Clergy News

Pension Fund Webinar: Clergy Financial Wellness

Ministers’ financial lives are complicated: salaries are varied, some are burdened with debt, and they want to be generous as well as save for the future. Learn how to cut through the confusion and about new resources that will help answer your toughest money questions so you can find your path to financial wellness.

Join Rev. Thomas McCracken with Pension Fund of the Christian Church at 3:30 pm (CT) on September 15, 2020. This webinar will explore elements of clergy compensation and share how Pension Fund is finding new ways to support clergy and their congregations.

At Pension Fund, our mission is For the Support of Ministry and we want to walk alongside you on the road to financial wellness.

Click here to register


Rev. Thomas McCracken, Area Director
214-862-5612 • [email protected]

2020-09-03T11:30:29-05:00Sep 3, 2020|Clergy News|Comments Off on Pension Fund Webinar: Clergy Financial Wellness

Faithful, Hopeful, Loving Annual Stewardship Campaign

Are you planning a season of stewardship? Do you need resources to help you?

The Oklahoma Disciples Foundation just hosted a webinar with The Center for Faith & Giving with Rev. Bruce Barkhauer. Rev. Barkhauer provided wonderful information and words of encouragement reminding us that even in the midst of a pandemic, stewardship is still valuable and a faithful act of discipleship. He has also prepared a document called “Essentials” to help us think theologically about the way forward when we don’t know exactly what to prepare for. Regardless of the circumstances, he says, our faith practices may look different, but they are still vital to loving and serving like Jesus. This certainly includes stewardship.

On your behalf, the Region invested in the 2020 Faithful, Hopeful, Loving Annual stewardship campaign materials and resources from the Center for Faith & Giving. Every minister serving a local congregation in Oklahoma now has access to these wonderful resources. Please use these resources as your church plans and encourages continued stewardship.


If you have trouble accessing any of this information, please contact the Regional office or you may contact Rev. Bruce Barkhauer directly at 317-635-3100 or The Center for Faith and Giving.

May God’s blessing of abundance and joy continue to be upon you and your congregation.

Peace & God’s Grace,


2020-08-27T14:26:08-05:00Aug 27, 2020|Clergy News|Comments Off on Faithful, Hopeful, Loving Annual Stewardship Campaign

Commission on Clergy Announces Ordinations

Ordination into Christian Ministry

In May 2020, the Commission on Clergy approved CeCe Jones-Davis and Gregory Chambers for ordination. CeCe Jones-Davis, a graduate of Yale Divinity School, will be ordained by Edmond Trinity Christian Church on August 30, 2020 via Zoom.

Gregory Chambers, a graduate of Brite Divinity School, will be ordained by New Hope Christian Church, Oklahoma City in a gathering on May 30, 2021.

We celebrate and welcome CeCe and Gregory to ordained ministry!

2020-08-12T14:09:16-05:00Aug 12, 2020|Clergy News|Comments Off on Commission on Clergy Announces Ordinations

Clergy Continuing Education Requirements for 2020

Reminder: 2020 Continuing Education Requirements

The Commission on Clergy will still be requiring 16 hours of continuing education for 2021 standing. During this pandemic, there are many opportunities for online learning. The Commission hopes that clergy can take advantage of some of these opportunities, which include what is available through or United Church of Christ, Center for Faith & Giving, or others.

Clergy, please keep a record of what you have watched: the date, the title of the webinar, the time you spent watching/learning. This is what you will add to the standing form when it comes to you in November.

2020-08-12T13:45:24-05:00Aug 12, 2020|Clergy News|Comments Off on Clergy Continuing Education Requirements for 2020

Register to Attend: Stewardship in a Time of Crisis

The Oklahoma Disciples Foundation is excited to host Rev. Barkhauer (co-host) for two one-hour live video presentations on August 17 and August 18. Pick the day and time most convenient for you: Monday, August 17, 2020 at 7 p.m. Central Time, or Tuesday, August 18, 2020 at 11 a.m. Central Time.

