The Regional Youth Council invites you to join them on a journey to Bethlehem this Advent season by reading along with the Advent devotion they created.  Click here to visit the Families & Youth webpage to download a copy.




As Thanksgiving gives way to the Advent season and Christmas I imagine that, like me, you have people to whom you want to offer a word of: gratitude, encouragement, grace, or vision.

Make a list.  Start early.  This time of year it seems like time speeds up and the calendar fills quickly.  Set aside a time of day, each day, to do a card, note, video note, FB messenger, Instagram, whatever works best for you and those with whom you want to connect.  And just begin.  That fifteen or thirty minutes each day could be significant as you journey to see what God has made known to you.

I look forward to the ministry that is ours to do and gospel to be in 2020.  May God continue to bless you.