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So far CCOK301 has created 735 blog entries.

Spring Cleaning Takes New Meaning

By Marilyn Bohlender, ODW President

We think of spring cleaning after being shut in through winter weather. I have often thought of just opening the windows and letting our Oklahoma wind do the rest. Once my brother decided to clean out the garage with our dad coming home from work to see the contents of the garage had entirely filled the front yard! Of course, my dad was upset and somehow we survived the incident. Bottom line, only what was important was kept. I now think this must be the same method I use to clean my purse; dump out everything and only put back what is needed.

Think of your headspace. Are there things cluttering your headspace? Is it time to let go of anything in your headspace distracting you from God? During this season of Lent, will you pray for discernment in emptying yourself of anything that distracts you from being closer to our Heavenly Father.

~Prayers and Blessings

Isaiah 26:3 (NIV) You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you.

2025-03-06T14:35:47-06:00Mar 6, 2025|Disciples Women|0 Comments

Connect at 2025 Empower & Equip

Put March 1, 2025 on your calendar and plan now to CONNECT @ EMPOWER & EQUIP, the Region’s one-day leadership development event for Oklahoma Disciples. This in-person event will be held Saturday, March 1st at Crown Heights Christian Church in Oklahoma City from 9:15 am – 2:00 pm. The event offers

  • Fantastic workshops on vital ministry topics for elders, deacons, board members, teachers, children’s and youth leaders, and other lay leaders.
  • Lunch to continue the conversation in community.
  • Powerful worship experience with guest preacher Rev. Dewayne Rodgers, senior minister of Wildewood Christian Church, Oklahoma City.
  • An option to donate items to The Spero Project mission project.

Learn More!

2025-02-06T13:45:03-06:00Feb 6, 2025|Regional News|0 Comments

A Heart for Giving

Many just see churches as a place of worship only; some do see the learning and spiritual connections that are happening. Others, may pre-judge and think churches are some kind of snooty social club. Through my impromptu visits, I see warm inviting congregations that also have a heart for giving.

My visit Sunday took me to FCC Tulsa. The beauty of this building in downtown Tulsa’s “Cathedral Square” was reflected by the warm and caring congregation. FCC Tulsa’s numbers may be small but with help from Pine Street CC, they had recently made 400 snack packs to distribute to those in need. It would take pages to list all the giving happening at all of our churches.

This heart for giving is included in the activities of our Disciples Women. Retreats, events, and area meetings include service projects. Recently, the CADW meeting again touched my heart with the non-profit’s success with the women it helps. Hope House OKC, only using donations, over the years has expanded the size of their mission; God’s hand is in it.

During this month of February be aware of your heart for giving. You are doing this with your many ministries. One ladies group celebrates with collecting and donating their Blessing Boxes in February. With Blessing Box giving down in recent years, Office of Disciples Women in Indianapolis is in need. In honor of DW 150th birthday, they are asking for donations from $15 to $150. Send to Disciples Women, PO Box 1986, Indianapolis, Indiana 46206. Please memo DW 150th birthday. Or give online.

Another cause at our hearts is Week of Compassion. Yes, they help with the floods and fires! They also help women and girls. See their website for more information; they even provided help in Oklahoma! We will have opportunity to show our hearts for giving in these special offerings at our churches or you may give online.

A funny side note: For those of you that know my lost girl story, I had goggled Pine Street Christian Church and my directions took me to First Christian in downtown Tulsa. Could it be divine intervention? Quite the experience with God guiding your steps. It was a good experience at FCC Tulsa. Eventually, I would love to hear Pastor Brenda Denson at Pine Street! Only God knows where my next visit will be.

~Prayers and Blessings,
Marilyn Bohlender ODW President

Acts 25:35 (NIV) In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’


Bicycle donation to Hope House OKC by Central Area Disciples Women

2025-02-06T11:26:04-06:00Feb 6, 2025|Disciples Women|0 Comments

2025 Week of Compassion Special Offering

Friends, as we’ve reflected on God’s ever-present love – a love that persists even when we cannot directly hear it or see it – we are now invited to participate in making that love tangible for others around the world.

This special offering supports Week of Compassion, a vital ministry of our whole Church that serves vulnerable communities globally. Through this ministry, we extend our reach, our fellowship, our communion far beyond these walls.

