Michael Davison Blog

Community. Belief. Faith.

A mass noun is one that doesn’t take an S when we have more. “Butter” and “Information” are both uncountable in use, because when we only have only one unit of butter (or information) we use the same word as if we have four or six units. Butter is butter.

Uncountable words are understandably difficult to measure at a glance. They don’t fit easily into the industrial mindset, and we’re often pushed to find things that are less mysterious.

But it turns out that uncountable words like trust, honesty, commitment, passion, connection and quality are a fine thing to focus on.

(Seth Godin, “Uncountable.” April 29, 2021)

Community. Belief. Faith.  Are these uncountable as well?  I think so.

Our summer camp program offers children, youth, and adults the  space to encounter the uncountable.  We do that by blending play, prayer, study, service, and worship every day.

This summer we are putting the “outdoor” back in summer camp.  This will help us hear creation speak and mitigate the possible spread of the coronavirus. Campers and adults will explore some of the stories below this summer at camp.

Summer Camp could not happen without the adults that volunteer their time, life experience and faith experience.  In July, we will offer a proper thank you to all the volunteers.

The Holy One is uncountable, but we trust is encountered when we focus on following the way of Jesus.

Community. Belief. Faith.

2021-05-06T08:55:15-05:00May 6, 2021|Michael Davison Blog|Comments Off on Community. Belief. Faith.

Following Jesus . . . it’s a daily journey

“What Can You Do Once You’re Vaccinated?” (nytimes.com)

Out there, beyond Easter, is a journey through the looking glass.  It’s always been that way, even before Covid-19 restrictions, politics, science, grief, and prayers.  Out there beyond Easter, we have to apply what we’ve learned about ourselves, our communities, communal medical health, citizenship, faith, and following Jesus.

The Regional Youth Council’s Lent devotional suggested that Lent is a daily journey.  And like Lent, those who claim to be an “Easter people” are involved in a daily journey.  We can try to categorize, reference, and program our way into the already, but not yet, empire of God, but the Holy One isn’t easily tamed, named, or claimed.  The divine spark in you knows the whisper of God and what the Holy requires.  There is a lot of noise to silence.  It is a daily journey filled with lows, highs, and the mundane.

Sometimes Christians think of Jesus as a kind of vaccine for the human condition. Traditions and rituals during Christmas and Easter can be a booster shot for a weak spiritual immune system.

In one of my favorite scenes in the movie, “Jesus Christ Superstar,” the crowd sings:

Christ, you know I love you
Did you see, I waved
I believe in you and God
So tell me that I’m saved

Jesus, I am with you
Touch me, touch me Jesus
Jesus, I am on your side
Kiss me, kiss me Jesus(1)

How is your spiritual immune system these days?

This summer at camp, we will mix the same ingredients we have for years: play, prayer, study, worship, and service.  Will it be different?  Yes.  It always is a bit different because we are not turning out industrialized, mass-produced Christians.  That’s not the intent.  Physical distance, masks, and the small groups will probably make camp feel different, but “camp will be camp.”  Why?  Because I trust the ingredients. I trust God. I trust the spiritual immune systems of directors, counselors, and the campers who will create the sacred space we call summer camp.

Following Jesus . . . it’s a daily journey.  It is making choices about what I/we/you can do (should do) once vaccinated.

1. Andrew Lloyd Webber/Tim Rice, “Simon Zealotes from Jesus Christ Superstar” (1973) Universal Pictures Film Music.

2021-04-06T08:48:25-05:00Apr 6, 2021|Michael Davison Blog|Comments Off on Following Jesus . . . it’s a daily journey

What will it be like?

“Count me in.”
That’s the opposite of, “count me out.”

Either you seek to unite and be part of it. Or to divide and watch it go away.

Whatever ‘it’ might be.

We can seek to trigger those we’ve decided are our enemies, undermine the standards and burn it all down. Or we can commit to the possibility that together, we can create something that works.

It’s not that hard to realize that even if we can’t always see the gunwales on the boat, we’re all in the same one.

