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Spring Tornadoes Update 6-10-24

Among our churches and church families, the Sulphur and Morris communities were hit the worst during our spring tornado season. First Christian Church Sulphur (above) and First Christian Church Morris suffered extensive damage from wind and water. Cleanup and repair is underway though final assessment of what is needed and the full cost remains to be seen. Pastors Randy Martin (Sulphur) and Tim Craighton (Morris) along with their church leaders are shepherding their congregations through this challenging time. Members of Sulphur have returned to worship in their building; Morris is currently meeting at the Lion’s Club.

Eleven church member families in Sulphur suffered partial damage or complete loss of their homes. Rev. Gary Mitchell, pastor of Midwest City Christian Church, also had damage to his home.

Caring for our congregations

Disciples across the region and beyond responded! Week of Compassion, the disaster response arm of the Disciples of Christ, as well as the Disciples Pension Fund provided funds to assist. Numerous congregations and individuals sent donations to our regional disaster fund. Nearly $27,000 has gone so far to congregations and also to the Sulphur families (pictured below) to aid them toward recovery. Thank you!

Donations still welcome

It will be a long road. Communities are not yet ready for volunteer teams to do hands-on recovery work but when the time comes, we will get the word out. Further donations are still welcome. You may contribute through the Region’s online Givelify account, or checks may be noted Regional Disaster Relief Fund, Christian Church in Oklahoma, PO Box 891140, Oklahoma City, 73189-1140.

Click here to see images of the FCC Sulphur and FCC Morris building damages.

2024-06-25T16:01:30-05:00Jun 10, 2024|Congregations|Comments Off on Spring Tornadoes Update 6-10-24

Just Like Old Friends…

By Marilyn Bohlender, ODW President

Did you ever meet someone you instantly had a connection with? When you looked back at the details, you felt God’s hand was in it! A welcome smile, where they sat and where you sat were just the beginning of a new friendship! I could add more details but on May 20th at the meeting in Stroud, I met Maria Garza who will be part of the program at ROSES 2024 which will be held June 28-29th in McKinney, Texas.

At this point you are expecting a shout out for ROSES! Of course, I will do that in a minute. For just a moment let me diverge to a thought on how we connect with others and the impact we want to leave. To improve our relationship with others we must first look at our relationship with our loving God, Lord and Savior, which includes prayer.

Pray with me, “Lord, I want to be the friend others want to be friends with, I want to be the type of person others want to work with, I want to be the type of person that brings a smile to those around me. Most of all, I want to be the Christian in which others see Christ in me! If I stumble, I pray that I forgive myself and focus on the path forward, growing and filling myself with your spirit and message of love. Amen.”

Now a shout out for ROSES which will help you grow, renew and be spirit filled. It is not too late to register at Deadline is June 20th. For more information you can also go to our web page.

Whether you are able to go or not, please pray for the ROSES event, the leaders, presenters and those attending. At last check we need one more to make 50 women attending from Oklahoma. With busy summer and camp schedules this is great attendance! It is not too late to reach out to other women, neighbors, or family, to attend; this may be the christian spark they need.

Are you the one more we need to attend to make 50? Do not let the fact that you are the only one from your church keep you from coming; you will make friends there. I know; at one time I was the only one!

I pray all of us go and make friends.

2 Peter 3:18 (NKJV) But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever.

2024-06-27T11:26:21-05:00Jun 5, 2024|Disciples Women|Comments Off on Just Like Old Friends…

Green Chalice Recognizes Federated Church

Weatherford Federated Church is celebrating its recent designation as a Certified Green Chalice Ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

Green Chalice recognizes that this church community is living out its faith by caring for God’s creation and leading the denomination and its community in authentic ways.

The Federated Church (Weatherford, OK) began the process by forming a Green Team, consisting of Rev. Kelsey Cobbs, board president Holly Clanahan, Tim and Sara Marie Bodenstein, Gaylene Perry and Marcie Grant. The Green Team then signed the Green Chalice covenant, a promise to make meaningful changes toward sustainability.

Working with the local utility company, the church had an energy audit conducted that identified a number of ways that the Federated Church could become more energy efficient. The most pressing need was to replace an antiquated HVAC unit, which the church was able to do almost completely through denominational grants. Very soon after installation of the new unit, the church’s utility bills were cut dramatically.

Lastly, in April, Rev. Cobbs led the congregation through a month-long sermon series titled “We Are Standing on Holy Ground: A worship series on the creator and a creation in peril.”

This trifecta of awareness, action and prayerful contemplation about how to walk more gently on the earth are worthy of celebration, and the Federated Church pledges to continue working toward better environmental stewardship, one green step at a time.

Weatherford Federated Church sings along with the Psalmist who wrote, “the earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it.” (Psalm 24) They invite other congregations to join in caring for God’s creation. Learn more about Green Chalice Ministry.

Earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it.

