These opportunities include:
- Encounter (State Meeting)
- Area Meetings/Events
- Fall Retreats
Local Contact
Disciples Women’s Ministries is a conduit for diverse connections empowering each woman to find her voice and live out her call. Micah 6:8
Marilyn Bohlender, ODW President • Phone: (580) 483-5110 • [email protected]
Stay in Touch
I am excited by the number of women receiving our Region’s free monthly eNewsletter Regional Roundup, as many at the CADW meeting raised their hands that they are receiving it. Subscribe here!
Our following on Facebook, managed by ODW VP of Reachout Sally Wheeler, has grown to over 300 followers. If you have Facebook, please follow Oklahoma Disciples Women Facebook.
Receive Disciples Women news from the Office of Disciples Women in Indianapolis by signing up to Disciples Women Connect.
Our Purpose

To provide opportunities for spiritual growth, enrichment, education and creative ministries to enable women to develop a sense of personal responsibility for the whole mission of the church of Jesus Christ.
To provide a channel through which women in the congregations and the regional Women’s Ministries in the United States and Canada, may be joined in fellowship and find means for effective participation in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
Upcoming Local Events
CADW Winter Meeting
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
New Hope Christian Church
12323 South Pennsylvania Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73170
RSVP 405-691-5366 by Tues., Oct 22nd for Lunch and pay $10 at door (You may call in your count by church.)
CADW welcomes women from other areas to participate.
Menu is Chicken Casserole!
9:30 a.m. – Sign-in, Coffee and Conversation
10:00 a.m. – Meeting and lunch
Program: Hope House OKC
In-Kind Donations: $10-$30 Walmart, Target, or Amazon gift cards;
Bicycles (adult & children, gently used okay)
Reach out to CADW Officers or Marilyn Bohlender ODW President 580-483-5110 if any additional questions. Check Oklahoma Disciples Women FB for updates.
Note: If treacherous weather, meeting will be rescheduled; contact New Hope CC 405-691-5366 or CADW officers.
Disciples Women 2025 Monthly Updates
March – Spring Cleaning Takes a New Meaning
Is it time to let go of anything in your headspace distracting you from God? During this season of Lent, will you pray for discernment in emptying yourself of anything that distracts you from being closer to our Heavenly Father.
February – A Heart for Giving
I see warm inviting congregations that also have a heart for giving, such as FCC Tulsa and Pine Street CC, Tulsa who assembled 400 snack packs to distribute to those in need.
January – Going Into 2025 Keep Memories of 2024 Events that Inspired
At many area meetings and retreats we were inspired and “on fire!” Use these memories to keep the fire going through these colder months.
Disciples Women 2024 Monthly Updates
December – The Most Important Thing, A Christmas Story
We realized the most important gift at Christmas was the birth of Jesus, our savior.
November – Giving Thanks for all DW Does and There is More to Come!
Our Disciples Women are thankful for all that they do and all the events this year!
October – Celebrate 150 Years of Disciples Women!
Disciples Women is 150 years old on October 22, 2024!
September – Fall Back in Love
With life being busy or the passing of time, it seems we might forget that first feeling but God’s love for us has never faded.
August – Celebrating Women Answering God’s Call
Share Rev. Donna Jackson’s 30 year milestone in ministry with a celebration of Oklahoma women clergy, mentors, and leaders on September 14, 2024.
July – ROSES 2024 Growing in God’s Fragrant Beauty
Oklahoma women shared their leadership and enjoyed inspiring messages.
June – Just Like Old Friends . . .
Thoughts on how we connect with others and the impact we want to leave.
May – Acting on Opportunities
Pray for God to give you opportunities and act on those opportunities!
April – What do we have to guide us in a spiritual direction?
I wonder if God tries to keep us on track and has “recalculating” moments when we take a different direction.
March – ROSES! It Will be BIG!!
ROSES, an inter-regional Disciples Women event June 28-29, 2024.
February – Heart in Your Words
Do your words have heart? Do your words lift others up?
