spleth, who serve as the Regional Staff, and of course, the Regional Executive Committee and Board are equipped to handle anything that might arise. Thank you all for this privilege of rest and to be nourished by the healing spirit.

2021-04-07T13:43:05-05:00Apr 7, 2021|Pamela Holt Blog, Regional News|Comments Off on Ready? Set? Go! Wait, I’m not ready!

Ministry in Extraordinary Times

The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Oklahoma
Report to the General Board
Prepared by Pamela G. Holt, Regional Minister
December 21, 2020 

Continuing to Connect, Empower, and Equip Oklahoma Disciples to Love & Serve Like Jesus In a Pandemic

No one has been exempt from this unprecedented season of a pandemic.  Life began to change rapidly in mid-March and all aspects of ministry changed for clergy and congregations.  The grief, from transitioning to on-line worship and deaths, is real and deep and feels unending.  We’ve seen in clergy and congregations stages of denial, anger, tears, frustration, depression.  It is difficult to get to the healing stages of grief because we are still in the midst of such pain.

However, this pandemic has also revealed our determination and commitment and love of serving Jesus.  In mid-March, within a week, pastors and congregations figured out how to worship on-line.  Worships around the Region are so creative!  Some congregations cautiously figured out how to return to the sanctuary.  Others continue to worship on-line. Some found worshiping outdoors to be particularly meaningful.

As time marched on, ministers and members found new ways to connect with their flock. Leadership teams stepped up to do more connecting with their people.  While it is not the same and while still longing to be together, folks till have their eyes fixed on Jesus giving thanks every Sunday, taking communion virtually, and offering gifts electronically.

Oklahoma congregations have found ways to continue their ministry in the community by feeding the hungry, preparing and serving hot meals and delivering, making backpacks, making activity bags and delivering to doorsteps, hosting drive bys for a celebration of a birthday or a graduation, renovating the pre-school areas or children’s areas, providing school for struggling students, paying attention to the health care workers and chaplain colleagues, taking a special offering for their neighbors or Week of Compassion. They altered their witness and care for one another the best they could when they could not be physically present with one another, especially in sickness or in death.  Oklahoma Disciples have picked up the essentials and are still witnesses to the love and grace of God.  It is hard and challenging us at every level.  And, it is beautiful. 

Click here to download the entire report in pdf format.

2021-03-09T06:29:29-06:00Mar 8, 2021|Pamela Holt Blog|Comments Off on Ministry in Extraordinary Times

Which Story Will You Choose?

Dear Friends in Ministry,

Thank you for serving as a minister in the Region of Oklahoma! I am always grateful for your pastoral presence, your leadership, and your faithfulness especially in the last few months. I know you all are physically, mentally, and spiritually weary from all that you have had to do to transition to on-line worship. And yet, you are still hopeful, encouraging, and caring for your flock in amazing, creative ways. While I highly recommend some down time for rest and re-creation, I also realize this weekend is bringing another round of anxiety, especially in Tulsa.

The Presidential Rally is headed to Tulsa. Hundreds of thousands of people will be attending this Presidential Rally. My mind and heart cannot even fathom the timing of this event on Saturday, June 20th, for a couple of reasons. June 19th is the celebration of the Emancipation Proclamation, and Tulsa’s history includes one of the worst race massacres in history in 1921. I also am having a difficult time imagining all the people already arriving in Tulsa expecting to stay in hotels and eating. Yes, the economy will receive a boost with sales. Yes, the protests will be significant, extensive, and maybe tumultuous, despite all efforts to be peaceful. Unfortunately, the biggest attender of this event will be Covid-19.

The Digital Poor People’s Campaign is also on Saturday, June 20th. This campaign is a movement of tens of of thousands of people across our nation who will be participating safely from their own homes. This campaign seeks to end the interlocking injustices of systemic racism, poverty, militarism and the war economy, ecological devastation, and the distorted moral narrative of religious nationalism. The Poor People’s Campaign needs our presence, our voice of advocacy, and our dollars to make a difference in our fragmented world.

I do not wish to tell you what to choose because both are important each in their own way. But I do wish to share that my family and I are participating in the Poor People’s Campaign. I am participating in this campaign because I want to stand with and advocate FOR our most vulnerable neighbors, the millions of poor and low-income people, with my presence and my dollars. These people are blessed, they matter to me and my family, and I believe our voices matter more in this movement.

We are certainly in a holy and historical season of uncertainty, deep grief, and hope. I continue to pray mightily for each and every one of you, your families, your church members, your community, our Region. As we rise strong to follow a call to action for justice, may God’s love, peace, and grace continue to surround us and speak through our voices.

Peace & God’s Grace,

P.S. If you would like to participate in the June 20 Digital Poor People’s Campaign, here is a link for more information. The Mass Poor People’s Assembly & Moral March on Washington

2020-06-18T09:29:29-05:00Jun 18, 2020|Clergy News, Pamela Holt Blog|Comments Off on Which Story Will You Choose?

A New Season: Pentecost!

Acts 2:1-2
When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place.  And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting.

Just imagine this scene with me for a moment.  We live in Oklahoma where if this storm were coming, David Payne would be entertaining us with warnings and the community sirens and our phones would be blaring!  We would take cover, either in a shelter or in our bathroom with helmets and pillows, and quite possibly, we would miss the miracle of Pentecost.  The miracle where God pours out the Spirit on “all flesh”.

