Last Word from Regional Minister Holt
[Rev. Dr. Todd Adams, Pension Fund, presents the Retired Minister Pin to Regional Minister Pamela Holt accompanied by her husband Randy Holt.]
February 12, 2024
This article is to be the “last word” from me to you. My call to serve as your Regional Minister draws to a close on February 29th when I enter into the season of retirement. Since coming to the Region of Oklahoma in January of 2015, it has been a joy and a privilege to serve alongside all clergy in their respective ministry sites, all congregations, and the Boards I served on, as well as with the remarkable Regional staff. Together, we have accomplished a lot of ministry over these nine years, and I am taking many memories with me.
I am deeply grateful for all who contributed to the wonderful worship service on February 3rd celebrating my ministry. Thank you to First Christian Church, Norman, for hosting. Thank you to David Spain for sharing remarkable prophetic words, the Chancel Choir for singing, John Clinton who stepped in at the last minute to direct the choir, Jenifer Buyten who played the organ and piano, Jeff Champeau for technology, Dave Saunders, Alison Lawler, and Jim Gasaway who ushered. Thank you to Josh Bell, Terri Hord Owens, Todd Adams, and Nancy Pittman who said very kind words. Thank you to Terri Hord Owens, Michael Oberlender, and Milton Bowens for presiding at the communion table.
Thank you to Michael Oberlender and Stacy Minnick for the surprise oil painting. And thank you to Michael Oberlender, Stacy Minnick, Colton Lott, and Ellen Spleth for organizing the service. A huge thank you to Josh Bell and his team for the delicious barbecue meal provided by the Oklahoma Disciples Foundation, the slide show prepared by Ellen Spleth and Michael Davison, and to FCC Norman members Pam Spain, Jim Gasaway, and Donna Brown for cleaning up afterwards.
Thank you to all who attended for this celebration in person or online and for the cards of blessings. I am truly grateful and humbled.
Upon my departure, the Region is inviting congregations to consider a contribution in honor of my ministry. These funds will be divided into two ministries which are so important to my heart: Clergywomen and Children and/or Youth. I am a clergywoman, and I entered ministry through the camping ministry as an adult. I have always been troubled by the story from the Gospel of Matthew recounting the feeding of the crowd of five thousand, “not counting women and children.” I want women and children to count, and I want to honor their hearts, minds, and most importantly, their voices. Thus, a portion of these funds will be directed to the Rev. Pamela & Randy Holt Endowment Fund held by the Christian Church Foundation to support the camping ministry in Oklahoma and the Southwest Regions, and a portion of these funds will be directed to the Scott & Mona Baird Endowment Fund held by the Oklahoma Disciples Foundation to support clergywomen in Oklahoma. Thank you for sharing in this passion.
I am grateful that the Executive Committee called Rev. Randy Kuss to serve as the Interim Regional Minister for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Oklahoma who begins on Thursday, February 15th. I am very excited about this call and for you to meet him and welcome him into this vibrant Region. I will encourage him to learn all the words to “Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweeping down the plain . . .”!
May God’s blessing of love and grace continue to be upon you all. And may you continue to strive for loving and serving your neighbors, all your neighbors, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Always praying for peace and God’s Grace,
Pamela Holt