A Caminante Success Story…


As an eight year old, Franklin would leave home on Mondays, and walk 10 miles to work the beaches of Boca Chica selling candy and shining the shoes of tourists.  This helped support his family since his mother didn’t have a job.  He went to back doors of restaurants to beg for food.  He would sleep in doorways because it was too far to go home every night.  Franklin didn’t go to school and on weekends, he would go home and give his meager earnings to his mother.

Franklin wondered…“Is there anybody who really cares about me and can give me hope?”  He wrote this thought on a piece of paper and slid it under the door of the Catholic Church.  The priest found the note and called Sister Denisse.  Sister Denisse quickly found Franklin a place to sleep every night. She made sure he went to school and because of his potential, she made sure he went to college.  Franklin became a teacher in our Caminante Mission – Oklahoma Homework Room. Franklin later married and raised a family.

In 2013, we were told; “Franklin has eight children, the youngest is one year old.  His wife died after giving birth and he is now a single father raising 8 children.  The Caminante staff told Franklin that it’s okay to leave here, your family needs you to make more money.”

Franklin replied: “Sister Denisse found me, helped me, and Caminante gave me hope.  The kids here are like me, working the streets and beaches.  They need an education.  They need me and I need them.  There are more important things than money.  I’m staying at Caminante where I can make a difference.”

During a mission trip to Caminante, we visited Franklin teaching in a homework room.  We passed out dental supplies.  To the children, it was like Christmas to receive a new toothbrush. Then, Franklin motioned to the children, they sat quietly. He told the children “Oklahoma makes a difference. I hope, and the children hope, you continue to support us.” He motioned to them again and the children said, “Adios, Oklahoma. Come see us again.”  We saw 35 children with new toothbrushes and hope.  There wasn’t a dry eye among us.  And we knew we had seen the face of Jesus.

Our July 2016 mission trip showed Caminante continues to make a difference.  Homework rooms, once serving 100 children, now serve almost 400 children.  Over 60 people, who benefited from Caminante programs like Franklin, show their gratitude by working or volunteering with Caminante on a full time or part time basis.

Come Join Us:

Two mission trips are planned for 2017. Tentative dates are January 20-27 or January 27-February 3. Trip participants will work with children in the “homework rooms” and see firsthand the work of Caminante. Dental supplies, clothing, back packs, craft supplies, sporting goods, and money for school supplies will be taken to Caminante at this time. A tentative date for the summer mission trip is July 7-14.  Participants on the summer mission trip will help with summer community programs for children. This trip is appropriate for all ages.

If you are interested in participating or donating to Caminante please contact Don Johnson for more information at (580) 402-2612 or [email protected].

Scholarships are available.