
Church World Service Kits Program: Emergency Kit Depots Needed! Watch the Video

Watch a video about the emergency kits impact! 

A Letter From Church World Service:

As you might have heard, the CWS Kits program is a critical one for disaster responses both near and far. But we have one big problem: we don’t have an easy way for congregations in your area to collect the supplies needed to fuel those responses.

We’re determined to overcome that problem this year, which is why I’m reaching out to your congregation. We’re looking for one congregation to serve as our Emergency Kit Depot in your area when disasters strike the U.S. It’s a very low-maintenance commitment with a powerful outcome. Will you consider serving in this role?

As an Emergency Kit Depot, your congregation would open your doors for a limited period of time (around two months) following a major emergency, and only when CWS makes it clear that there is a need. This gives local congregations a place to drop off their emergency cleanup buckets, hygiene kits and school kits based on your availability.

Our team supplies almost everything you’d need to make this a smooth process: we communicate with local congregations, we send you a toolkit with preparation information, and we arrange for kits to be picked up at a date that is convenient for your congregation. You would simply be offering storage space and a handful of volunteers to help with the collection.

If your congregation is interested, I’d love to share more information with you about this important opportunity to see if it’s a mutual fit. Just complete this interest form and we’ll reach out to you right away – this is a first step in learning more, but it does not commit your congregation to the kits ministry.

Thanks so much for your support as we respond to more needs together,

Samantha Fore
Congregational Outreach Specialist
Church World Service

2019-07-01T13:18:27-05:00Jul 1, 2019|Congregations|Comments Off on Church World Service Kits Program: Emergency Kit Depots Needed! Watch the Video

Letter from the President of the Christian Church Commission

For more than 60 years, the Christian Church Commission, in relationship with The Christian Church (DOC) in Oklahoma, has been a part of the formation of almost 20 congregations in the greater Oklahoma City area. The Commission helped with my home church, Southern Hills Christian Church in Edmond, and may have helped with your church! In the past few years, the Commission has helped Iglesia Cristiana de Capitol Hill, Refuge Fellowship and Simplicity Christian Church with funding and support.

The Commission continues to pursue its mission of starting new churches in the Oklahoma City metropolitan area. We feel a real need to continue working toward bringing the Good News to all that we can reach.

As a Commission, we have not done a very good job lately of publicizing our mission, or even our existence! We hope to do a better job of that this year. As part of that process, we have updated our brochure. For those of you who attended the Leadership Training School in February, we hope you saw our booth and picked up a copy of the brochure.

We would love to have you join us in our mission and we would love to visit with you and your church to let you know how you can help. You may view our brochure HERE. If you would like copies of our brochure or for someone to come to your church and make a (short) presentation, please let us know. We would be happy to!

Karl F. Hirsch
Hirsch, Heath & White PLLC
901 Cedar Lake Boulevard
Oklahoma City, OK  73114
Telephone: (405) 235-1768

2019-06-26T12:50:26-05:00Jun 26, 2019|Congregations|Comments Off on Letter from the President of the Christian Church Commission

Week of Compassion at Work in Oklahoma

You Have Been Present . . .

In the last month, Oklahoma has sustained a severe weather pattern with unprecedented rain and tornadoes. El Reno endured flooding one week and a devastating tornado the next. The following communities also sustained flooding:  Stillwater, Ponca City, Skiatook, Chandler, Miami, Muskogee, Langley, and the greater Tulsa area.

Thank you for your generous giving to Week of Compassion and the Oklahoma Disaster Fund, not just this spring season, but EVERY TIME YOU GIVE.

Every time you give, and there is a disaster in the world or in Oklahoma, you are there.  Week of Compassion and Oklahoma Disaster Fund have provided assistance to individuals and congregations and will continue to do so because of your generosity.