Craig S. Keener notes that “God’s promise in Joel crossed barriers of age, gender, and free or slave status. . . . Peter changes Joel’s wording with respect to slaves:  now the Spirit is for all who are God’s servants.  This might remind us that all of us come to God as servants, on the same level. . . . Although Joel’s wording already crossed class barriers, the new wording virtually eliminates such classes. The world still evaluates us in socioeconomic terms, but Jesus’ followers must value and treat each other as siblings of equal dignity.”  (Craig Keener, Connections: Acts 2:1-21, Commentary 2:  Connecting the Reading with the World, p. 337)

Oklahoma storms are terrifying, and we must take shelter.  However, on this Sunday of Pentecost, perhaps we trust our God and be courageous enough to  linger from taking shelter so that we can be witnesses of this mighty miracle and all become transformed to be servants of the Lord: valuing and treating each other as siblings of equal dignity.

Speaking of courage and lingering . . .

All of you are doing a fantastic ministry worshiping on-line and connecting and caring for your flock in amazing and creative ways. Michael and I wander around the region each week to join you and celebrate the goodness of the Lord among you.

As statements are made and expectations are rising, I feel your anxiety and apprehension about returning to worship in the sanctuary.  While some communities in our region do not have high numbers of Covid-19 and feel comfortable gathering on Sunday mornings, many of our communities are struggling with “when” to re-gather for worship. The Region is still advocating for the numbers to be trending down for fourteen days before returning to in-person gathering for worship. It takes courage to linger, to go slow, to bring everyone one along on the journey. But I realize that may not be possible for your congregation to wait. It also takes courage to re-gather now. There is so much to do to make the space safe for  everyone.  And even then the risk is high. In these days of multiple vulnerabilities, I pray that you and your flock will continue in faith and hope and be courageous to discover new and profound ways to love and serve all people as Jesus does in a time such as this.

On this arduous journey, I also know you all are exhausted ~ exhausted from preparing words of faith, hope, and God’s steadfast love each week, from navigating the tech and wondering who is watching, and continuing to connect with parishioners in unprecedented ways. After Pentecost Sunday, I hope and pray that you will be courageous and take some days for rest and recreation.  You deserve it and need it.


In case you have not seen these statements, I offer them here for easy resourcing.

National Council of Churches Statement on Returning to Worship in Person

General Minister and President on re-opening congregations by Rev. Terri Hord Owens

Regional Ministers Offer a Word on Re-Opening Congregations

Digital Poor People’s Campaign

One last, but important item.  If you have ever wanted to take part in the Poor People’s Campaign but were not able to do so because of travel costs, or time away, here is your chance!  The Poor People’s Campaign will be a virtual assembly on Saturday, June 20, 2020.  I invite you to participate as you are able.

Poor People’s Campaign, a Digital Justice Gathering, on Saturday, June 20, 2020, which includes a link to the Digital Toolkit.


Gratefully, we are accompanied by a God who promises to be with us always, still speaking words of hope and healing, as we courageously continue to move toward wholeness.

Peace & God’s Grace,

Pamela Holt

“The prophetic tasks of the church are to tell the truth in a society that lives in illusion, grief in a society that practices denial, and express hope in a society that lives in despair.”  ~ Walter Brueggemann


Image credit:  Extreme weather on the high plains of Nebraska with this stunning LP supercell Mesocyclone, taken near Broken Bow, Nebraska, USA. Getty Images

2020-05-28T09:14:39-05:00May 28, 2020|Clergy News, Pamela Holt Blog|Comments Off on A New Season: Pentecost!

A Message from Rev. Pam Holt: Return to Worship or Still Safer at Home?

Return to Worship or Still Safer at Home?

Rev. Pam Holt, Regional Minister

We been practicing being “safer at home” for about six weeks now.  Like you, I lament that life has changed.  We cannot be with our family or our friends to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries in ways we are accustomed. We have cancelled weddings, graduations, and vacations.  We’ve cancelled many Regional and church events. We cannot even gather in person in our sanctuaries for worship or funerals. These days of safer at home are very hard, but I want to thank you for your part in loving your neighbor and yourself in staying home to stay safe and well.

I have been amazed at the wonderful worship services that are happening all around our denomination and our Region on-line, through live streaming. I am grateful for technology that allows us to be in worship together and share time around the Lord’s table through our devices.

In the past few days, we have learned that in Oklahoma, worship spaces can be opened for in-person gatherings beginning May 3rd. Please, please, don’t rush into returning to your sanctuary!

Following the guidelines and wisdom of the Centers for Disease Control and the Oklahoma Health Department, we know that the risks for in-person gatherings are still VERY HIGH.

The Region is strongly encouraging all of our congregations to continue to worship on-line until safe and responsible protocols can be put in place for each of our worshipping communities.

In preparation for some day returning to in-person worship, the Region hosted conversation with clergy this past week and has provided worksheets and initial questions for clergy and leadership teams to start making a plan, in writing, about safe practices to return to gathered worship.  These resources are provided on our website at under the COVID-19 Resources “Thinking About Returning to Worship?”

Please take your time to have discussions and put protocols in place and communicate expectations to the members BEFORE returning to in-person worships.

We are here to help.  Remember, go slow.  Take time to think and plan, together.  For your neighbor.  For your self.  For your pastor.

Stay well.  Stay safe.  Stay connected.  Stay hopeful.

May God’s blessing of peace and protection and God’s grace and mercy continue to be upon us all.

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