(Psalm 24)

2024-06-25T16:25:39-05:00Jun 4, 2024|Congregations|Comments Off on Green Chalice Recognizes Federated Church

Acting on Opportunities

By Marilyn Bohlender, ODW President

Let’s look at opportunities. In February, we gave an offering for Week of Compassion; they have already reached out to our Oklahoma Region about our storm damaged churches. The opportunity to donate to Week of Compassion is online year round.

Let’s look at the opportunity to go to church. I was reading the most attended Sundays are Christmas, Easter, and Mother’s Day. Another highly attended Sunday is “Bring a Friend Sunday.” How important is it to ask a friend? Did you know someone is more likely to visit a church because a friend invited them! Relationships are important!

I will also ask, ladies are you inviting other women to our events? Bringing others to our events may get them excited about our churches besides being uplifted from the event. If you haven’t already, find out more about upcoming events.

ROSES, June 28-29th, is an event with women from a six state area and held only once every four years.

The NEODW Fall Retreat, Oct 4-5th, is for all women across Oklahoma. We will be adding more.

To keep in the loop, go to Oklahoma Disciples Women Facebook, Northeast Disciples of Christ Women Facebook, sign up for Regional Roundup or go to our Oklahoma Disciples Women page.

Pray for God to give you opportunities and act on those opportunities!

Colossians 4:5 (NIV) Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.

2024-05-06T09:12:41-05:00May 2, 2024|Disciples Women|Comments Off on Acting on Opportunities

Tornadoes Damage Two Oklahoma Churches


We join in prayer and care for all those impacted by the tornadoes this past weekend. Of special concern among our Oklahoma Disciples family are First Christian Church, Sulphur, and First Christian Church, Morris. Both suffered significant damage to their buildings.

Expressions of care may be sent in care of their pastors, Randy Martin (Sulphur) at [email protected] and Tim Craighton (Morris) at [email protected].

Monetary gifts to help with recovery may be sent to

  • Week of Compassion designated for “Oklahoma tornado relief”
  • Oklahoma Region designated to our “Oklahoma Regional Disaster Fund”. Give online through Givelify or mail to Christian Church in Oklahoma, PO Box 891140, Oklahoma City, OK 73189-1140

2024-06-25T16:24:52-05:00Apr 29, 2024|Congregations|Comments Off on Tornadoes Damage Two Oklahoma Churches

What do we have to guide us in a spiritual direction?

By Marilyn Bohlender, ODW President

Do I trust my GPS? Recently it gave directions that did not feel right to me. I took a different turn and the words “recalculating” shouted at me.  Actually the path felt right and I did reach my destination!

I wonder if God tries to keep us on track and has “recalculating” moments when we take a different direction. The wise men followed a star to find Jesus. What do we have to guide us in a spiritual direction? We can turn to the Bible; we can pray for wisdom and discernment. Do we listen when we pray? Will God send messages through different means? This is a question many have explored and a question with many different answers.

It has also been my experience that I feel God’s presence when we as Christians gather together. Of course, we gather in church but for the women we have other opportunities to gather together. These events have quality presenters, service projects and the icing on the top is the fellowship and spiritual feeling that happens when Christian women gather.

All these events are welcoming of our church women outside their area. Pray for these events and our women to find a path to attend.

Coming Events

  • CADW at Southern Hills Christian Church, Edmond, April 23rd
  • NE Area Spring Meeting, April 27th
  • ROSES June 28th-29th Note: ROSES scholarships must be received by April 29, 2024

Details Here

Save the Date

  • Oct 4-5, 2024 for NE Fall Retreat; detailed info will come at a later date.

~Prayers and Blessings

Marilyn Bohlender, ODW President

Psalm 25:4 (NIV) Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths.

2024-05-02T14:16:12-05:00Apr 4, 2024|Disciples Women|Comments Off on What do we have to guide us in a spiritual direction?

2024 Regional Assembly (On Land) April 20, 2024

Join Us at FCC Stroud

We’re pleased to share that First Christian Church Stroud is hosting our 2024 Regional Assembly on Saturday, April 20, 2024 from 10 am-noon.

Please join us for the biennial business meeting with:

  • Election of new officers for the 2024-2026 term,
  • Approval of the date and location of Regional Assembly 2026,
  • 2023 financial recap,
  • Introduction of Interim Regional Minister Rev. Randy Kuss,
  • Worship featuring Rev. Dr. Nancy Pittman from Phillips Seminary,
    plus fellowship and lunch.

This in-person event will also be broadcast on the Region’s YouTube channel.
Let’s gather Oklahoma Disciples!

Click here to learn more!

What is the Biennial Business Meeting?

The gathering of the 2024 Regional Assembly will include voting delegates from each congregation and Oklahoma’s clergy to participate in the Region’s biennial business meeting. They will vote on the 2024-2026 officers of the Regional Board and the location of the 2026 Regional Assembly. They will also hear Interim Regional Minister Rev. Randy Kuss’ State of the Region address, and receive the Region’s 2023 financial recap.