(Seth Godin, 02/28/21)

How do you begin or end your day?  Some may have a soundtrack.  I do.  Sometimes, it is treadmill tunes pulling me along the 6am walk or jog.  Sometimes, it is the playlist of my favorite bands while I was in high school and college.

At the end of the day, I’m another day older, and it is the sound of the ocean.

During Lent, I’ve traded the morning soundtrack for live and pre-recorded video from the International Space Station Youtube channel. (pictured above). There is a soft piano soundtrack. The view is inspirational and aspirational for me, as I handwrite a card to someone.

Lent is an intentional time of honest self-reflection.  As I wander with disciples and with Jesus toward Jerusalem this year, what has come into focus are the aspirations of christians, of myself, based in the inspiration of Jesus, who most often talked about the empire of God.  Jesus’ teaching about the empire (kindom or kingdom) of God was often followed by “is like.” Christian theology speaks of the “all ready” but “not yet” nature of the empire of God in which baptized believers exist and are supposed to be capable of recognizing.  Christians have a kind of dual citizenship that often puts us at odds with ourselves, our behavior, and competing visions of God’s empire and Jesus’ role.

After twelve months (and counting) of pandemic time, overt political conflict, cancellations, and growing institutional and neighborly distrust where have you, have I, recognized the empire of God that Jesus described?

My lent is filled with wondering what “could” it be like or “would” it be like or “will” it be like when . . .

Leaven [Matt 13:33b, Luke 13:20b-21]

Good Samaritan [Luke 10:30-37]

Dishonest Steward [Luke 16:1-9]

Vineyard Laborers [Matt 20:1-15]

Mustard Seed [Matt 13:31b-32, Mark 4:31-32, Luke 13:19]

I leave the house without a mask in the car.

2021-03-01T10:03:56-06:00Mar 1, 2021|Michael Davison Blog|Comments Off on What will it be like?

Question. Experience. Reflection. Relationship.

What motivates you to learn and to grow?
(“The Daily Question”, gratefulness.org. 1/31/21)

Question. Experience. Reflection. Relationship.

There was so much happening. I was trying to take in all the moments.  I spotted my family several rows up from the floor.  Chancellor Tucker was talking about what it means to be a graduate of TCU. This idea, more a paraphrase than direct quote, is all I remember. “You’ve been educated to consult many sources, to weigh the validity of the information from those sources, and to ask quality questions.”

Experience can be a great teacher.  Maybe it is the best teacher. If you want to be the best version or better version of yourself, pay attention to the experiences that help you become the better you. There is an entire market of “stuff,” genre of self-help, and virtual selling of experience.  There are vacations, trips, and camps.  I think we all have an experience that help’s us remember the best version of ourselves when times are hard, tragic, and especially when a moment is nuanced.

Self reflection is necessary.  It is not always easy, but necessary. As a child, youth, and even in early adulthood, I never had a good answer for my parent’s favorite question, “Why did you do that?”  Like many, I often just fell back on, “I don’t know.” even when I did know and didn’t want to admit it.  My mother’s response, “Go to you room and think about what you did and how you will behave differently next time while your dad and I decide the best consequence.”  She meant punishment. Once I reached junior high, I was expected to have an answer for the “why” when I emerged from my room to demonstrate that I had thought about my actions. That is when the dialogue about my actions began as well as dispensing of consequences.  You never get asked, “Why did you do that?” about the good decisions.  Now, why is that.

Stranded alone on a desert island, Chuck (Tom Hanks), opens a box that washed up on the beach. It contains a soccer ball.  Wilson, the brand of ball and name Chuck gives him, becomes his friend.  Wilson helps Chuck cope with the isolation. In a moment of confrontation, Wilson helps Chuck decide to leave the island for the sea and risk death to be found. But, they and may never being found.  Chuck’s wears a pocket watch around his neck. A photo of his fiancé is inside.  A relationship can comfort, challenge, create stress, suffocate, be mutual or one-sided.  Some relationships are good.  Some detrimental. Do you have one or two “good” relationships?  A friend, companion, or community.

