
Meet the Regional Youth Council 2022-23

The Regional Youth Council represents the children and youth of the Region.  Through their presence and leadership they provide an example of what a local youth group can be and can do.  RYC advocates for children and youth in their communities, congregations, and the Region.  Youth members of the Regional Youth Council serve a two (and sometimes three) year term.  RYC is a group of sophomores, juniors, and seniors in high school from congregations around the Region.  The adults that serve on RYC are conversation partners, listeners, guides, and co-learners as RYC develops and sharpens their leadership skills.

Meet the RYC through 10 Questions:
What is one thing on your bucket list?

What words or phrases do you most overuse?

What is one of your weird quirks?

What is your relationship with God like?

Describe yourself in 3 words.

What is one thing that annoys you the most?

What will you do with your 15 minutes of fame?

What is one thing about your church you would change?

What is your comfort food?

You’ve got a free afternoon, will you: read, listen to music, watch a movie, or . . .?

Zaylee Skidmore-Beaney
First Christian Church Sulphur

Gabe Cartwright
First Christian Church Sulphur

Derek Day
New Covenant Christian Church Oklahoma City

To go to a NFL game


I like to fidget with things

God Is always present in my daily life

Friendly – Funny – Kind

Stepping on gum

Spread positivity

I would go back to traditional communion

Bagel bites

Play video games

Eli Dew
First Christian Church El Reno

Visit every European country

Heck yea

I’m really into murder documentaries.


Determined – Bold – Curious

People who don’t dim their bright headlights.

Meet Donald Glover


BBQ Mac and Cheese with chicken nuggets

Play video games

Kyston Haines
First Christian Church El Reno



I like meat smokers.

Distant. I keep in touch, but I also do not know God on a day to day basis.

Confident – Honest – Competitive


Enjoy every blessing from God.

Food staff

Smoked chicken

Listen to music.

Maryanne Heim
First Christian Church Cherokee

Be in a band

That’s interesting, “Thumbs up”

I’m left handed, but only when it comes to writing

Rocky, there’s ups and downs

Musical –  Thinker – Introvert

Stepping in something wet

Nothing, I don’t ever want to be famous



Hangout with friends, skateboard

Lauren Hemm
Forest Park Christian Church Tulsa

Meet someone famous


Love Musicals


Caring – Bubbly – Fun

People thinking they are above everyone else or homophobia.

Spread positivity

Expand the youth group


Go to the movies or hang out with friends.

Jasmin Pickens
First Christian Church Sulphur

Paige Waldrip
Central Christian Church Enid

Hike a glacier in Switzerland

Y’all and Whoa

I always have to have something to drink with me.

My relationship with God is like driving on the highway.  I can be smooth until something gets in the way and then it gets stressful and slower.

Loud – Nice – Ambitious

People making random noises with their mouths.

I would help people find ways to cope with anxiety and strengthen their relationships with God and others.

I would help it be more open to change.

Potato soup.

I would read or be on Tiktok.

Travis Carlson
First Christian Church Chickasha

Egypt.  I have always been fascinated by that ancient society.

Literally, it is literally the word literally.

Spaghettios and pringles.

Questioning and embracing

Weird-Punctual-Fun (picked by my 5th girls class)

Being Late

Try to get a free tank of gas.

Greater college involvement.


Play Dungeons and Dragons or paint D&D miniatures

Shannon Cook
First Christian Church Norman

Around the world cruise.


Must brush my teeth before showering.

Like a path that winds and curves and God is a constant alongside.

Caring – Curious – Thoughtful

People who lie.

Feed the whole world.

Consistent inclusive language.

Mac and Cheese.

Read or nap

Tara Dew
First Christian Church El Reno

Go to Hawaii

Struggle Bus

Can’t say the word “idea” correctly

The ocean: it comes and goes like the waves.

Caring – Loud – Loving


Try to help others

More money to help others

Mexican food

Take a nap

Eula Hledik
New Covenant Christian Church Oklahoma City

Fly – Sky Dive

Cool or Don’t cha know

I eat the chocolate off my 3 Musketeers bar and then I enjoy the center.