$35 Adults – includes lunch
$20 Youth (7-18) – includes lunch

2024-03-27T15:56:03-05:00Mar 27, 2024|Regional News|Comments Off on 2024 Regional Assembly (On Land) April 20, 2024

ROSES! It will be BIG!

We have a new lady at our church ready to serve and be involved. I love new people! They give us fresh energy. She asked, “What is ROSES?” I said it is that big Disciples Women’s event we are going to in June!  When I go to these events, I come back energized, ready to serve and be involved just like a new person.

Save the date June 28-29th for ROSES, an inter-regional Disciples Women event normally held every four years, and in 2024 being held in McKinney, Texas!

ROSES was last held in Tulsa in 2019; it is now Texas’ turn. Well, Oklahoma set the bar high in 2019 and Texas is ready to fulfill their slogan that everything is bigger in Texas!

Their region is actually Texas, New Mexico, and our panhandle. It is called Christian Church in the Southwest. Talk about bigger; they have almost three times as many churches as our Oklahoma Region. Also, Great Rivers Region, the three states to the east of us, is a part of ROSES. In four years, they will have their chance to host.

As I have traveled around Oklahoma, I know we are an awesome group and when we go to McKinney, Texas on June 28-29th, they will know Oklahoma is in the room!


ROSES registration and details is online at For now, check out the flyer with three keynote speakers plus other presenters. These are awesome women: one has spirit, another energy, and all will leave you wanting more! You will love how God is using them.


If you act before April 29th, ODW plans on assisting quite a few of our Oklahoma women with LDEF scholarships for the registration fee. Applications must be received by April 29th. The scholarship only pays for registration; you will need to book and pay for your hotel. Click here for details.


Everyone needs to book your hotel asap! The hotels will fill up fast as the word gets around about ROSES: It will be BIG!!!

For more information see the Oklahoma Disciples Women webpage or contact Marilyn Bohlender ODW President 580-483-5110

2 Corinthians 5:17(CSB)  Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come!

ROSES June 28-29, 2024

Visit to Learn More!

2024-04-02T14:56:29-05:00Mar 12, 2024|Disciples Women|Comments Off on ROSES! It will be BIG!

Heart in Your Words

Do your words have heart? Do your words lift others up? Sometimes, even unintentionally, our words have the opposite effect. I ponder on the phrase “Sticks and stones can hurt my bones but words will never hurt me!” Words can hurt! This phrase must have been said to teach us to ignore hurtful words.

In the book of James the small tongue is referred to being like a rudder able to turn a ship. When I was young, after a fight between myself and a sibling, our mom would have us say nice words to each other. It wasn’t easy but these words worked and we were back to playing nicely together.

The power of our words are with us as adults. Pray for God to give you the words to say as you encounter people throughout the day. If you are home by yourself, reach out to others who may need to be lifted up. Lifting others up will inadvertently cause you to be lifted up also!

In this February month, fill yourself with scripture, devotion, singing, prayer, praise and worship. As you become spiritually filled, you will discover your words will have heart!

~Prayers and Blessings,


Romans 5:5 (CSV) …because God’s love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us

2024-04-02T14:35:22-05:00Feb 13, 2024|Disciples Women|Comments Off on Heart in Your Words

Rev. Randy Kuss Named Interim Regional Minister

February 5, 2024

The Executive Committee is pleased to announce the selection of Rev. Randy Kuss as the Interim Regional Minister. Randy will begin serving on February 15, 2024. He was chosen from a field of highly qualified candidates because of his administrative, programming, and pastoral gifts.

Clergy may reach out to welcome Randy via email starting on the 15th at [email protected].

We look forward to his leadership and participation in Regional activities!

Rev. Michael Oberlender, Regional Moderator

Rev. Randy Kuss

Listener • Storyteller • Song-leader • Photographer • Fisherman • Woodworker

Memphis native Rev. Randy Kuss is a 5th generation Disciple, whose grandfather and pastor was Rev. Dr. T. O. Slaughter. Randy is an ordained Disciples of Christ minister with 50 years of experience in congregational, regional, denominational, and ecumenical ministries including a special focus on Youth, Young Adult, and Outdoor Ministries. Those ministries included service with Oklahoma churches in El Reno, Yukon, Burlington, and Ponca City while pursuing degrees from Phillips University and Phillips Theological Seminary.

He retired in 2023 from service with Geist Christian Church in Indianapolis and with Disciples Home Missions. Randy looks forward to returning to Oklahoma to serve as Interim Regional Minister through this in-between time.

Randy most enjoys gathering folk together to hear what is going on in their ministries and helping them discover directions for their journey and resources in their midst to nurture them along the Way.

Randy is married to Rev. Deb Strock-Kuss, who also retired in 2023 from service as Associate Minister with Geist Christian Church, and they have two children. Randy and Deb will reside in Edmond.

FUN FACT: Randy once auctioned off his beard at a teen summer camp in Colorado, raising $1000 to support a camp for economically disadvantaged children.

2024-02-05T12:09:42-06:00Feb 5, 2024|Regional News|Comments Off on Rev. Randy Kuss Named Interim Regional Minister
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