2025 Week of Compassion Special Offering
Friends, as we’ve reflected on God’s ever-present love – a love that persists even when we cannot directly hear it or see it – we are now invited to participate in making that love tangible for others around the world.
This special offering supports Week of Compassion, a vital ministry of our whole Church that serves vulnerable communities globally. Through this ministry, we extend our reach, our fellowship, our communion far beyond these walls.
Our faithful giving allows God’s love to be heard and seen in places of great need – in war-torn regions, in areas devastated by weather-related disasters, and in communities struggling with poverty and injustice. Let us give generously and joyfully, knowing that through our offering, others will hear and see God’s love in action.
Promotional Materials
Further information and promotional pieces for the Week of Compassion may be found on the WOC Special Offering page including the following:
- Social media images
- Sermon starters and scripture commentary
- Mission Moment
- Worship resources
- QR code for online giving
- Posters and bulletin inserts
- Children’s sermon & activities
- Youth activities