God, in times of distress and confusion like this, human beings ask the origin and the purpose of calamity.

O Lord, Covid-19 seems to appear to us as a wake-up call for your church. So far, it has caused a lot of fear and anxiety.  All economic, financial, and health systems in literally every society have been challenged.

Lord, we humbly come before you to seek wisdom as the church and society have been challenged to rethink the way we live and cooperate, as well as our responsibilities to the world.  Let your church be reminded of the connectedness and interdependence of the world now more than ever before.

Almighty God, we lift up to you all health professionals who risk their lives to save others. We come to applaud and appreciate the gift of knowledge as scientists are working hard to find a cure and vaccine.  We also thank you for the fact that the role of faith has also been lifted, with the notion of dependence to you being laid bare.

Everlasting God, in nations, cities, and villages where the church is present, let us be reminded to take seriously its call to be in solidarity with the most vulnerable.  The poor, homeless, unemployed, refugees, and displaced people suffer more than those whose economic and social situation enables them to fend for themselves better.  We remember them in our prayers.

Lord, with the lockdowns we hear about a dramatic increase in some places of gender-based violence against women and children.  People with disabilities are not cared for properly, and those who have recovered from the disease face stigma in their own communities.  We cry to you for help.

We thank you Lord, for what the church is doing across the globe for those in need.  Let this situation be a wake-up call for your church in its mission of witnessing love and care for humanity.

God, hear our prayer, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
