Join us for a celebration of women clergy, mentors, and leaders

Some are called to be clergy, mentors, and leaders. Others are called to be workers behind the scenes. Just because God called you to these roles does not mean it will be easy but with God it will become possible.

Rev. Donna Jackson was called to ministry over thirty years ago. A wise minister saw it and Donna felt the calling. Not all of us feel a strong pull; some feel a gentle push or small voice guiding us in a certain direction. Some that I talk with just say God’s work fell in their lap.

Now God has touched Donna’s heart to share this milestone with a celebration of women clergy, mentors, and leaders on September 14, 2024. When you see the program for this celebration luncheon, you know God’s hand was in it!

Do not miss this opportunity; register to attend. Encourage others to do the same; this program is for more than just the women. Whether or not you are able to come, pray for this celebration and pray for the work God has called us to do.

Find out more information about this program and other upcoming events on the Disciples Women page.

~Prayers and Blessings,

Marilyn Bohlender, ODW President

Romans 8:28 (NIV) And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.