January – Be Still and Listen
Where do I fit into this and the words “Be Still and Listen” keep appearing in my thoughts.
2023 Disciples Women
End of the Year Reflection
Sometimes in moving forward, one should look back to review and reflect. In reflecting, do you ever desire to become closer to God or stronger in your walk of faith? Do you wonder how others obtain these attributes? Personally, I find there is an increase in my spiritual closeness with God when there is an increase in the strength of my prayer life and an increase of my Bible-based studies.
Over the years, I have benefited from the Just Women Bible Study which is the official Bible study resource for Disciples Women’s Ministries. If pre-ordered by December 20th, you will receive free shipping. Only a few extra copies will be available after Dec 20th as the pre-ordering is to save costs. The price has increased slightly to $21 but as I look at the description, I feel it will be a worthwhile purchase.
Even if your group is not using it for a study guide, try it for yourself. Maybe it could go on your Christmas Wish List. It is still a guide for women by women. Please notice there are now 12 issues as they are striving to meet the needs of our Disciples Women. Even the title shows the effort in meeting our spiritual needs. See description of this year’s content.
Let your end of the year reflection find you selecting the 2024 Just Women Study Guide, Through the Looking Glass: Seeing the World Through the Eyes of Faith.
~Prayers and Blessings for the Advent season and in the next year,
Marilyn Bohlender, ODW President
2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV) Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
What Are You Thankful For?
Let’s make November our month to look at a ministry based on being thankful. The Blessing Box is a ministry of being thankful for your everyday blessings by putting your coins into the box as you pray and give thanks for your blessings. Think of it as paying forward to the ministries the Blessing Box donations serve. Please read the information on the Disciples Women Ministries website as half is channeled to Disciples Mission Fund and half to Disciple Women Ministries.
Note: If you enter your Blessing Box total donation online, be sure to select Blessing Box from the menu in the DMF form. Be sure to also enter your congregation name so they know Oklahoma women are participating. Contact me, your ODW president, if you have any questions.
I give thanks for all the experiences that have enriched my life through Disciples Women and by serving. Some experiences are humbling when we reach out into the community and encounter those with less resources. It is uplifting to see those who have only the items they can carry having such a positive attitude. Maybe they see God’s love through us. Let many others see God’s love through our Blessing Box ministry
Prayers and Thanks,
Marilyn Bohlender, ODW President
1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV) Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus
More than Just S’mores
The Disciples Women’s Fall Retreats in NE Oklahoma have had an advantage by being close to Phillips Seminary with many of the keynote speakers being professors from Phillips who provide quality study for our women.
This year was no different with Rev. Dr. Lisa Davison’s focus on several women of the Bible. Her teaching has a way of keeping us interested and ready for more. She started with the Z sisters and the change they caused followed by the story of Bathsheba. We ended with an insightful question and answer time.
Highlights of retreat were the God connections during the prayerful Labyrinth Walk Friday night and the Saturday walks to Inspiration Point. I made the earliest walk before breakfast where we joined hands, sang, prayed, and listened in a silent moment. It is important that you have quiet moments to be fed by God. Both the Labyrinth walk and Inspiration Point did just that! “Be still and know I am God…”
Did someone mention breakfast? The famous melt in your mouth cinnamon rolls made by the camp’s Amish cooks were on the breakfast menu and again included in the baked goods auction for camp which brought in over $600.
Singing was threaded through all the activities and truly uplifting. There were spaces of time to make friends between workshops which included crochet and water painting. Yes, do not forget the Friday late evening bonfire, spirits and s’mores.
Last but not least is the service project for Tulsa feeding ministry, Iron Gate. Disciples Women are all about service.
Fall Retreat does not disappoint especially when you see retreat through eyes of the newcomers. The numbers went from almost 50 last year to over 60 women this year. Let us keep growing!
Many thanks the NEODW Fall Retreat Committee and any others involved who made this possible for women across Oklahoma plus any from nearby states.
Note: Texas Disciples posted this on their facebook, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the Southwest.
Sidenote: If you are not following Oklahoma Disciples Women Facebook, please do.