Please continue praying for the long term disaster clean up in communities, for first responders who have rescued people and animals, for the Red Cross and the Medical Reserve Corps folks who are working endless hours with people, for the sandbaggers, for those who are providing clean water and a place to stay above water, for farmers who have lost crops, for those who still wrestle with weather anxiety, and who are battling extra mosquitoes, ants, and snakes. Your prayers hold a special place and fill the space between fear and safety.

Let us be grateful for our Disciples pastors who are prepared to stand alongside all those affected and members who are reaching out to love their neighbors in the name of Jesus Christ.

Images taken a few days after the first rain in May – view from I-35 and Ponca City exit. (Photo credit: Regional Minister Pam Holt)

2019-06-11T15:50:52-05:00Jun 11, 2019|Congregations|Comments Off on Week of Compassion at Work in Oklahoma

Phillips University Legacy Foundation J. Gottman Begins as Director of Development


ENID, OK June 3, 2019 — Phillips University Legacy Foundation is excited to announce that on Wednesday, May 1, J. Gottman began work as Director of Development. J. will work remotely, full time, from his home in Paducah, Kentucky, with regular trips to Enid as needed. He will serve in partnership with Executive Director, Kelly Coker, in support of the mission of PULF by providing scholarships and opportunities to educate and develop leaders who embody Christian values in their lives, service and work.

J. is a graduate of Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, and earned his Masters of Divinity in 1997 from Vanderbilt Divinity School. Prior to joining PULF,  J. served as Director of Development for Disciples Divinity House at Vanderbilt in Nashville, TN. Additionally, he served 6 years as pastor at Century Christian Church in Owensboro, Kentucky, followed by more than 11 years as Lead Pastor at First Christian Church of Paducah. He is an experienced fundraiser and minister who appreciates the value of PULF’s mission of providing scholarships to undergraduate students who wish to attend a Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) affiliated college or university.

J. has been married for 23 years to Erin, a Nurse Practitioner. They have a daughter, Bailey, who just graduated high school and will be attending Transylvania
University in Lexington, Kentucky, this fall; and a son, Gage, who will be a sophomore in high school. J. will have primary responsibilities for the Annual Scholarship Fund, alumni/ae relations, regional PULF gatherings around the country, major gifts, and the Legacy Foundation of planned givers. He is excited about partnering in the mission of PULF and looks forward to seeing the Legacy Foundation grow in providing even more scholarships to deserving students.

2019-06-10T13:59:56-05:00Jun 10, 2019|Congregations|Comments Off on Phillips University Legacy Foundation J. Gottman Begins as Director of Development

Association of Disciple Musicians’ National Summer Music Conference

Learn more about the many “Option Classes” that the Association of Disciple Musicians (ADM) will offer at the National Summer Conference in July. The National Summer Conference will take place July 7-12, 2019 in St. Louis.

The Conference will offer a broad spectrum of classes in addition to the plenary sessions of Worship Seminar. Take a look at these “Option Classes” and the impressive pros behind them.

You may review the conference brochure here
Register online here
Questions? Email ADM at [email protected]

2019-06-10T13:50:14-05:00Jun 10, 2019|Congregations|Comments Off on Association of Disciple Musicians’ National Summer Music Conference

Harvard Avenue Christian Church Celebrates 60th Anniversary

Join us in congratulating Harvard Avenue Christian Church, as they celebrate their 60th Anniversary. Their first worship service was on Palm Sunday in 1959, in a borrowed space at an elementary school. Their 60th Anniversary celebration took place on Pentecost Sunday 2019, in a packed sanctuary with more than 400 in attendance, followed by an indoor/outdoor picnic lunch.

Thank you Harvard Avenue Christian Church for sixty years of preaching the good news and enriching your community by showing them the love of Jesus.

2019-06-10T12:49:57-05:00Jun 10, 2019|Congregations|Comments Off on Harvard Avenue Christian Church Celebrates 60th Anniversary

Congratulations to the 2019 NEACCO Grant Recipients

Congratulations to the recipients of NEACCO 2019 grant funding this year: Disciples Village Apartments Auxiliary Closet, In The Spirit Christian Church, and the Oklahoma Family Empowerment Center.

