
Crown Heights Christian Church and First Christian Church (OKC) Join to Support the OKC Marathon on April 28

Have you ever heard of the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon? It has been one of the top marathons in the country, and it happens right here in OKC. In fact, the race course runs around Crown Heights Christian Church and First Christian (OKC) Church on Sunday morning, April 28.

The course is so close that neither church is able to hold worship services that Sunday morning. While some might find this as an inconvenience, these two congregations see this wonderful event, with more than 25,000 runners each year, as an opportunity to serve both the city and the runners. Both churches will eat together and worship together on Saturday, April 27 beginning at 6 pm at Crown Heights. Then, on Sunday morning, beginning at 6:30 am, the two churches will meet to cheer on the runners with signs, encouraging words and music on First Christian Church’s property.

Crown Heights even has a church-sponsored marathon relay team in the race. If you’re even remotely interested in finding out more or participating with us, please contact Rev. Aaron Krueger at Crown Heights (405-528-5568) or Rev. John Malget at FCC (OKC) (405-525-6551).

2019-04-10T13:12:52-05:00Apr 4, 2019|Congregations|Comments Off on Crown Heights Christian Church and First Christian Church (OKC) Join to Support the OKC Marathon on April 28

2019 Easter Offering April 14 and April 21

“I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.” – John 15:5 NRSV

As Disciples, we all benefit from the fruit, the gifts, of our general ministries. These fruits are made possible only through the connections and support that grow in collaboration with our regions and congregations. This Easter, let us reflect on the transformative ways that we have been impacted by those ministries, and by the fruits of our shared work.

Our general ministries provide other critical resources to Disciples congregations, like stewardship campaign materials, loans and financial services, and space for community building around shared values and traditions.

Our ministries can bear these fruits because of our shared root system. We are rooted in Christ. As one branch of our vine grows, we can share more fruit with more people, from our doorsteps to the ends of the earth.

This Holy Week let us give of our own fruits to tend to the whole. Our ministries grow through your tending, nurturing, and caring. Your gifts to the Easter Offering can transform our shared work.

Please give generously to this year’s Easter Offering.

2019-03-25T10:44:04-05:00Mar 21, 2019|Congregations|Comments Off on 2019 Easter Offering April 14 and April 21

March 15: You’re Invited to Join the Pension Fund of the Christian Church for Lunch

The Pension Fund would like to invite you to lunch on March 15th from 11am – 1:30pm at First Christian Church Norman, located at 220 S. Webster Ave. Norman, OK  73069.

Pension Fund is hosting a member luncheon to share with you the exciting work of Pension Fund this past year including our focused efforts on Ministerial Relief & Assistance.

Seating is limited so please RSVP to Chandra Haskett no later than March 8. You may RSVP via email ([email protected]) or by phone at 317.713.2630. Be sure to let her know if you have any special dietary restrictions.

We look forward to seeing you in March!

Rev. Dr. Todd Adams and Rev. Kyle Fauntleroy

2019-03-05T13:50:12-06:00Mar 5, 2019|Congregations|Comments Off on March 15: You’re Invited to Join the Pension Fund of the Christian Church for Lunch

Join Western Oaks Christian Church for “Soup for the Soul” 2019 Lenten Series

Around 8 years ago Rev. Daniel U’Ren, Senior Minister at Western Oaks Christian Church started hosting a Lenten series called “Soup for the Soul”. In the past Western Oaks has done studies on Hospitality, Community, Justice, and Love Thy Neighbor. This year, given the growing feeling of being fragmented and divided in the country and the world, the topic is “Shalom”.

This year Western Oaks is happy to welcome Rabbi Abby Jacobson, Dr. John Starkey, Sen. Rev. Dr. George Young, and Dr. Imam Imad Enchassi as guest speakers.

Click here to view the flyer.

2019-02-19T12:37:38-06:00Feb 19, 2019|Congregations|Comments Off on Join Western Oaks Christian Church for “Soup for the Soul” 2019 Lenten Series

FCC Moore Hosts “Christ in the Passover”

Please join First Christian Church Moore on Monday, April 15, 2019 at 7 pm to hear a presentation called “Christ in the Passover”. The presentation will show how each component of the Seder meal/Passover celebration pointed to Jesus. Jesus’ Last Supper was actually a Jewish Passover. Shoshannah Weinisch of Jews for Jesus will re-create the traditional Passover service and explain how it foreshadowed Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Shoshannah Weinisch will set a table with items traditionally used at the Passover meal and detail their spiritual significance. She will also explain the connection between the events of the first Passover in Egypt and the redemption that Jesus accomplished, as well as the deep bond between the ancient Passover feast and the Christian communion celebration today.

