When we think of Thanksgiving, turkey dinner, family and friends first come to mind. With more thought, our Disciples Women come to my mind and we are thankful for all that they do and all the events this year!
In September many attended the Celebration Luncheon organized by Rev. Donna Jackson to acknowledge all the work and contributions of our women. As I visit churches, I see first hand the work our women do from rummage sales to preparing meals. The list of all they do is extensive and we are thankful.
We are also thankful for those who organize the events that bring us together for enrichment and fellowship. October brought two fall retreats and a CADW meeting.
The NEODW summarized their retreat at Camp Christian with a short video which can be seen on the Northeast Oklahoma Disciples of Christ Facebook. Their retreat mission project benefitted Domestic Violence Intervention Services.
Rev. Christine Pomaville of FCC Thomas, led a retreat at Roman Nose. An ODW officer that attended wrote, “There were groups from Thomas, Chandler, Enid, Calumet, and Canton. (Perhaps other towns as well), It was a wonderful, relaxing, spirit filled weekend.”
The CADW meeting on October 22nd was attended by 64 women and hosted by FCC Midwest City. The worship and songs were inspiring. The food and fellowship was outstanding. The nonprofit, Our Sisters Closet Thrift Store and the YWCA organization it gives support shared the spotlight to educate us on its programs. It was alarming to learn of the number of domestic violence cases here in Oklahoma. The donations brought to this meeting will help!
Again, give thanks for all our women do!
Awareness, education and knowledge are important in the different roles our women have to carry out God’s ministries and to be of service. Self-care and care of those in our lives is also important. I encourage you to take a break between Thanksgiving and Christmas to attend a Women’s Conference on Mental Awareness and Wellness at Wildewood Christian Church, OKC on Saturday, December 7th. It starts at 9:30 a.m. with continental breakfast. Program begins at 10 a.m. with speaker, Caletta F. McPherson, MHR, LADC, CLC, who serves as Executive Director of CARE for Change, Inc. Lunch is also provided. This is a free event but you must register by Nov. 29th. Flyer has instructions to register on-line or email [email protected] or call 405-478-0781. Again, we are thankful for this free event.
We are blessed with so many active Disciples Women across Oklahoma; please keep them in prayer and thank them for all they do! Stay connected with Disciples Women section of okdisciples.org and Oklahoma Disciples Women Facebook.
Colossians 3:17 (NKJV) And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.