When Ash Wednesday arrives later this month (Feb 17th), thus begins a ritual journey that Christianity calls Lent. It can be a time of growth.  First time growth or renewed growth.  Join the Regional Youth Council for questions and reflection about experience and relationship on this ritual journey that disciples take following Jesus to Jerusalem.  The RYC Lent devotional can be downloaded on February 15th here on the Region’s website.

2021-02-02T16:09:48-06:00Feb 2, 2021|Michael Davison Blog|Comments Off on Question. Experience. Reflection. Relationship.

Advent Moments

Think back through the last couple of days.  Watch with your mind’s eye.

Rewind the tape all the way back to getting out of bed.

Remember . . .

Your morning routine;
school or work or waiting;
The places you’ve been;
The things you saw;
The people you talked to;
and then;
home, dinner, what you watched or read;
Your evening routine and to bed.

Look back and find that moment when you experienced hope.
Bring that moment to the front of your mind.
Who is there? What does it sound or smell like?
Stay in the moment for a few minutes.

Look back and find that moment when you experienced peace.
Bring that moment to the front of your mind.
Who is there? What does it sound or smell like?
Stay in the moment for a few minutes.

Look back and find that moment when you experienced joy.
Bring that moment to the front of your mind.
Who is there? What does it sound or smell like?
Stay in the moment for a few minutes.

Look back and find that moment when you experienced love.
Bring that moment to the front of your mind.
Who is there? What does it sound or smell like?
Stay in the moment for a few minutes.

Pandemic time has stretched moments into a pace that makes me uncomfortable or out of control.

Pandemic time: moments to grieve, moments to savor, and moments to examen.

This Advent there is anticipation of life as we knew it before.
Is that what Advent is really all about?

Who can say if Advent will change me for the better.
Maybe, it is being changed by the moments for good.

“Life moves pretty fast.  If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
(A quote from Ferris in “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,” John Hughes (Paramount Pictures) 1986)

2020-12-07T09:31:35-06:00Dec 7, 2020|Michael Davison Blog|Comments Off on Advent Moments

Who gets to decide what is “right?”

Forward motion is possible if we can extend the sentence to, “That’s not what I meant, but that must be what you heard, how do we fix this? Will you help me make things right again?”

[Seth Godin, “That’s not what I meant.” October 22, 2020]

The question is, “What does ‘right’ mean given the situation?”

Do you remember a specific part of a single day like it happened yesterday?  I don’t remember much about the day my father drove me to TCU for the first time to move into the dorm.  But, I do remember this: after putting the last of my stuff into the backseat I went back into the house to say goodbye to my mother.  My dad was in the kitchen with her.  Mom hugged me and then pushed me back to arms length and looked me in the eyes.  “We’ve raised you to know the difference between right and wrong.  We raised you to think before you act. We know you are going to make mistakes.  We know you are not going to embarrass us.  Go live your life and call us if you think we can help.”  In the car my father said, “Ready to go.”  “Yes sir.” I responded. That was all we said the first 30 minutes of the 90 minute trip to TCU.

The systems that we participate in every day often limit our choices to do what is right because it is right.  Look at the labels in your clothing.  Then do an Internet search about where those clothes are made.  You are going to find out that much of what you are wearing is made in a country where people are paid poorly, by our standards and theirs, and it is possible that child labor was used to make your clothes.  The same is true with the little computers we call smart phones.  But, that is still our responsibility.  I could choose to pay more for something else.

Most often we do what is right because we are afraid of the consequences that will come from breaking the communal rules set out to ensure we balance our individualism with the common good for community.  I prefer guidelines to rules, because guidelines provide the necessary boundaries for community, and rules, well some rules need to be broken.  But, that’s a topic for another day.

