More Than A Moment: Rejoicing in our Story
Oklahoma’s biennial Regional Assembly gathers our congregations together in one place to celebrate in worship and being Disciples of Christ in Oklahoma. Together as the body of Christ in Oklahoma we worship, share in learning, and conduct business. We invite you to join us on April 29-30, 2022 at Harvard Avenue Christian Church, Tulsa!

Rev. Dr. Cynthia Hale – Guest Preacher
Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. Hale is the founder and Senior Pastor of the Ray of Hope Christian Church in Decatur, Georgia. A native of Roanoke, Virginia, Dr. Hale received a Bachelor of Arts in music from Hol [...]
Rev. Rebecca Anderson – Storytelling Workshops
Rev. Rebecca Anderson is co-pastor of Gilead Church Chicago and is ordained in The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). She has a Masters in Divinity from the University of Chicago and a Bachelors [...]
Greenwood Rising Museum Tour
Regional Assembly participants are encouraged to experience a Pro-Reconciliation Anti-Racism educational event at Greenwood Rising Friday afternoon. It will include a free 90-minute tour followed by [...]

Publicity Tools for Regional Assembly 2022
Download Promotional Tools Worship Announcement Newsletter Article for 2022 Regional Assembly - Word .docx Newsletter article for 2022 Regional Assembly - .PDF Social Media Posts for 2022 Regional As [...]
Download Congregation Documents
Letter & Instructions Certification of Voting Delegates Form Fillable PDF Certification of Voting Delegates Print Version Business Items for Consideration Oklahoma Region 2021 Year End Financial [...]
Voting Delegates – Church & Clergy
Congregational Voting Delegates Every two years congregations from our Region are required to send representatives to join as a decision-making body to vote for new Regional Board members and conside [...]
Why Congregations Should Participate
Each congregation in our denomination is unique, and your congregation is an integral and unique part of our Region. Your congregation should participate in 2022 Regional Assembly because we are stro [...]

Safety Protocols for Attending Regional Assembly
We had hoped that by now the pandemic would be far behind us. We had hoped that we would not have to think about it ever again. We have hoped that there would be no chance that Covid-19 could disrupt [...]
What is Regional Assembly?
The Region traditionally has had a biennial Regional Assembly to gather our congregations together in one place to celebrate in worship and being Disciples of Christ in Oklahoma. Due to the season of [...]
What’s the Best Part?
What's the Best Part? The best part about this year’s Regional Assembly is that it we will be connected in a unique way via technology and in-person. We may have more folks than in year’s past becaus [...]