Promote the Christmas Offering
The following materials are available for you to encourage giving in your congregation to the Christmas Offering, which 100% supports Oklahoma Regional ministries.
Christmas Video
This customized video shows Oklahoma congregations and their many ministries. It portrays the multitude of ways God’s love is visible in Oklahoma. Suggested use for social media and prior to worship.
Run time: 4:15 minutes
Video format: 16:9
YouTube Link
Worship Announcement
Your gift to the Christmas Special Offering supports the work of Oklahoma regional ministries this Christmas. 100% of your giving goes to support the Christian Church in Oklahoma. Your regional ministry works to:
- Connect congregations to each other
- Foster faith development
- Gather Disciples in camps, conferences, and assemblies
- Nurture the development of a new generation of pastors
- Assist churches in calling new ministers
- Interpret the global mission of the Church
- Represent the Church in ecumenical gatherings
- Counsel and pray with those who are troubled of spirit
- Lead the Church to address racism
- Inspire leaders to experiment and create
- Witness to the power of God to make things new
We encourage you to give generously as we collect the Christmas Offering on December 15th & 22nd.

Bulletin Insert
If you didn’t order bulletin inserts, you may use these customized specifically for the Oklahoma Region. They fit the standard bulletin. You could use the black/white back only if color printing isn’t an option.
Bulletin insert cover (color) pdf
Bulletin insert back (black/white) pdf

Newsletter Copy
The 2024 Christmas Offering supports the ministries of the Oklahoma Region. 100% of your gift stays in our Region. Christ is present when regional Disciples care for, support, guide and be present for all of us. God grows through us at church camp, search & call, pastoral care for Oklahoma clergy and more. Thank you for your generosity! This offering is collected Dec. 15th and 22nd in congregations, or you may give online.
Please link to online giving:

Social Media
Please link to online giving: