November 4, 2023

Sixty five years ago, the Association of Christian Churches began construction on a building which would later be called the Disciples Center. In January of 1964 they had a goal to complete it in late spring or early summer of 1964.

Monday, June 22, 1964, there was a celebration for the Cornerstone Laying at the new State Office building of the Oklahoma Association for Christian Churches.

Then Friday morning, January 22, 1965, the new State Office Building of the Oklahoma Association of Christian Churches was dedicated with a full service and an abundance of joy. There were words from scripture. Words of dedication. Presentation of the building. A Dedication. A prayer, a Doxology, and a Benediction.

On November 4, 2023, the Oklahoma Region held a service of deconsecration for the Disciples Center. Regional Minister Rev. Pamela Holt presided and opened the time capsule sealed on June 22, 1964.

We hope you’ll enjoy the photos of the event and read the history of this building told during the deconsecration service.

11-01-2023 Daily Oklahoman article about the history of the building and its closing. PDF version