The retreat just made me ready for more gatherings with our Disciples Women. As the NE women emphasized “Let your faith be bigger than your fear!” Step out and attend Disciples Women events. Later in October will be the CADW Fall Meeting in El Reno on Tuesday October 24th. They are also welcoming of women outside their area.
~Marilyn Bohlender ODW President
The Missing Sock
You realize that one sock did not not make it to the washing machine so you put it in the next load of laundry. Then you find it at the bottom of the washing machine just as the rest of that load has finished drying. Sometimes the one sock is just missing and the search is on! I think of the parable of the one missing sheep. I have never had to search for a missing sheep but have searched for other missing items.
Think about the excitement when you finally find the lost item. I challenge you to become like the shepherd using prayer and perseverance to find those who might be missing out. Share your excitement and invite them to attend our events with us.
One event coming up soon is a women’s fall retreat hosted by NE Oklahoma Disciples Women. Go to NEODW.ORG for more information.
~Prayers and Blessings, Marilyn Bohlender ODW President
Luke 15:4-5 (NIV) Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders.
Invite! Invite! Invite!
We have exciting news for Oklahoma’s Disciple Women!
The Central Area and Northeast Oklahoma Disciples Women’s groups have some wonderful activities. Please see the Events information on this page. Please know these areas welcome women from outside their areas to participate.
Prayers and Blessings, Marilyn Bohlender, ODW President
Romans 15:7 (ESV) Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.
Leap of Faith
Anytime we venture into the unknown or on new adventures, it is understandable to have mixed emotions of anticipation, excitement, and nervousness. When I went to my first General Assembly, I was reassured by seeing many others from Oklahoma. By that time, I had been to events where I knew no one but that changed quickly into making new friendships. These events have been a rewarding experience to step out of my comfort zone and step into new experiences that ultimately brought me closer to God. I realized I was never alone or by myself; God was with me each step of the way.
I encourage you to subscribe to the Disciples Women Connect newsletter. The June issue addresses what to look for as a Disciple Woman at General Assembly. There is also other news including an update of this year’s Woman-to-Woman Worldwide East Asia trip. That is a leap of faith. Whether your step of faith is a leap or small steps, keep going forward. Know God is with you on each step.
Marilyn Bohlender, ODW President
2 Corinthians 5:7 (NIV) When we trust to go where the Holy Spirit guides us in spite of the fear of the unknown, we are taking a leap of faith.
You Are What You Eat!
The words “You are what you eat!” keep ringing in my ears. Side joke is that I love my cookies so I must be really sweet! Later when I have a sugar crash and see the results of the cookies on my body, I know it is time to get back on track.
It is easy to find all kinds of information on healthy eating and the benefits. I love studying which foods help your body! On the same note, I am also studying benefits of drinking water on our bodies. It reminds me of Jesus saying I am the “living water.” People could relate as water was recognized as being vital in his day and is still vital.
What you put in your body is important. If you want to be healthy, eat healthy foods. On the same accord, if you want to be spirit filled, you will need to fill your body with that which feeds your spirit. Challenge yourself to start right where you are to pray with praise and worship; open your Bible and open your eyes as you find yourself spirit filled. Yes, it may be difficult for those with busy schedules but the reward will be worth it.
Prayers for your journey in becoming more spirit filled.
Marilyn Bohlender, President
Ephesians 5:18-19 (KJV) …be filled with the Spirit; speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord
Statewide Spring Meetings
Just like the spring showers reviving the earth, our spring meetings are reviving us.
Rainy weather did not keep Central Area Disciples Women from attending CADW Spring Meeting at West Point Christian Church Yukon with 53 attending from 12 churches; FCC Norman had 14 women attend and FCC El Reno attended with 11 women. Meeting was under leadership of Director Carol Nichols and highlighted nonprofit My Godmother’s House, a women’s prison re-entry ministry. There was also installation of CADW officers for ’23-’24 with incoming Director Susan McCall.