I am in awe.  The Holy loves me, shows me mercy and grace even though I do not deserve it.  Because of this I can accomplish so much than I ever imagined. The Holy instills courage.

Loving – Welcoming – Fun

Throwing out the first pitch at a Cubs game at Wrigley Field.

That it be Open and Affirming

My Chicken & Dumplings

Hike while listening to music or go to the Zoo with my grandkids.

Michael Davison
Associate Regional Minister

Ride a camel to a pyramid and climb it.

Groovy or Far Out

I don’t wear socks except on Sunday, to weddings, to funerals, and some hospital visits.

A wrestling match.

Liminal – Extrovert – Pondering

Social Media or Being a Bad Fan (that’s me)

Skin Cancer Awareness to Fund a Cure

Following Fad Theology


Listen to my Pink Floyd collection on vinyl or hang out with my companion

2022-09-08T14:05:34-05:00Aug 30, 2022|Youth|Comments Off on Meet the Regional Youth Council 2022-23

RYC Advent Devotional

Members of the Regional Youth Council were asked to consider what the traditional themes of Advent (hope, peace, joy, and love) can mean in times like these.   This Advent devotion is divided into weeks and members of RYC, with some guest writers, offer you an opportunity to journey with them through Advent.

Week 1: In times like these what are you hoping for? How are you being Hope for others?

Week 2: In times like these what peace have you experienced? What Peace can you offer?

Week 3: In times like these what brings you joy? How can you offer Joy?

Week 4: In times like these how or when have you experience love? How are you offering Love?

Christmastide: In times like these how will you embody the spirit of Christmas? 

CLICK HERE to visit our dropbox and download the ebook in PDF format.

2021-11-22T18:44:25-06:00Nov 22, 2021|Youth|Comments Off on RYC Advent Devotional

Summer Camp Update #5

Summer Camp Registration Closes May 6th

Don’t wait until the last minute to register!

Chi Rho Camp, CYF Conference, and Junior Camp are at 50% capacity or more.

Discovery Day Camp and Mission Camp Enid are filling up!

Our Summer Camp Season is just over a month away!  On June 6th, our volunteer counselors and directors will gather at Oakridge Camp to make final preparations for Chi Rho Camp that begins the afternoon of June 7th.  Yes, we are offering overnight summer camps this year!  Back in February, the Commission for Children, Youth, and Young Adults created Covid-19 procedures and policies that will guide our camps and with everyone’s cooperation mitigate the possible spread of Covid-19 to campers, adult volunteers, or to families when camper return home.  It will be a great, fantastic, meaning-filled return of summer camp because your camper helped create Holy ground this summer.

Overview: Covid-19 Procedures and Policies

  • Mask Required for Campers and Counselors
  • Covid-19 Rapid Test at Check-In for Camp
  • Small Groups Limited to 8 youth and 2 adults
  • Campers will be with their small group throughout the day
  • Hand Sanitizer, Physical Distance, Primarily Outdoor Activities
  • Camp Sizes Limited
  • Click here to download the latest Covid-19 Procedures & Policies

Contact Rev. Michael Davison mdavison at okdisciples dot org if you have questions.

2021-04-28T16:47:09-05:00Apr 28, 2021|Youth|Comments Off on Summer Camp Update #5

Summer Camp Update #4

We are excited to announce Mission Camp: Enid!

Our friends at Reach Beyond Mission have decided to cancel their multi-state program for this summer.  We understand and keep this quality, Disciples related organization in our prayers.  We had planned for Mission Camp Road Show to travel to Albuquerque with Reach Beyond Mission.  Instead, twenty-four (24) youth will be welcomed to Central Christian Church in Enid for a week of learning about food insecurity in Enid and serving our food insecure neighbors in Enid and Garfield Co.

Rev. Tom Stanley (Minister at Central CC Enid) will direct Mission Camp and work with = six (6) adult counselors.  Like our other camps, they will blend play, prayer, study, worship, and SERVICE each day of this unique opportunity.  You can download the flyer and registration is OPEN!

