A short five minute and thirty second look back at our program ministries for children and youth this year. There are many, many people that help nourish our program with time, extensive talent, and yes, dollars. We thank our congregations for including children, youth, young adult, and summer camp in your budgets, planning, and participation in the Region. This is a missional ministry we share.
Thank You:
- Camp Directors and Camp Counselors
- Regional Youth Council Youth and Adults
- The adults that volunteer in our congregations to bring meals, drive the van or bus, help with scholarships, attend a retreat, and listen to the children and youth in your midst.
- Young Adults, Youth, and Children for being You and involved in your Church.
- Daniel U’Ren and the members of the Commission with Children, Youth, and Young Adults.
The Commission with Children, Youth, and Young Adults is committed to teach the language of faith and the practice of Christianity for the Church today; and tomorrow.