Pre-registration is required. You must provide your name, church and email so we can email you a link to the Zoom video presentation. There is no cost to participate. Gather your stewardship committee members and logon to learn. (A computer or laptop with a camera is necessary to participate in the Zoom conference.)

Click HERE to register.

How should churches make an annual appeal during 2020? How can the church connect with members while practicing social distancing? People have lost income, so is now an appropriate time for the church to ask for money? What’s next in church finance? How do we prepare?

If you are a pastor or member of a congregation asking these questions, you won’t want to miss a live opportunity to hear Center of Faith and Giving Director Rev. Bruce A. Barkhauer’s take on “Stewardship in a Time of Crisis.” It will be a time of helpful and faithful conversation, questions and suggestions as we examine how to think and talk about stewardship during this global pandemic. Discussion will also provide suggestions for the best use of the “Faithful, Hopeful and Loving” materials provided by the Oklahoma Region as well as how your community of faith can maximize or “start” an electronic giving program.

Over the years, Rev. Barkhauer has graciously traveled to Oklahoma to make various stewardship presentations in conjunction with the Foundation. If you haven’t heard him speak, you’re missing out. Rev. Barkhauer brings creative energy to his presentations and shares real life examples with sometimes-humorous undercurrents.

Rev. Barkhauer was called as the first “Minister for Faith and Giving for Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)” in 2010. For 25 years, he led congregations in Ohio and Indiana in achieving high levels of financial support for local and global missions. He is a noted speaker, educator, consultant and writer.

“His energy, vision and entrepreneurial spirit enhance gifts in both business and ministry,” according to the Center of Faith and Giving website. “He brings a biblical based understanding about stewardship combined with theological integrity and weds them to the current trends and best practices related to spirituality and money.”

We hope to see you there!

2020-08-12T14:11:44-05:00Jul 27, 2020|Clergy News|Comments Off on Register to Attend: Stewardship in a Time of Crisis

Which Story Will You Choose?

Dear Friends in Ministry,

Thank you for serving as a minister in the Region of Oklahoma! I am always grateful for your pastoral presence, your leadership, and your faithfulness especially in the last few months. I know you all are physically, mentally, and spiritually weary from all that you have had to do to transition to on-line worship. And yet, you are still hopeful, encouraging, and caring for your flock in amazing, creative ways. While I highly recommend some down time for rest and re-creation, I also realize this weekend is bringing another round of anxiety, especially in Tulsa.

The Presidential Rally is headed to Tulsa. Hundreds of thousands of people will be attending this Presidential Rally. My mind and heart cannot even fathom the timing of this event on Saturday, June 20th, for a couple of reasons. June 19th is the celebration of the Emancipation Proclamation, and Tulsa’s history includes one of the worst race massacres in history in 1921. I also am having a difficult time imagining all the people already arriving in Tulsa expecting to stay in hotels and eating. Yes, the economy will receive a boost with sales. Yes, the protests will be significant, extensive, and maybe tumultuous, despite all efforts to be peaceful. Unfortunately, the biggest attender of this event will be Covid-19.

The Digital Poor People’s Campaign is also on Saturday, June 20th. This campaign is a movement of tens of of thousands of people across our nation who will be participating safely from their own homes. This campaign seeks to end the interlocking injustices of systemic racism, poverty, militarism and the war economy, ecological devastation, and the distorted moral narrative of religious nationalism. The Poor People’s Campaign needs our presence, our voice of advocacy, and our dollars to make a difference in our fragmented world.

I do not wish to tell you what to choose because both are important each in their own way. But I do wish to share that my family and I are participating in the Poor People’s Campaign. I am participating in this campaign because I want to stand with and advocate FOR our most vulnerable neighbors, the millions of poor and low-income people, with my presence and my dollars. These people are blessed, they matter to me and my family, and I believe our voices matter more in this movement.

We are certainly in a holy and historical season of uncertainty, deep grief, and hope. I continue to pray mightily for each and every one of you, your families, your church members, your community, our Region. As we rise strong to follow a call to action for justice, may God’s love, peace, and grace continue to surround us and speak through our voices.