Under leadership of Director Cheryl Pease and Co-Director Ashley Pease, the NE Area Disciples Women, NEODW.org, after several years break, resumed having a Spring Meeting and Brunch including Mission Project Women’s Hygiene Kits. The meeting was held at Yale Avenue Christian Church, Tulsa, with Rev. Dr. Lisa Davison speaking about two women of the Bible. She was ready to tell of more women and we were ready to hear more; do I anticipate hearing more stories of women from the Bible! Save-the-dates of Sept 29th-Sept 30th for NEODW Fall Retreat and watch for more information.
Psalm 147:8 (NIV) He covers the sky with clouds; He supplies the earth with rain and makes grass grow on the hills.
God Changed the Caterpillar to a Butterfly
When you see a butterfly, let it be a reminder of how we change when we have Jesus in our lives. An entrepreneur said before he became a Christian he was fearful of trying out his ideas. After becoming a Christian, he was no longer fearful as he knew he had God with him.
Often I see women that are not confident enough to volunteer for the task at hand. Our Lord begins calling them to step away from that fear and serve. Just as the caterpillar becomes a butterfly, they find they are able to do the task as our Lord is with them. With God by our side we are able to fear not and become the creation God planned for us to be.
Pause for a moment and think of examples where you have seen this. An example could be someone who stepped out of their comfort zone volunteering to teach or hold an officer position. Other examples are those who overcame obstacles to attend a meeting or an event. There are also many times that you have seen an event or a fundraiser do better than expected. We give God the credit as we know what can happen when his hand is in it. Is God calling you to become more than you realize? Pray for God’s call on your life.
Ephesians 2:10 (NLT) For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Bacon in her Purse!
Remember the advertisement where a girl was getting lots of attention and finally reveals her secret hidden in her purse. It’s Bacon! Remember when you were growing up and you just wanted to pull your covers over your head and keep sleeping. Then you would smell bacon!
Pulling the covers over your head can still happen a lot especially this time of year with cold rainy days or even worse with our crazy weather. I began to ponder what gets us out from under the covers. What makes us take that step to volunteer? What makes us go to the effort of bringing ourselves to meetings, Bible Study, or even attend Church. It has to be more than bacon hidden in someone’s purse. Some will say it is because we are in a habit of attending. We saw Covid breaking our habit of being together. As we returned to being together, many treasured the fact that we can be together even more.
As I read articles about how to draw closer to God, there were the usual but important suggestions to pray and read your Bible but several ended their list with being involved with groups for study or fellowship. We see this as Disciples Women when we gather together, study together, and serve together.
In lieu of physically being together we have taken advantage of connecting through other means such as phone calls and internet. I feel we should keep these avenues available as they are icing on the cake as we return together.
We have discovered it is important to be together. So I am glad to pull off the covers and be back in the midst of other Christians. Do I smell bacon?
Hebrews 10:24-25 (NIV) And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Reminder to be Present
My thoughts are interrupted when I saw someone step over this coin on the ground. I find myself thinking of the importance of Lincoln, the man depicted on this coin who is one of two February born Presidents.
Now I am distracted going to the word president. My thoughts had been about writing on just being present. Is there any connection of the word president to the word present? Looking at their Latin origins, one means sitting before and the other means to be at hand. You realize there is a similarity but know president has more prominence.
More research finds that Washington wanted a no frills title and became the first to use the title President. We find that mankind has elevated the word president. Could being present be just as important?
A friend who had gone through past grief said they were comforted most by a person who just sat with them and was just present. They were not trying to answer any why questions but just listening, caring, and being present. Someone just being present can have an important impact.
What are other ways to be present? Definitely, as we serve those in need. Is it also smiling at someone while out and about? Is it reaching out to someone who is alone or to someone overwhelmed? Is it being the present worker bee behind the scenes? God is at work in these and many other situations using us to be present. Pray and listen to where you are being called to be present. Also, when you see a penny, let it become a reminder to be present.