Every now and then, the communal rules get questioned.  They are put through a wash and rinse cycle, and new rules emerge based on historical lessons, clearer facts, better data, and lived experience.  The common good for all of us gets redefined to include more of us.  Sometimes that means some of us give up privileges that are real, or simply imagined, because of where we were born or into what circumstance we were born.  The Constitution of these United States begins, “In order to form a more perfect Union” and goes on to detail the actions taken by men seeking a freedom not experienced in another place and time.  These deists, many of them, embodied the moral compass of their time based on their education and their culture. They were doing the best they could with the most current information they had while thinking about the future.  Can the same be said of our citizens today and those that govern?

Followers of Jesus are supposed to be “Greatest Commandment” people.  Aren’t we?  A secular Nation might call us to be “Golden Rule” people beyond our places of worship, which should not be a heavy lift for Christians.  Somewhere along the way, we’ve lost the ability to be shamed to do the right thing (a great Spike Lee movie).  Shame is not the greatest motivator, but Jesus used it at least once, “If you are without sin, cast the first stone.”

Who gets to define what is “right?”  How does my definition exclude you or include you?  This year, more than most, my mother’s voice echoes, “You’ve been taught to know the difference between right and wrong.”  I’ve got so many lessons ahead of me.

2020-11-02T10:59:08-06:00Nov 2, 2020|Michael Davison Blog|Comments Off on Who gets to decide what is “right?”


Each day we all have choices.

Some of us have more choice than others because of the randomness of birth and the systems that govern our society. What will we do with our choices?  Are your emotions driving or informing your choices?  Do you need more of Mr. Spock’s logic to help you balance your choices?

Yoda tells the wisdom of the cosmos: “Fear leads to anger.  Anger leads to hate.  Hate leads to suffering.”

We’ve seen this happen.

We are seeing this happen.

It may have happened to you.

Which emotion is ordering your life right now and how does that effect how you interact with your neighbors?

Which emotion is ordering your life right now and how does that effect how you interact with the systems that govern our society?

Which emotion is ordering your life right now and how does that effect your discipleship following Jesus?  That pesky peasant teacher from Galilee reminds us to love God and our neighbor as ourselves.

That’s always prophetic.

1) If you have not seen the movie, Inside Out (2015), I recommend it.  It is family friendly for grades 6 and older which would provide for some discussion about feelings and memory.
2) I suggest Seth Godin’s blog on “Choices” for another perspective.

2020-07-01T16:08:57-05:00Jul 1, 2020|Michael Davison Blog|Comments Off on Choices

Clean Up to Do

“ashes and diamonds
foe and friend
we were all equal in the end.”
(Pink Floyd, The Final Cut, “Two Suns in the Sunset.” 1983.)

While it is true that we all pass from this life into the next equally silent and we come into this life equally crying, that is where the idealized equality of persons created in God’s image begins and ends.  Try as we do to distract ourselves from this truth, we are reminded of it in plain sight, again, and again.  No matter how much TV we binge, Youtube you surf, video games played, or prayers you offer in confession or intercession, this will not just go away nor be solved with ease.  People of goodwill of all races and economic backgrounds will have to decide to change the systems that enable racism and other “isms” that create injustice.  And even then, better as it will become there will still be work to do.  Like the Dragon capsule docking with the International Space Station on Saturday, our personal lives and communal lives are a constant work of repositioning, sometimes in large bursts of energy and sometimes small bursts, to align the trajectory of your life with the source of your being. Tethered to that source, even when you don’t know you are being carried, can help when you are adrift in life.  At some point, we all become adrift during the journey of life and journey in faith.  What’s your source?

The ideals, core values, and principles of our faith statements and our Nation are just that: ideals, values, and principles.  The systems built from those, like some infrastructure around the Nation and the globe, are failing the rainbow of humanity who are all precious in God’s sight. It is not a new problem.  It is exasperated by the speed of information and images.  The open firehose of images and information oxidizes our ability to filter information from entertainment or protest from people who just like to cause problems and watch the world burn.

