While the Woman-to-Woman Worldwide journey isn’t a ‘hands-on’ mission, it does offer a way to respond to the call for Disciples women to experience solidarity with one another, to affirm the unity of the church in Jesus Christ, and to join the common struggle for justice and peace in the world today by educating and advocating for those needs. These international, ecumenical, and personal experiences encourage faithful women to see the world through new eyes and bring that perspective back to their congregation and community. An integral part of the post-journey experience is giving presentations about their experiences and sharing what they have learned with others.

“Woman-to-Woman Worldwide is designed to establish a network of “growing concentric circles of world proportion.” T.J. Liggett

You are invited to participate in this program in a number of different ways.

  • Be an actual participant on a journey. Click HERE to start the application process. The deadline to apply ends February 15, 2019.
  • Pray for the participants on the annual journey.
  • Support one of the service projects.
  • Donate to one of the participants travelling on the journey.
  • Share what you learn with others.