The Disciples Village Apartments Auxiliary Closet has received a Cargile & Senior Hands-On Ministry Grant of $5,500 to help supply residents of this HUD subsidized, low-income apartment complex for older adults with basic household necessities, at no cost to them. Located in Tulsa, OK, Disciples Village was established by the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Oklahoma.

In The Spirit Christian Church (ITSCC) and the Oklahoma Family Empowerment Center (OFEC) have been awarded a Connection Grant in the amount of $5,000 for a collaborative, nine-week summer camp for underprivileged children (ages five to 13) around the area of 11th and Garnett in Tulsa, OK. A Summer Camp to Remember: Ecology Exploration will take place June 3rd – August 2nd, 2019.

NEACCO gives thanks for the faithful donors of generations past that have enabled the funding of ministry grants such as these. We look forward to celebrating the impact that these grants will have on the future of ministry in Northeastern Oklahoma.

2019-06-06T10:42:06-05:00Jun 6, 2019|Congregations|Comments Off on Congratulations to the 2019 NEACCO Grant Recipients

Going to the Disciples of Christ Conference in July? CWS Needs Your Help with Disaster Relief Kits!

A Message From Church World Services:

Are you driving to the Disciples Conference this summer in Des Moines? If you’ve registered, we have a new way for you to build disaster response into this trip.

You may be familiar with CWS’ Kit ministry, which has helped fuel disaster response for thousands of families this year. Because of that response, we’re incredibly low on supplies like hygiene kits and emergency cleanup buckets. We need all the help we can get to restock before hurricane season bears down – and that’s where you can help.

Will you help restock these supplies by assembling kits? We’re opening a CWS Kit drop-off point at West Des Moines Christian Church during the Conference dates. If you and your congregation choose to assemble kits – you can find assembly instructions here you can easily drop them off at this location:

Location Details
West Des Moines Christian Church
4501 Mills Civic Parkway
West Des Moines, IA 50265
(515) 223-1639
Contact: Luke Ehrhardt, [email protected]

Let me know if you have questions or if there are other ways your congregation wants to support this ministry.

Matthew Stevens, [email protected]
Director of Congregational Giving
Church World Service

2019-05-23T10:52:07-05:00May 23, 2019|Congregations|Comments Off on Going to the Disciples of Christ Conference in July? CWS Needs Your Help with Disaster Relief Kits!

2019 General Assembly “Abide In Me” Registration is Open

General Assembly 2019 “Abide in Me” will take place July 20 – 24, 2019 in Des Moines, Iowa. Registration opened on November 1, 2018. To find more information including the schedule of events and housing options, read more HERE.



I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinegrower. He removes every branch in me that bears no fruit. Every branch that bears fruit he prunes to make it bear more fruit. You have already been cleansed by the word that I have spoken to you. Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.“ John 15:1-5 NRSV


2019-05-09T09:56:43-05:00May 9, 2019|Congregations|Comments Off on 2019 General Assembly “Abide In Me” Registration is Open

World-renowned Conference Faculty for ADM Summer Conference

The Association of Disciple Musicians National Summer Conference will take place July 7-12, 2019 in St. Louis. Come experience this conference along with highly experienced and talented clinicians. There is something for everyone of any experience level – you will be sure to come away enriched and invigorated.

The Association of Disciple Musicians increases the effectiveness of church musicians (and others within churches) as they participate in the mission of the Church. ADM is welcoming new membership. Existing ADM members will recognize our Each One, Reach One initiative is an opportunity to share the excitement and resources of the organization with others. More talent, more resources, more opportunities to connect and grow. Church musicians, clergy and laypersons from any denomination or church affiliation are encouraged to attend.

Click HERE to learn more about the ADM Conference including a schedule of events and registration information.

Questions about Each One, Reach One, and those about special needs for the conference? Email: [email protected]

2019-04-08T10:54:35-05:00Apr 8, 2019|Congregations|Comments Off on World-renowned Conference Faculty for ADM Summer Conference
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