Jews for Jesus has presented “Christ in the Passover” at over 38,000 churches. It has been enthusiastically received by Christians who appreciate learning more about the Jewish backgrounds of their faith. Moishe Rosen, who founded Jews for Jesus in 1973, has also co-written the book, Christ in the Passover, with his wife, Ceil. This seminal work includes a look at Passover in ancient times and how it is practiced today.

Brickner, a fifth-generation Jewish believer in Jesus, succeeded Rosen as Executive Director in 1996. Brickner has kept Jews for Jesus on the cutting edge as the ministry has expanded and established branches in eleven countries, including the United States, Brazil, Israel, Russia, France, and South Africa.

“We exist to make the Messiahship of Jesus an unavoidable issue to our Jewish people worldwide,” Brickner states. “There are still a few that haven’t heard of us!”

Shoshannah Weinisch will be happy to answer questions after the presentation. Call (405) 794-6166 or visit for more information. There is no admission charge.

2019-02-20T15:49:45-06:00Feb 19, 2019|Congregations|Comments Off on FCC Moore Hosts “Christ in the Passover”

March 8 – 9: Jesus and the Heart of Wisdom Seminar at Edmond Trinity Christian Church

Come join fellow disciples at Edmond Trinity Christian Church located at 1400 N.W. 178th Street, Edmond on Friday, March 8th from 7:30pm – 9:30pm and March 9th from 9:30am – 4pm for “Jesus and the Heart of Wisdom” Seminar. Historical Jesus scholars, Joanna Dewey (Ph.D., Graduate Theological Union) and Stephen J. Patterson (Claremont Graduate School) will present workshops on Jesus and the Heart of Wisdom.

Dewey is the Harvey H. Guthrie Jr. Professor Emerita of Biblical Studies at Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge, Massachusetts and Stephen Patterson is the Geo. H. Atkinson Professor of Religious and Ethical Studies at Willamette College, Salem, Oregon.

They will explore whether Jesus was an apocalyptic prophet or a wisdom sage and will discuss His wisdom teachings and parables.

Click HERE for more details including schedule of events and registration. For more information, contact Rev. Don Heath at (405) 348-8019.

The workshops are presented by Jesus Seminar on the Road. Registration for all sessions is $75.00 and is available online at

2019-03-04T14:55:44-06:00Feb 11, 2019|Congregations|Comments Off on March 8 – 9: Jesus and the Heart of Wisdom Seminar at Edmond Trinity Christian Church

Year Book Forms Are Due March 15, 2019

Year Book and Directory forms are important to maintaining your church’s 501(c)3 tax status with the IRS. Submission Deadline is March 15, 2019. The General Board of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) votes and approves the list of member churches, church agencies and institutions published in the Year Book for submission to the IRS. This assures contributions to your congregation may be properly reported as tax exempt to the IRS.

You may download a complete set of instructions HERE.

Please submit your Year Book form online by clicking HERE. If you do not know your church PIN, you may look it up in the church PIN directory HERE.

If you have any trouble submitting your form online, you are welcome to mail a completed paper form to the Regional Office to be received by March 12, 2019. A paper form is available for download HERE. Mail to: Christian Church in Oklahoma, 301 NW 36th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73118-8661

Call Jennifer or Ellen at the Regional Office with any questions. 405-528-3577

2019-01-31T13:59:02-06:00Jan 30, 2019|Congregations|Comments Off on Year Book Forms Are Due March 15, 2019

Job Posting: Children Program Director and Youth Program Director at Southern Hills Christian Church

Southern Hills Christian Church located in Edmond, is looking for a Children Program Director and Youth Program Director. For a full job description click HERE.

Please reply with your resume and cover letter to [email protected].

2019-01-24T10:22:37-06:00Jan 24, 2019|Congregations|Comments Off on Job Posting: Children Program Director and Youth Program Director at Southern Hills Christian Church
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