Register for summer camp Here, or visit the Families and Youth webpage to learn more.

2021-03-05T10:15:40-06:00Mar 5, 2021|Youth|Comments Off on Summer Camp Update #4

Next DRYG: October 28

Reconnect with God

Digital Regional Youth Group began last month (Sept 23rd) as five congregations met up with Regional Youth Council members.  The fall theme, Reconnect with God, invites Chi Rho, CYF, and their adult sponsors to consider the ways they are actively meeting God through spiritual practices, music, service, and community.  We had 24 participants in September.  Let’s make it 45 or more this month.

There is time to chat, a game or two, and time with the speaker.  There is a short closing worship.  Join DRYG this month!

Digital Regional Youth Group

6:30pm – 8pm

October 28: Music

November 18: Service

December 16: Community

Youth Leaders Email Rev. Michael Davison to RSVP to receive the link for DRYG.

2020-10-06T11:57:02-05:00Oct 6, 2020|Congregations, Youth|Comments Off on Next DRYG: October 28

Sept 23: Digital Regional Youth Group Begins

Digital Regional Youth Group Logo

Like all our congregations and clergy, the Regional Youth Council is improvising and adapting to offer opportunities for the Region’s youth groups to play, pray, worship, study, and serve.  This fall, RYC is offering four digital youth group gatherings for Chi Rho and CYF on the theme, Reconnect with God.

These monthly gatherings will last 90 minutes and meet via Zoom.  To maintain the security of our meetings we ask youth group leaders will need to register.  Email Michael Davison for more information.

DRYG (Digital Regional Youth Group) kicks off Sept 23rd, with the focus on spiritual practice to reconnect with God.  Our Guests are: Rev. Nancy Brink and Andra Moran.

DRYG is planned and led by the Regional Youth Council.

Q: How do I get my group to DRYG (digital regional youth group)?

A: To access DRYG youth group leaders need to email Rev. Michael Davison who will send them connection information to share with their group(s).

Upcoming Dates & Theme

October 28: Music
November 18: Service
December 16: Community

Schedule for DRYG

6:25pm: Digital Room Opens
6:30: The Fun Begins!
7:55: Preview Next Month
8:00: We bid you goodnight

Rev. Nancy Brink
Rev. Nancy BrinkGuest Speaker
Rev. Nancy E. Brink, the Donna (Ford) and Fahmy Attallah Endowed Director of Church Relations at Chapman University.

Rev. Brink will talk about centering prayer and offer other practices youth might explore. 

Andra Moran
Andra MoranMusical Guest
Andra Moran lives in Nashville, Tennessee where she works as a songwriter, singer, author, worship designer and freelance touring musician in a variety of ecumenical settings. In addition to her work in concert and commissioned music, Andra is a consultant in worship design, modern liturgical music and leadership in churches and denominational conferences across the country. She is regularly engaged as a clinician and workshop leader, teaching songwriting and creative expression in colleges and retreat centers. Currently, Andra tours and writes full time, and works part time on the staff of Woodmont Christian Church in Nashville as the Creative Director and worship pastor. She has a four year old daughter named after the heirloom lilies in that bloom in her garden.
2020-09-10T07:20:04-05:00Sep 10, 2020|Congregations, Youth|Comments Off on Sept 23: Digital Regional Youth Group Begins

Time for Virtual Vacation Bible School

The Region is excited to announce our Virtual VBS Program is available to use.  Based on the summer camp curriculum, This Is Our Prayer, Virtual VBS uses videos to lead you through four days of self-guided learning activities that are intergenerational.  You decide when to do VBS from home.  Maybe your congregation wants to do the activities together using video conferencing technology?  Maybe your congregation wants to use Virtual VBS together, socially distanced, in your building or outdoors?

Each day includes:

  • An Opening Thought

  • Singing

  • Bible Story for the Day

  • Craft Projects

  • A Way to Serve

  • STEM and a Game

  • Prayer Practice and Closing

All the items you need for the crafts are listed in downloadable PDF format including the words to the songs to sing along.  Items you need for other activities are included in the videos.

