FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   December 6, 2016

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Oklahoma City is one of 149 congregations in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Oklahoma. This congregation organized and held its first service in 1889 near what is now the intersection of Main and Broadway. The first permanent home of the church was at the corner of NW 3rd and Harvey, where the Federal Reserve bank now stands. It was dedicated in 1894. In 1903 they moved to the southeast corner of NW 3rd and Robinson where they worshiped until 1956 when the beautiful, new, iconic sanctuary, education building and music building were completed at NW 36th and Walker. In 1961, the Youth Center was completed. This 31.8 acre campus has been a vibrant place of activity and worship for the last 60 years, and even served as the blessed site of grief and recovery after the Murrah bombing in 1995.

Current Ministries

Part of First Christian Church’s current ministry outreach is a bicycle ministry which helps provide transportation for many in the OKC area and have given away over 2,000 rebuilt bicycles. They also celebrate the Jewel Box Theatre’s ministry of music and drama to the community.

Unanimous Decision to Sell the Property

Earlier this month, the congregation made a difficult decision and unanimously voted to sell the entire property and now has a “for sale” sign on it. They are once again in the process of dreaming and planning for a new sacred place for worship that better fits their needs.

We hold this congregation in prayer and invite you to join us as this congregation continues to discern God’s call for their ministry.

In this season of Advent, may the Light of Christ meet you and illuminate your way.

Peace & God’s Grace,

Rev. Pam Holt, Regional Minister

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