Do your words have heart? Do your words lift others up? Sometimes, even unintentionally, our words have the opposite effect. I ponder on the phrase “Sticks and stones can hurt my bones but words will never hurt me!” Words can hurt! This phrase must have been said to teach us to ignore hurtful words.

In the book of James the small tongue is referred to being like a rudder able to turn a ship. When I was young, after a fight between myself and a sibling, our mom would have us say nice words to each other. It wasn’t easy but these words worked and we were back to playing nicely together.

The power of our words are with us as adults. Pray for God to give you the words to say as you encounter people throughout the day. If you are home by yourself, reach out to others who may need to be lifted up. Lifting others up will inadvertently cause you to be lifted up also!

In this February month, fill yourself with scripture, devotion, singing, prayer, praise and worship. As you become spiritually filled, you will discover your words will have heart!

~Prayers and Blessings,


Romans 5:5 (CSV) …because God’s love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us