Marilyn Bohlender, President
Romans 8:28 (ESV) And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
There’s Something About Meeting In-person
By the time you hear this I will be preparing for a Zoom meeting with women leaders across the United States and Canada. At one time the DWLC Meeting was in-person. This will be our third year for a Zoom conference. It is easy to open my laptop and participate from the comfort of home. No packing a suitcase, no going through airport security, and no spending time in a confining seat.
Then I think about what I lose without being there in person. There is something I cannot describe in the spirit filled conference rooms. The information we learn is the same but the connections, the songs, and the prayers take on a new level when we all gather together. There are friends made at meals, gatherings, and even in line for the bathroom. There is a personal touch I cannot explain except to say, “God is at work.”
This month there is an in-person meeting where I hope to see many of you. On Tuesday January 24th is the CADW Winter Meeting at Nicoma Park Christian Church. My circle group has already been talking about it! No question about going but what time to leave Lawton; we will just have to get up earlier. I already have myself a note to call the RSVP number 495-769-4001 of Tuesday the week before. See the information above for details.
When deciding whether to attend this meeting or any other gathering, do not ask how hard it is to go but pray, “Lord, can I go and help make it possible!”
By the way, this goes for Sunday morning, also. Your presence does make a difference. Prayers and blessing for togetherness in the new year.
Marilyn Bohlender, President
Matthew 18:20 (KJV) For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Just Women Bible Study
Just Women is the official study resource for Disciples Women provided by Disciples Women’s Ministries. It is dedicated and created to celebrate the rich diversity of Disciples women.
Quarterly subscriptions are no longer available. There will be a study guide with eight lessons that comes out once a year in January (winter) and must be pre-ordered by December 1st to receive for the coming year; ships toward end of January.
Just Women is the only source for the Woman-to-Woman Worldwide country of study information. Place an order through www.discipleswomen.org
Contact your area Oklahoma Disciples Women President, Marilyn Bohlender (580) 483-5110 or call (317) 635-3100 at the national office for further information.
Just Women Bible Study 2025
The upcoming edition, “Come Holy Spirit, Come”, is seated in the words in John 14: 15 – 17. “If you love me, Keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.” (KJV) This study aims to help women deepen their understanding of the Bible passage and how it applies to their lives and the lives of others.
We will consider the work of the Holy Spirit not only as Comforter but Disrupter. We will look at the working of the Holy Spirit through baptism and communion, and the journey of sanctification. We will explore how different manifestation of the Christian Church (Convocation, NAPAD, OBRA Hispana) experience and draw power from the Holy Spirit as we seek to live as a pro-reconciling church. Finally, we will consider the power of the Spirit in intercessory prayer and as an ever-present Helper in our lives.
Click here to Pre-Order. Order by 12/01 for free shipping.
Disciples Mission Fund (DHM)
In addition to the support for the whole church and mission which women provide through their local congregations, Disciples Women also bless the church with 50 percent of their Blessing Box offerings which go to support Disciples Mission Fund.
Blessing Boxes
Blessing Boxes are a means of teaching the spiritual discipline of giving in gratitude for the gifts received from
God. Since 1999, Blessing Boxes have contributed over $3 million for the mission of the church, with over $600,000 of that going to support women’s ministries. The beautiful boxes include a message in English, Spanish, French and Korean. The Boxes and many educational pieces which provide materials necessary for staff and churches to highlight this significant stewardship campaign are available at this link.
Contributions are now accepted online via the DMF online donation system. You may make a one-time donation or schedule various recurring donation options.
Be sure to select “Blessing Boxes” in the ‘Select Designation’ option.
To make a donation via a check be sure to show ‘Blessing Box’ on your check memo line so your church may be credited. Mailing address: Disciples Women, PO Box 1986, Indianapolis, IN 46206-1986
2022 Disciples Women
Remember the Gift Given to Us Long Ago
Someone states, “I just can’t get in the Christmas spirit!” I get it! Everything from gloomy weather to life situations are thrown at us. Even reminders of past hardships can rise up to pull us down.
Then there is an unexpected call from a friend, a Christmas card with an uplifting message, and the sound of a heart warming Christmas song. Little by little I am changed. My focus changes to the wonderful gift given to us many years ago.
