What a feeling when you are first in love! It is all we can think about. A name written over and over again across my notebook or my heart is proof enough. We yearn for that feeling.

Each time I see a baptism there is that first smile of such joy or as one baptism I saw recently, there was such emotion that we all shared in tears of joy! Now you realize that I am now talking about God’s love for us and our love for our creator.

I hope I have your attention as this is a great love. With life being busy or the passing of time, it seems we might forget that first feeling but God’s love for us has never faded. Our Lord and Savior has never stopped loving us. He is always there, waiting for us to reconnect, to fall back to the spiritual joy He has for us.

I visit with so many who say, “I am so busy.” Busy will take you away from what is most important. I remind you that if you are not taking time for your relationship with God, please schedule time. I just pray God is okay with my conversations while I am driving or doing the dishes; I also need to take time.

I am excited for those planning on going to the upcoming fall retreats, including one just announced on Oct. 25-26 at Roman Nose State Park. Find the details on the Disciples Women page.

I pray that we reconnect and fall back in love with a God that loves us more than we can imagine.

Psalm 136:1 (ESV) Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.