Our faithful giving allows God’s love to be heard and seen in places of great need – in war-torn regions, in areas devastated by weather-related disasters, and in communities struggling with poverty and injustice. Let us give generously and joyfully, knowing that through our offering, others will hear and see God’s love in action.

Promotional Materials

Further information and promotional pieces for the Week of Compassion may be found on the WOC Special Offering page including the following:

  • Social media images
  • Sermon starters and scripture commentary
  • Mission Moment
  • Worship resources
  • QR code for online giving
  • Posters and bulletin inserts
  • Children’s sermon & activities
  • Youth activities


Versión en español of “Heard and Seen” Video Link

2025-02-06T12:34:57-06:00Feb 4, 2025|Congregations|0 Comments

2024 Events that Inspired

Going Into 2025 Keep Memories of 2024 Events that Inspired

by Marilyn Bohlender, ODW President

As we go into 2025, there are parts of 2024 that we would like to leave behind. The stories of God with us through those tough times should be kept as a testament of his love for us. What else to not leave behind? The memories of events that inspired us like ROSES an interregional only held every four years, the first Celebration Luncheon of Women Trailblazers and Mentors, Women’s Conference at Wildewood, many area meetings and fall retreats. We were inspired and “on fire!” Use these memories to keep the fire going through these colder months.

Take this time for the self-care that we learned from Caletta F. McPherson, MHR, LADC, CLC, at Women’s Conference in December organized by Ye’Maya Rodgers and the Women of Wildewood Christian Church. Caletta brought God into our picture of healing and wellness. Following up on that process of self-care, I encourage you to do a deeper dive to become more spiritually connected with Bible study and your prayer life. I pray for your eyes to be open to opportunities to show God’s love through us. Whatever your goals and wherever our paths take us in 2025, remember that our Lord and savior is with us.

Let your path for 2025 take you to CADW meeting at New Hope Christian Church on Tuesday, January 28th. There will be fellowship and worship as we learn about a nonprofit, Hope House*, followed by $10 lunch which is RSVP by 1-22-25 to 405-691-5366 and pay at the door. Look on our Disciples Women section of for more information. Also, follow Oklahoma Disciples Women Facebook for updates.

*In-Kind Donations of $10-$30 Walmart, Target, or Amazon Gift Cards is appreciated.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV) Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

2025-01-08T11:32:28-06:00Jan 8, 2025|Disciples Women|Comments Off on 2024 Events that Inspired

Join the 2025 Disciples International Prayer Vigil

From January 1 to April 20, 2025, Disciples across the United States and Canada will unite in a powerful season of prayer for the annual Disciples International Prayer Vigil. This initiative spans New Year’s Day through Easter Sunday, providing an opportunity for congregations to lift up their voices in prayer for personal needs, their church and community, the nation, and the world.

Oklahoma’s Day to Pray: The 8th of Each Month

The Oklahoma Disciples family is invited to take part in this vigil by dedicating the 8th day of each month—January 8, February 8, March 8, and April 8—as a day of focused prayer. By doing so, we join hands with fellow Disciples across North America, embodying our shared faith and commitment to prayerful action.

Flexible Participation
Each congregation is encouraged to tailor their prayer vigil to fit their unique needs and context. Whether you host a 24-hour prayer chain, a guided prayer service, or a quiet day of reflection, your participation contributes to the shared spiritual energy of this meaningful event. For ideas and inspiration on how to organize your vigil, download the resource guide below.

Let Us Know Your Plans
If your congregation plans to participate, please share your plans with Rev. Dr. Joshua Bell, Chair of the Commission on Worship and Spiritual Growth. You can reach him at [email protected]. Your involvement helps us celebrate the unity of Disciples in Oklahoma and beyond as we engage in this sacred journey together.

Let’s come together in prayer as we reflect on God’s grace and guidance in our lives and communities. Mark your calendars and join us in this meaningful act of faith.

2024-12-09T16:37:07-06:00Dec 9, 2024|Regional News|Comments Off on Join the 2025 Disciples International Prayer Vigil

Christmas Offering Promotional Materials

Promote the Christmas Offering

The following materials are available for you to encourage giving in your congregation to the Christmas Offering, which 100% supports Oklahoma Regional ministries.

Christmas Video

This customized video shows Oklahoma congregations and their many ministries. It portrays the multitude of ways God’s love is visible in Oklahoma. Suggested use for social media and prior to worship.