I decide I am not the only one that feels this way so I write that you may need to purposefully make a point to do things to lift yourself up. Praying is a good place to start. Advent and Bible readings may inspire you. Listening to Christmas songs in between the hustle and bustle of the season might be the key. Reaching out and giving service has a way of touching the heart.
Look for the moments that frame the gift God gave us long ago. This gift is the one that touches me and puts me in the spirit of Christmas. Just know that I am praying for you to have a spirit filled and blessed Christmas.
Luke 2:10-11 (NIV) 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.”
Best Part of Retreat: Light, Love, Lead!
How do you have a best part when you enjoyed it all – from Rev. Dr. Nancy Pittman’s humor that led us into learning more or inspiration from the workshops, labyrinth walk, bonfire, or a walk to “Inspiration Point” at sunrise. Some go just for the food especially Saturday’s cinnamon rolls cooked by Amish ladies.
You shut out the busy from which you came and replace it with fun and laughter as well as quiet spiritual times. You make new friends and rekindle old friendships. There is a Girl Scout song about making new friends and keep the old, one is silver and the other gold. We drew numbers to see where we sat for some of the meals which increased opportunities to follow this adage. That was one of my favorites to meet women of all ages and experiences from different places.
1 John 4:19 We love because He first loved us.
What They Don’t Tell You About Retreat!
The flyer and registration is out and the NE Women’s Fall Retreat Committee is doing an awesome job. The flyer is enticing but if you have never been to a fall retreat, you may still have questions. Please contact a committee member or myself if you have questions. They want a good turnout from women across Oklahoma!
Camp Christian provides bedding for a $10 fee which is in addition to registration cost. “Bedding” includes a blanket, fitted sheet, flat sheet, pillow and pillow case, bath towel, hand towel, and wash cloth. This is a nice option for those car pooling! Your choice, sometimes we like our own pillow or to show off a favorite quilt. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to bring an extra pillow or extra blanket even if you pay the extra $10 for bedding.
I often have questions about bathrooms. The new lodge at Camp Christian has rooms with their own bathrooms. Why is this important? Let’s just say, in the middle of the night, this is very convenient.
Women do bring their CPAP machines; this is where I learned about the different types of CPAP machines. This helped me down the road when I had to have one. When we were young, we talked about clothes and hairstyles; we still might do that. Now, we can also discuss CPAP machines.
What about younger women? Yes, the younger women are there. At the last retreat I attended, they gathered around the bonfire, laughing and talking. We all did! As we bonded, age was shown to just be a number! We bonded at meals, during classes and activities.
In my opinion, just like being in our church sanctuaries, places where Christians gather have an atmosphere of spirituality. There is a reason I hear women say, “I need a retreat!” After going, these women come home renewed and re-energized. The connections you make with other women become just as important as the speaker, classes, and activities.
I have gone with a group to retreat and I have gone by myself as a first timer not knowing anyone. The other women at our retreats welcome you as if they always knew you. Disciples Women are a warm and caring group. Register for Friday and Saturday or just Saturday! See link for more information: Retreat is Sept 30-Oct 1, 2022 Register Here
Psalm 27:1(KJV) The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
August is a Month for New Starts
August is the start to many activities especially for school age and for Disciples Women it is no different. Stay updated by checking the regional website or our Facebook Oklahoma Disciples Women Facebook for more information.
Central Area Disciples Women have a meeting on Tuesday August 23rd with program and service project for OK Kids Corral which benefits children with cancer. The CADW are welcoming of women from other areas so consider meeting and having fellowship with these wonderful women.
Please RSVP for $10 meal by August 16th to 405-794-6166. The CADW meeting will be at First Christian Church, Moore and start at 10am. Since the church building is also being used for an election on the south and front, please park on the north and west side and enter through the west door.
Also, exciting news is the NE Women’s Fall Retreat at Camp Christian for Sept 30th thru Oct 1st. The NE Fall Retreat Committee is hard at work on the details. They welcome women across Oklahoma to attend since we have not had any fall retreats in awhile. The new lodge at Camp Christian is complete and holds 36 for those attending Friday night in addition to Saturday activities.
