Imagine God’s Love Revealed
We imagine God’s love revealed when Jesus called disciples to follow him
And we imagine God’s love revealed when our Region nurtures persons for ministry preparing them for ordination and commissioning.
We imagine God’s love revealed when Jesus drew his disciples into retreat
And we imagine God’s love revealed when our Region gathers children, youth, and adults in summer camps.
We imagine God’s love revealed when the Apostle Paul cared for congregations and helped them find their leaders
And we imagine God’s love revealed when our Region provides care for our pastors, encouragement to lay leaders, and support in transitions.
We imagine God’s love revealed when the early church found ways to break down racial, political, and economic barriers to form true community
And we imagine God’s love revealed when our Region assists pastors and congregations to honestly confront racism in our own time.
We imagine God’s love revealed when a young couple in Bethlehem, overwhelmed by God’s love, gave birth to one in whom they could see God’s face
And we imagine God’s love revealed when we see the face of God in our neighbor, the stranger, and the refugee.
We invite you to share your gift to the Christmas offering supporting the ministries of our Region as we continue our witness to God’s love in our midst.
The Christmas Offering is received December 12 & 19