Is there another way to re-frame our view of the other, our congregation, youth group, person in the opposite political party, or reading of the biblical text? Our culture is caught up in 2 dimensional thinking, governing, religious ritual, and survival mode.  The characteristics of our current politics is evidence that we’ve become more transactional and less transformational since 2000.  There are some simple ‘right and wrong’ actions in our culture, but followers of Jesus are called to live in the messy balancing act of ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’  That’s the kin-dom of God in our midst and not yet fully known.  Some days we are better at recognizing the kin-dom than others.  There is so much noise competing for our eyes, hands, and thought.  It seems to me we need 3-dimensional thinking that speaks a vision of tomorrow together, AND solves a few of the bigger problems of ‘Now.’  Maybe that means seeing the ripples.

The ripples

Every decision we make changes things. The people we befriend, the examples we set, the problems we solve…

Sometimes, if we’re lucky, we get to glimpse those ripples as we stand at the crossroads. Instead of merely addressing the urgency of now, we can take a moment to focus on how a quiet insight, overlooked volunteer work, or a particularly welcome helping hand moves so many people forward. For generations.

How did you get to where you are? Who is going to go even further because of you?

Thank you for passing it forward.

[Seth Godin, The Ripples, Sept 29, 2016]

When you think about how you participate in your youth group, congregation, school, or community who is going to go even further because of the kin-dom ripples you’ve allowed to act upon you; and those ripples you’ve begun?

Keep on being a blessing Disciples.