Now for a few thoughts on start of school. Many of our women have projects to help local school children be ready for the start of the school year. Our teachers may also need help with supplies and other items. If your group does not have a project, see if there are students or teachers in your congregation that need assistance. You can also reach out to your local schools often through school counselors or other personnel. For example, our local school system has a person who assists homeless students/families. Please pray for these projects, our school children and teachers. Disciple Women do make a difference and it is appreciated.
~ Prayers and Blessings,
Marilyn Bohlender ODW President
Matthew 5:16 (KJV) Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Water, Please!
One year they kept cutting off our water as they did a major street project. In the beginning, we would get a notice but then it became very often with no notice! We kept a jug or two of water on hand. While speaking to the neighbor, they thought that was a good idea, too. How simple!
We take water for granted. Many in our community as prices go up lose their water service before losing electricity. Those who are on the streets, suffer even more. A lady who was often homeless through her life told me that if you can’t do anything else, at least, give a bottle of water.
I saw one downtown business that kept a cooler with bottles of water for anyone needing it just outside their door. They kept it simple with no ice but cooled bottles of water in an older ice chest. As this summer is hitting multiple days in excess of one hundred degrees, there is definitely a need to stay hydrated.
Our outside food pantry cabinet has bottles of water along with snacks. Many of our churches have this type of ministry; know it is greatly appreciated. If you are not giving water during this extreme heat, check your situation and prayerfully see if this is a need you should add to your service ministry.
~ Prayers and Blessings,
Marilyn Bohlender ODW President
Hebrews 13:16 (ESV) Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.
Shut Out “Busy” and Watch the Clouds
Remember when school was out and as kids we would play outside only resting to watch the clouds! We would see what form they took in our imagination. We tuned out the rest of the world as we watched the clouds float across the sky.
Now most of us find our lives busy with each minute scheduled. Having time to watch the clouds seems like a luxury. This is similar to finding time to just be with our Heavenly Father; it seems like a luxury. Spending quiet time in His presence becomes a rarity in a busy world.
How do you find time? You can weave it into your life with moments here and there. Although unplanned, I found time as I drove a boring stretch of highway. You might make a challenge for yourself to turn off the distractions and schedule a time just like you do an appointment. Make it a priority to find time to be in the presence of our Heavenly Father and you will be glad you did.
~ Prayers and Blessings,
Marilyn Bohlender ODW President
Psalm 16:11 (CSB) You reveal the path of life to me; in your presence is abundant joy; at your right hand are eternal pleasures.
Just One Green Bean
My mom would ask my dad, “Do you want any green beans?” His answer was always the same, “Just one green bean, please.” We knew he did not really like green beans. Maybe it was my parents way to encourage their children to try things.
One afternoon when my mom’s sister was visiting, they were giggling as they prepared green beans from the garden. I had no clue what my mom and my aunt thought was so funny until my dad was served just one green bean at dinner. It was the biggest green bean I had ever seen! The giggling was now replaced by laughter from all of us even my dad.
Is the lesson my parents were teaching to just give it a try? Is there a similarity in that we ask and allow someone to try when we invite them to church? Someone has to ask! How can someone try if we don’t invite? By the way, when you ask, ask as if it was your favorite like chocolate and not a green bean.
~ Prayers and Blessings,
Marilyn Bohlender ODW President
Romans 5:13 (NIV) May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Never Say Never
What are the chances I would have three experiences with Rev. Dr. Cynthia Hale in five years? With God it is possible!
In 2017, I am sharing a lesson, Faith the Size of a Mustard Seed, from our Just Women Bible Study. Turning to the back of the study guide is a short bio on the writers. The writer of the lesson is Rev. Dr. Cynthia Hale. I find it amazing that God used this woman to grow a church to 5,000 from a home Bible study. It is not the first time someone has had a home Bible study that grew into a church; it has even happened here in Oklahoma. It does tell me to never say never when God is at work.