Peace & God’s Grace,

P.S. If you would like to participate in the June 20 Digital Poor People’s Campaign, here is a link for more information. The Mass Poor People’s Assembly & Moral March on Washington

2020-06-18T09:29:29-05:00Jun 18, 2020|Clergy News, Pamela Holt Blog|Comments Off on Which Story Will You Choose?

Faith & Giving: Stewardship Resources for a Time Such as This and Beyond

We have helpful stewardship resources available for you. On your behalf, the Region invested in the 2020 Faithful Hopeful Loving Annual stewardship materials and resources from the Center for Faith & Giving led by Rev. Bruce Barkhauer. Every minister serving a local congregation in Oklahoma now has access to these materials and resources which you will find in the link below. Please note: Rev. Dr. Lisa Davison contributed to this material!

While shepherding your flock in these days is of utmost importance, so is the continued need for stewardship and giving. In your new role as tele-pastor (which you all have mastered!), please remember the offering on Sunday mornings via on-line giving, electronic banking, or a regular paper check! If you do not have on-line giving, like Givelify, we will be happy to help you get that app in motion.

Links to Resources by the Center for Faith & Giving

Resources for Faithful Hopeful Loving Annual Campaign 

2020-07-15T11:12:27-05:00Jun 3, 2020|Clergy News|Comments Off on Faith & Giving: Stewardship Resources for a Time Such as This and Beyond

A New Season: Pentecost!

Acts 2:1-2
When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place.  And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting.

Just imagine this scene with me for a moment.  We live in Oklahoma where if this storm were coming, David Payne would be entertaining us with warnings and the community sirens and our phones would be blaring!  We would take cover, either in a shelter or in our bathroom with helmets and pillows, and quite possibly, we would miss the miracle of Pentecost.  The miracle where God pours out the Spirit on “all flesh”.

Craig S. Keener notes that “God’s promise in Joel crossed barriers of age, gender, and free or slave status. . . . Peter changes Joel’s wording with respect to slaves:  now the Spirit is for all who are God’s servants.  This might remind us that all of us come to God as servants, on the same level. . . . Although Joel’s wording already crossed class barriers, the new wording virtually eliminates such classes. The world still evaluates us in socioeconomic terms, but Jesus’ followers must value and treat each other as siblings of equal dignity.”  (Craig Keener, Connections: Acts 2:1-21, Commentary 2:  Connecting the Reading with the World, p. 337)

Oklahoma storms are terrifying, and we must take shelter.  However, on this Sunday of Pentecost, perhaps we trust our God and be courageous enough to  linger from taking shelter so that we can be witnesses of this mighty miracle and all become transformed to be servants of the Lord: valuing and treating each other as siblings of equal dignity.

Speaking of courage and lingering . . .

All of you are doing a fantastic ministry worshiping on-line and connecting and caring for your flock in amazing and creative ways. Michael and I wander around the region each week to join you and celebrate the goodness of the Lord among you.

As statements are made and expectations are rising, I feel your anxiety and apprehension about returning to worship in the sanctuary.  While some communities in our region do not have high numbers of Covid-19 and feel comfortable gathering on Sunday mornings, many of our communities are struggling with “when” to re-gather for worship. The Region is still advocating for the numbers to be trending down for fourteen days before returning to in-person gathering for worship. It takes courage to linger, to go slow, to bring everyone one along on the journey. But I realize that may not be possible for your congregation to wait. It also takes courage to re-gather now. There is so much to do to make the space safe for  everyone.  And even then the risk is high. In these days of multiple vulnerabilities, I pray that you and your flock will continue in faith and hope and be courageous to discover new and profound ways to love and serve all people as Jesus does in a time such as this.

On this arduous journey, I also know you all are exhausted ~ exhausted from preparing words of faith, hope, and God’s steadfast love each week, from navigating the tech and wondering who is watching, and continuing to connect with parishioners in unprecedented ways. After Pentecost Sunday, I hope and pray that you will be courageous and take some days for rest and recreation.  You deserve it and need it.


In case you have not seen these statements, I offer them here for easy resourcing.