A couple of years ago we began, ever so gently, intentionally thinking about and talking about reconciliation between human beings at summer camp.  Junior High and High School youth alongside adult volunteers struggled and I know some did not return to camp because it was perceived as becoming political.  I understand.  My toes and my feelings were hurt a bit too, but that is where Jesus meets us.  The First Testament prophets told hard truths about their context.  The parables that Jesus told are not warm fuzzies though we’ve worked to make them more appetizing.  Mirrors show us who we are at any given moment.  They reflect you to you, and the US to us, more clearly than a stylized Instagram or Snapchat selfie.  “It is unimaginably hard to do this–to live consciously, adultly, day in and day out.”(1)

Near the end of the film, “Bruce Almighty,” the city of Buffalo is rioting as Bruce has filled in for God.  Bruce and God are mopping a floor.  As they finish, God remarks, “It’s a wonderful thing.  No matter how filthy something gets you can always clean it right up.”  We’ve got some clean up to do and two lyrics point a direction. “Let it begin with me.”(2)  In our private and public work, “we shall overcome someday.”(3)

Stay centered.



1) David Foster Wallace, This is Water: Some Thoughts Delivered on a Significant Occasion, about Living a Compassionate Life. Little, Brown and Company (New York) 2009.
2) Jill Jackson and Sy Miller, “Let There Be Peace On Earth.” 1955.
3) Based on a song structure of “I Will Overcome” by Charles Albert Tindley and first published in 1900. “We Shall Overcome” published in an edition of the People’s Songs Bulletin 1947, and said to have been sung by tobacco workers led by Lucille Simmons during a 1945 cigar workers strike in Charleston, South Carolina. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/We_Shall_Overcome).

2020-06-01T14:33:43-05:00Jun 1, 2020|Michael Davison Blog|Comments Off on Clean Up to Do

A Letter to Graduates

“It is unimaginably hard to do this—to live consciously, adultly, day in and day out.”(1)

This is the time of: end of semester tests, parties, invitations, measurements, proms, formals, special recognitions, special meals, gifts, cards, crowded schedules, and advice.  Little feels “normal.” The meaning of the rituals that mark the passage from one phase of life to another remains important.  Drilling down on that core meaning is not as easy as we think, but we don’t have to make it harder than it already is for you.  Graduates, yours is an experience no one wants for you; and we don’t want for us.  Forgive me if I minimize your reality trying to protect you from the pain or make myself feel better because you are missing the rituals around graduation.

Many people relive their memories, embellished as happens through years of living, as we celebrate your achievement. Forgive me when my nostalgia overshadows your reality.

Some people you know, maybe one particular person, has invested in you and repaid a debt from long ago.  Others are following an example set by someone who invested in us at your age.  I’m trusting you to give me, and the rest of us, a cue about the best way to honor your experience and achievement without the usual trappings of the graduation ritual.  What would be meaningful to you?  I’ve noticed you helping adults deal with our grief about your situation through your occasional Facebook post and Instagram smile.  “Ah, it’s ok.  I understand why it has to be this way.  Sure, it’s disappointing, but I’m ok with it.”  Graduates, you are setting an example for those older than you and younger than you.

Thank you for helping the world adjust to technology that connects.  It has been part of your entire life.  Your ability to form relationships, meaningful connections to others, using texting, snapping, and other portals is making this time more accessible for you.  And, it is helping older adults discover a whole new world.  Given all the required screen time that you have now, I don’t know if those apps are still an experience of subversive independence, but like generations before, you found a way to have your own space.

As you move through adult life, there will be many things you want to believe, or need to believe, to navigate this territory without a GPS enhanced map.  The people that stood alongside you to this point are invested in the adult you will become, but the hard work is yours to do.  To borrow from Yoda, “Remember what you have learned. Save you it can.”  What has always been true, but feels more so now, is that you need a good, working moral compass for life.  Missteps, mishaps, and mistakes will be made. Failure is one of the best teachers.  During the journey through life you will need to recalibrate your moral compass. Sometimes more often than you think.  Be sure the tools you use are made for your moral compass and not something else.  Stay in touch with your experience of faith and religious beliefs.  Proclaiming faith in Jesus is easy.  Practicing Jesus’ way can lead to Truth about living, and give meaning to your life.  But, Jesus’ way will set you against or apart from culture, friends, and family during life.  So, what would Jesus do?