Sometimes we may not realize God is at work until we look back. Attending General Assembly in Iowa in 2019, I was excited to know Rev. Dr. Cynthia Hale would be a speaker. On top of that, imagine my surprise when the student sitting behind me in one of my classes is Rev. Dr. Cynthia Hale. What are the chances!
Now it is is 2022 and one of the speakers for our Oklahoma Regional Assembly is Rev. Dr. Cynthia Hale. I write this story to encourage you to register and be a part of our Oklahoma Regional Assembly on April 29th and 30th. You never know who God is going to use to touch your life and you may never know when your life touches someone else’s life.
Luke 1:37 (KJV) For with God nothing shall be impossible.
More information about our Oklahoma Regional Assembly and to register see this link.
In March, the ODW Executive Committee encouraged the women to make a contribution to Week of Compassion whether it was a first time or in addition to their church February fund drive. Their work is year round and reaches many emergencies so your donation is appreciated. It can also be done online. https://www.weekofcompassion.org/stories/category/ukraine
Prayers and Blessings, Marilyn Bohlender ODW President 580-483-5110
Luke 1:37 (KJV) For with God nothing shall be impossible.
Two Ducks, a Boy and Shenanigans
What shenanigans is this boy up to throwing rocks at the ducks? I stopped my walk beside the park’s pond because no way was I going to look the other way with this behavior!
All of a sudden as I was ready to verbally tear into his actions, I found my words changing into a soft and calm “What’s going on?” The boy explained that one duck was attacking the other and he was throwing rocks in the water to scare it away.
I still remember this boy with a heart to help a duck even though it was decades ago. Bottom line is I feel God taught me a lesson that day to not jump to conclusions as things may not always be as they appear. In life we find this happens frequently.
God granted Solomon one gift. He chose wisdom. This shows that wisdom is important; go one step further to see wisdom can come from God. Pray to have wisdom. We may not have all the answers but bringing God in the picture will make a difference. Keep God in the picture.
Prayers and Blessings, Marilyn Bohlender ODW President 580-483-5110
1 Kings 4:29 (KJV) And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore.
February is Heart Month: Reminder of the Importance of Heart Care
Lifting others up means we need to care for ourselves as we care for others. We often stretch ourselves thin as we commit to service projects, juggle work and the needs of those around us.
Our hearts need prayer life and spiritual connection. Remember to take a moment to refresh from your day. Connect with prayer, devotions, and scripture reading. Incorporate music into your day that is uplifting.
Our hearts also need physical care. I encourage you to make sure you stay in the best health you are able starting with your heart health. This is a link to American Heart Association with health information (see menu for warning signs) or just search for women’s heart health.
Remember to reach out to others in a positive way. Continue to lift each other up as you are doing.
~ Prayers and Blessings,
Marilyn Bohlender ODW President
Psalm 51:10 (NIV) Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Is there Pepper in your Flour?
One year the camp cook accidentally spilled pepper in the flour. We all knew something was “off” with our cherry cobbler at dinner and not in a good way. It was a mystery to us.
As a young counselor, I had duty a few days later in the kitchen and discovered black specs in the flour. We all had a good laugh when we discovered it was pepper.
Our words can be like the pepper. They can be sprinkled into the flour and ruin what should be a dessert. It is like the adage that a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. As a swim instructor, I taught the swim aides the importance of praise before correcting an error. Find something they are doing right and praise them.
We can easily get into a habit of missing what is good, missing the praise in the situation. We sometimes even have unkind words for ourselves. If you do, stop and look at yourself as God sees you. Look in the mirror, give yourself praise and continue by praising others.
Praise God for your blessings and pray to see others as he sees you. Read scriptures such as Psalm 139:13-14 and Ephesians 2:10 which reflect that we are God’s workmanship.
Be encouraged! Be challenged, at the minimum, to reach out and give praise with a text or a call. Give impromptu praise to family, friends, and others. Send cards or find other ways to lift others up; let 2022 be the year of praise and encouragement.
~ Prayers and Blessings,
Marilyn Bohlender ODW President
1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NIV) Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.