National Council of Churches Statement on Returning to Worship in Person

General Minister and President on re-opening congregations by Rev. Terri Hord Owens

Regional Ministers Offer a Word on Re-Opening Congregations

Digital Poor People’s Campaign

One last, but important item.  If you have ever wanted to take part in the Poor People’s Campaign but were not able to do so because of travel costs, or time away, here is your chance!  The Poor People’s Campaign will be a virtual assembly on Saturday, June 20, 2020.  I invite you to participate as you are able.

Poor People’s Campaign, a Digital Justice Gathering, on Saturday, June 20, 2020, which includes a link to the Digital Toolkit.


Gratefully, we are accompanied by a God who promises to be with us always, still speaking words of hope and healing, as we courageously continue to move toward wholeness.

Peace & God’s Grace,

Pamela Holt

“The prophetic tasks of the church are to tell the truth in a society that lives in illusion, grief in a society that practices denial, and express hope in a society that lives in despair.”  ~ Walter Brueggemann


Image credit:  Extreme weather on the high plains of Nebraska with this stunning LP supercell Mesocyclone, taken near Broken Bow, Nebraska, USA. Getty Images

2020-05-28T09:14:39-05:00May 28, 2020|Clergy News, Pamela Holt Blog|Comments Off on A New Season: Pentecost!

Phillips Seminary Announces: DOC History & Polity Class Beginning August 2020

Phillips Theological Seminary will be offering a Disciples of Christ History & Polity course, the week of August 3-7. (As of now, this class will be offered on campus. Should this need to transition online, you will be notified.) The course will be taught by Dr. Lisa Barnett and is open to auditors and those seeking academic credit. Phillips Seminary will be accepting applications through Friday, July 10.

Phillips has a simple online application process. Apply today! Click HERE

If you have any questions regarding enrollment please contact MaryAnn Morris, Dean of Students, Phillips Theological Seminary at 918-270-6464 or email [email protected].

Phillips is deeply committed to serving lay and clergy leaders who are passionate about following the way of Jesus and transforming our world.

2020-05-07T09:58:41-05:00Apr 29, 2020|Clergy News|Comments Off on Phillips Seminary Announces: DOC History & Polity Class Beginning August 2020

Phillips University, Inc. Seminary Scholarship Program Applications Due April 30, 2020

Phillips University, Inc. (PU) is pleased to offer a merit based Seminary scholarship program for full-time, first year seminarians who are pursuing a Masters of Divinity degree, are committed to pastoral ministry and will attend one of the following Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) affiliated seminaries or foundation homes:

  • Brite Divinity School – Ft. Worth, TX
  • Christian Theological Seminary – Indianapolis, IN
  • Disciples Divinity House at Vanderbilt – Nashville, TN
  • Disciples Divinity House of the University of Chicago – Chicago, IL
  • Disciples Seminary Foundation
  • Claremont School of Theology – Claremont, CA
  • ILIFF School of Theology – Denver, CO
  • San Francisco Theological Seminary – San Anselmo, CA
  • Seattle University School of Theology & Ministry – Seattle, WA   
  • Lexington Theological Seminary – Lexington, KY
  • Phillips Theological Seminary – Tulsa, OK

The purpose of this program is to perpetuate the mission and the legacy of Phillips University by helping educate people who will be future ministers of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

“For nearly 100 years, Phillips University played an important role in the foundation and education of Christian ministers,” said Kelly Coker, Vice-President.  “Because of the Phillips University Seminary Scholarship Program, PU is able to continue to influence the lives of not only the clergy of tomorrow, but also the lives of the countless people they will touch through their future ministries. We feel blessed to be able to help these remarkable Divinity scholars in their theological quests while attending these amazing institutions.”

For more information about the Phillips University, Inc. Seminary Scholarship Program, please contact Tamela Harsha, Scholarship Administrator, at (580) 237-4433 or email [email protected].  Applications can be accessed online at The application deadline is Thursday, April 30, 2020.

2020-03-24T11:07:48-05:00Mar 24, 2020|Clergy News|Comments Off on Phillips University, Inc. Seminary Scholarship Program Applications Due April 30, 2020
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