ADM Selects University of Tulsa as 2021 Site
The Association of Disciples Musicians is well on the road to preparing for its 2021 conference. The theme is “Holy Spirit, You Are Welcome Here.” They will meet at the University of Tulsa from June 21-26, 2021. ADM has made arrangements with TU to meet on the campus each summer through 2023. This will allow the organization to benefit from financial savings and see what effect staying in one location for a few years will have on ease of conference planning and conference attendance.
2021 ADM Clinicians Announced
Clinicians for 2021 are David Cherwien, organ; Suzanne Castle, worship; Joel Raney, choral; Andra Moran, emerging worship; and Nancy Krause, handbells. Our own Alin Cass will lead the Chapel Choir with Sara Collins as the accompanist. ADM president Katrina Cochran is excited to have these returning talented leaders in their respective areas of expertise.
If you are interested in leading an option session at the 2021 Association of Disciples Musicians Conference, please let Katrina know by texting 405-514-8647 or emailing [email protected]. The 2021 Planning Team is still working out those details.
Oklahoma Connections
Several Oklahoma individuals are active in ADM. Rev. Larry Metzger serves on the 2020/2021 ADM Planning Council, and Rev. John Malget is also involved in ADM activities. Incoming ADM president Brad Burnham resides in Tulsa and may be reached at [email protected] or 918-810-8630.