Virtual VBS will be on our website through August 15th.

Click Here to Register!

Thank You Virtual VBS Team

  • Rev. Darlene Martinez

  • Ashley Pease

  • Rev. Julia Jordan Gillett

  • Chris Fourcade

  • Rev. Sarah Combs

  • Ellen Beer (website design and support)

2020-06-24T12:01:12-05:00Jun 24, 2020|Congregations, Youth|Comments Off on Time for Virtual Vacation Bible School

Virtual Vacation Bible School

Covid-19 (coronavirus) has changed the ways we participate in congregational life and the things congregations offer during the summer.  Vacation Bible School is a summer tradition for many congregations and it has a long, rich history as a part of our denomination’s outreach ministry.   The Region asked a group to create an intergenerational VBS that can be done at home.  This self-guided VBS is designed for families to do together.  Congregations may want to use video conferencing for some or all of the activities to do together as another way of connecting their members.

Virtual VBS is a four day program that is designed to last a couple of hours each day.  A short registration form is required to access the VBS.  Registration opens June 18th and Virtual VBS will publish on June 22.

We give thanks for the talents, gifts, and dedication of the Virtual VBS Team, and offer our thanks to their congregations for gifting their time to this project.

Watch the short video to meet the team: Rev. Darlene Martinez, Rev. Julia Jordan-Gillett, Chris Fourcade, and Rev. Sarah Combs

2020-06-12T09:24:43-05:00Jun 12, 2020|Congregations, Youth|Comments Off on Virtual Vacation Bible School

(June 5, 2020) Camp Bytes goes live next week.

Working with our volunteer Camp Directors and Counselors, the Commission for Children, Youth, and Young Adults has reimagined our summer camp program as our Nation, and the world, lives through the Covid-19 pandemic.

Chi Rho Camp Bytes (June 9-11) kick off the camp season.  Each day between 10am and 12pm, counselors and campers will gather for an online camp that will have a live element.  Campers must be registered to enter camp and, just like our physically in person program, we cannot accept same day registration for any of our digital camps.  Similarly, Camp Bytes for Junior campers, CYF campers, and Discovery campers will be offered.   Visit the Families & Youth section of our website to learn more and register today.

Just like our physically in person camp program, each day of digital camp will include: play, prayer, study, worship, and service.

We are excited to announce that campers who registered between February 1 and May 2 for traditional summer camp will receive a Camp Bytes t-shirt in the mail this summer!  Yes, if you listed a t-shirt size in your registration for traditional summer camp, the Region will send you a camp shirt FREE.  We are able to provide Camp Bytes and the t-shirt through the generous gifts by donors like you to the Region’s Camp & Conference Resource Endowment Fund throughout the years.  This fund is managed by the Oklahoma Disciples Foundation.

You didn’t register for traditional camp, but want a shirt?  No worries.  You can purchase a summer camp shirt through an online store later this month, and that purchase will support the Region’s program ministries for children and youth which includes summer camp.  Maybe you don’t want a shirt, but still want to support our program ministries for children and youth.  Thank you!  Visit our Givelify page to make a contribution today and select children and youth ministry.  Yes, you could also mail a check to the Region.  If you have other questions, please contact Rev. Michael Davison, Associate Regional Minister.

Yes, Camp Bytes is a bit more screen time this summer, but it will connect you to campers across our Region who want to connect with you.  So, don’t wait!  Time is running out to register for Chi Rho Camp Bytes.  Registration for Chi Rho closes at 3pm, this Sunday, June 7.

  • Chi Rho Camp Bytes (Jun 9-11) 10am-12pm
  • Junior Camp Bytes (June 16-18) 12pm-2pm – Registration Closes June 13
  • CYF Camp Bytes (June 23-25) 9:30am-12pm – Registration Closes June 20
  • Discovery Camp Bytes (July date TBA)
2020-06-05T08:39:11-05:00Jun 5, 2020|Congregations, Youth|Comments Off on
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