Run time: 4:15 minutes
Video format: 16:9
YouTube Link

Worship Slide

This slide may be used for worship

16:9 format

Worship Announcement

Your gift to the Christmas Special Offering supports the work of Oklahoma regional ministries this Christmas. 100% of your giving goes to support the Christian Church in Oklahoma. Your regional ministry works to:

  • Connect congregations to each other
  • Foster faith development
  • Gather Disciples in camps, conferences, and assemblies
  • Nurture the development of a new generation of pastors
  • Assist churches in calling new ministers
  • Interpret the global mission of the Church
  • Represent the Church in ecumenical gatherings
  • Counsel and pray with those who are troubled of spirit
  • Lead the Church to address racism
  • Inspire leaders to experiment and create
  • Witness to the power of God to make things new

We encourage you to give generously as we collect the Christmas Offering on December 15th & 22nd.

Download PDF

Bulletin Insert

If you didn’t order bulletin inserts, you may use these customized specifically for the Oklahoma Region. They fit the standard bulletin. You could use the black/white back only if color printing isn’t an option.

Bulletin insert cover (color) pdf
Bulletin insert back (black/white) pdf

Newsletter Copy

The 2024 Christmas Offering supports the ministries of the Oklahoma Region. 100% of your gift stays in our Region. Christ is present when regional Disciples care for, support, guide and be present for all of us. God grows through us at church camp, search & call, pastoral care for Oklahoma clergy and more. Thank you for your generosity! This offering is collected Dec. 15th and 22nd in congregations, or you may give online.


QR Code for online giving

Please link to online giving:

Social Media

FaceBook image

Please link to online giving:

2024-12-05T11:32:51-06:00Dec 5, 2024|Congregations|Comments Off on Christmas Offering Promotional Materials

The Most Important Thing, A Christmas Story

By Marilyn Bohlender, ODW President

Making a list but no time to check it twice! Instructions are left with someone to care for house and fur babies. The little ones are bundled with extra clothes and pjs in their bags. The car is loaded with snacks and blankets for the cold winter trip to Grandparents far away.

After the trip, greetings and hugs, the car is unloaded. Christmas comes in the morning and being late, the little ones are tucked in bed to sleep. That is when a disastrous discovery is made! The gifts were left behind! Gifts for all the family, grandparents, aunts, uncles, everyone!

Walmart is closed and the only place open is a 24 hour gas station. So we wrapped up the last of the snacks plus a few more favorites from the gas station in newspaper. Did anyone mind? Did we have a good laugh? Do you have a holiday disaster story?

We actually had fun over the years bonding and laughing over these stories. We realized the most important gift at Christmas was the birth of Jesus, our savior. So in the midst of chaos and crazy, remember the most important thing and that is what matters.

Prayers for a blessed Christmas.

2 Peter 3:18 (NIV) But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen

2024-12-05T08:56:13-06:00Dec 5, 2024|Disciples Women|Comments Off on The Most Important Thing, A Christmas Story

Regional Minister Search

Position Announcement

The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Oklahoma is seeking to call an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to serve as its Regional Minister. A Regional Profile and Position Description are posted at the link below.

To be considered for this position, please submit a letter of interest to Rev. Susan D. Payne, search committee chair.

By email:
[email protected]

By postal mail:
Rev. Susan Payne, Search Committee Chair
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Oklahoma
300 NW 70th St.
Oklahoma City, OK 73116-7804

Please ensure that profiles are updated in Search and Call (Disciples Home Missions).

Deadline to respond is January 2, 2025.

For a visual introduction to the churches, the people, and the many ministries of the Christian Church in Oklahoma, see our 2024 Christmas video.

2024-12-02T11:05:18-06:00Nov 21, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Regional Minister Search

Canceled – Fall Empower & Equip Event

Following close of registration last week, numbers for the Fall Empower & Equip Event in Tulsa were reviewed and the leadership team determined they were too low to proceed.

NEXT OPPORTUNITY . . . Put March 1, 2025 on your calendar when the SPRING EMPOWER & EQUIP is scheduled to happen in El Reno. Workshops have not yet been identified for that one though it will likely include some of the same ones. Look for news in the New Year!

2024-11-07T13:53:27-06:00Nov 7, 2024|Regional News|Comments Off on Canceled – Fall Empower & Equip Event
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