Finally, a pithy quote from a one of my favorite movies.  If nothing else, remember these words, edited for inclusivity, from Hub McCann.

“Sometimes the things that may or may not be true are the things that a person needs to believe in the most: that people are basically good; that honor, courage, and virtue mean everything; that power and money, money and power mean nothing; that good always triumphs over evil; that love, true love, never dies… No matter if they’re true or not, a person should believe in those things because those are the things worth believing in.”(2)

The world is waiting to see what you do.  Make us proud (no pressure).

Stay centered.

1. David Foster Wallace, This is Water: Some Thoughts, Delivered on a Significant Occasion, about Living a Compassionate Life. Little, Brown and Company (New York) 2009.

2. Tim McCanlies, “Secondhand Lions.” New Line Cinema 2003.

2020-05-03T22:21:11-05:00May 3, 2020|Michael Davison Blog|Comments Off on A Letter to Graduates

On the Road with Jesus: Holy Week

Is everything going to be ok?

That depends.

If we mean, “Is everything going to be the way it was and the way I expected it to be?” then the answer is no. The answer to that question is always no, it always has been.

If we mean, “Is everything going to be the way it is going to be?” then the answer is yes. Of course. If we define whatever happens as okay, then everything will be.

Given that everything is going to be the way it’s going to be, we’re left with an actually useful and productive question instead: “What are you going to do about it?”
(Seth Godin, March 26, 2020)

“This is not how we thought it would be.”  Sometimes I wonder if this is what the disciples thought when Jesus told them it was time to go to Jerusalem, and that it could be his last trip.  I wonder if one or more of them thought, “this is not the way I thought it would be” when they shared a meal in what tradition calls an upper room and the Last Supper.

We find ourselves in a similar place this year.  This is not how we thought spring break, Holy week, Easter, or senior year would be.  And yet, here we are, sheltered-in-place.  What are you noticing?  As I listen I’ve heard: lament, complaint, it’s unfair, gratitude, fear, more fear, anxiety, connection, community, and courage.  What have you heard?

The news notes the work of nurses, doctors, and first responders.  I hear youth ministers talk of Zoom youth group, Instagram youth group, and ministers learning skills and being creative.  I hear the importance of intentional Christian community, but it is not going to be like it was before.  What to do?

During this time of shelter-in-place, I finally saw “Frozen II”.  It’s a coming of age film as we learn the backstory of Anna, Elsa, and the kingdom of Arendelle.  A bit of the dialogue and one of the songs fits our time.  “The Next Right Thing.” Actually, it fits every day, and is a good foundation for all the days ahead.  But, knowing the next right thing to do can be difficult.  There is a lot of noise and information fighting for your attention.  What will you give your attention or grant access to your thinking, feeling, self?  I think that is what Lent is supposed to be about.  Self reflection and evaluation of what you’ve granted your attention, or given over your attention to each day. Your attention is valuable.  Just look at all the ads: Facebook, TV, Youtube, Instagram, Radio, Print, or New coverage that you wade through each day.

Maybe that is the what the parables of Jesus are doing. Altering your attention.  Good stories, art, and music can do that.  Christian tradition has focused a salvation story on Easter, and backed into Good Friday, Maundy Thursday, Holy week, and Christmas. There is something about Jesus of Nazareth and the good news of God that Jesus proclaimed that always draws attention.  Is it other before self, community, the character of God, or something else?

Jesus’ story is about to come to an end, but the way he lived and the good news of God that Jesus proclaimed is as relevant today as it was in his time.  If you are willing to give it your attention, Jesus’ way and that good news begins anew in you each day.

Do the right thing.  If that’s too big, just do the next right thing.

Rev Michael Davison, Associate Regional Minister

2020-04-06T14:28:29-05:00Apr 6, 2020|Michael Davison Blog|Comments Off on On the Road with Jesus: Holy Week
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