

(Hispanic Labor)

Pastor Jose and Rev. Maria Garza attended the Obra Hispana Assembly this summer (June 20-22).  The Assembly was held in Kansas City, MO.  Pastor Jose serves Iglesia Cristiana El Shaddai in Enid.  Maria translated the words below from the Obra Hispana website (

La Obra Hispana is a group of Spanish/Bilingual churches in unity and covenant, hence the phrase, “Somos Uno” (we are one), with the same interest, culture, diverse worship, different languages, and different theologies centered in Christ.

We are one theological and social voice to the Hispanic people with the responsibility to respond to the needs, supporting, affirming their dignity, and challenges of the Hispanic communities in U.S.A and Canada.

La Obra Hispana is governed by its constitution and bylaws operating under the Christian Church Disciples of Christ. La Obra Hispana holds an assembly every two years.

Click Here for a short FB Reel to see more images of the event.

Garza Family

2024-08-13T09:21:57-05:00Aug 11, 2024|Congregations, Events|Comments Off on Generación: DISCIPULAR – SERVIR – CELEBRAR

Cancelled Events

Is post-pandemic time busier than pre-pandemic time?  People continue to add activities and events to their personal schedules and family schedules as the rush to “make up” for two years continues.  Two events planned during the Labor Day weekend did not have enough registrations for the Region to go forward with planning and to host.  Family Camp and Intersections are cancelled for this year.

There are many opportunities for you to be involved in the ministry of your local congregation and the Region.  Help your congregation and the Region with your presence, your voice, and vision for the planning of upcoming and future opportunities to connect, equip, and empower Oklahoma Disciples as we love and serve like Jesus.

2023-08-21T09:06:00-05:00Aug 21, 2023|Comm on Laity, Events, Youth|Comments Off on Cancelled Events

Intersections Trip Returns: Sept 1-6, 2022

Intersections 2022 Flyer

Faith and Economics

This educational trip for adults 21 and older is an opportunity to study a topic in conversation with other disciples.  Intersections is based in Washington D.C. this fall.  Through group learning and personal reflection participants will consider how, if, their faith and discipleship following Jesus shapes their participation in a consumer driven culture.

This trip is sponsored by our Commission on Laity and led by Pastor Tara Dew and Rev. Michael Davison.

Download the Flyer

Cost is $850 per person and Registration is Open until June 30th.
The fee is based on double occupancy housing.  (An additional $550.00 is required to secure a single room.) Rooms: 2 room suites with a king bed or 2 double beds.

Fee Includes:

Not Included:

  • Transportation to Washington DC
  • Lyft, Uber, or Cab Transportation
  • Meals


As the variants continue to evolve, some Washington D.C. sites that no longer require proof of Covid-19 vaccination may alter their policies and entry requirements.  Knowing this is a possibility, and that it would inhibit your participation in the trip once in Washington D.C., we recommend all Intersections participants be fully vaccinated (2 doses of Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca) or Johnson & Johnson shot, at least 2 weeks before the beginning of the trip. We encourage a booster shot as well.  Mask requirements vary by site, so we advise participants bring a KN95 or N95 mask.  The final itinerary is dependent on the availability of site openings due to Covid-19.

Preliminary Itinerary

Thursday, Sept 1: Travel Day / Orientation to Washington D.C. / Group Dinner / Monuments & Memorials at Night / Evening Examen

Friday, Sept 2: Smithsonian Museums / African American History and Culture Museum / Monuments & Memorials / Evening Examen

Saturday, Sept 3: Holocaust Museum / Arlington National Cemetery / Monuments & Memorials / Evening Examen

Sunday, Sept 4: Worship at National City Christian Church / Free Afternoon / Hamilton / Evening Examen

Monday, Sept 5: NPR Tour / Capitol Tour / Free Afternoon / Group Dinner / Evening Examen

Tuesday, Sept 6: Travel Day to Oklahoma / Remember what you saw, heard, and learned.

2022-05-30T13:52:32-05:00May 30, 2022|Comm on Laity, Events, Regional News|Comments Off on Intersections Trip Returns: Sept 1-6, 2022

2020 Summer Camp Dates

This is Our Prayer

The Commission for Children, Youth, and Young Adults is EXCITED to announce 2020 Summer Camp Dates and other opportunities during the first half of 2020.


Summer Camp

  • June 8-12: Chi Rho Camp @ Oakridge Camp
  • June 15-19: Junior Camp @ Central Oklahoma Camp
  • June 19-21: Discovery Camp @ Central Oklahoma Camp
  • June 22-26: CYF Conference @ Central Oklahoma Camp
  • July 19-25: Mission Camp Road Show: Albuquerque
  • September 5-7: Family Camp @ Camp Christian
  • September 5-12: Intersections (NY & DC) [tentative]




More in 2020 . . .

  • January 14: Camp Promotional Material on Website & Social Media
  • February 1: Summer Camp Registration Opens (discount rates until April 30)
  • February 1-April 1: Regional Youth Council Application Window
  • March 6: OKC Zoo Snooze (grades 5-8) – youth group or and parents
    sponsored and led by Regional Youth Council
  • March 13-21: IAS 2020
  • April 24-25: Regional Assembly & Leadership Training School
    Central Christian Church Enid
2019-10-07T14:37:00-05:00Oct 7, 2019|Congregations, Events, Youth|Comments Off on 2020 Summer Camp Dates

Clergy Retreat: Disciples Worship in the World

Disciples clergy are invited to Roman Nose State Park this September for rest, continuing education, and connection to colleagues who share the call to ministry.  The Northwest Area Cabinet sponsors and organizes the clergy retreat, and it is underwritten by the generous giving of Northwest Area congregations; and a grant from the Oklahoma Disciples Foundation.

Click here to download the flyer.

The retreat will focus on the theology,  preferences, and practices currently shaping the service of worship of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

Clergy Retreat
September 10-12
Roman Nose State Park

$160 per person
Space is limited to 20 participants

Registration 0pens June 15 and closes August 15.

2018-06-25T13:41:32-05:00May 16, 2018|Clergy News, Events|Comments Off on Clergy Retreat: Disciples Worship in the World

Summer Camp Registration OPENS March 7

Summer Camp 2018 Rates & Registration Announced

Yes, summer camp registration is beginning later this year.  You are not imagining it.  We have changed our online registration program and wanted to make sure we have it working properly.  There is a bit more testing to do.  And, the Oklahoma Disciples Men needed extra time to confirm the “Leave No Child Behind” discount for campers from congregations in the Central Area and Northwest Area.  We can announce that the LNCB discount will be $45 per camper.  Summer Camp rates did not rise this year and the discount rate window is extended until May 1.

To prepare for camp registration download the Camp Guidebook and review it before you begin.  We are collecting a bit more information this year to help better prepare our volunteers.  You can only register for camp online.  If you have questions please contact Rev. Michael Davison. ([email protected])

Click here to download the Camp Guidebook

Use either of these links to find the Registration Link
Families & Youth Page
Event Registration

Discount Rates Until May 1

June 4-8: Chi Rho Camp [grades 6-8] @ Oakridge
Discount: $380 / Regular: $400

June 18-22: Junior Camp ]grades 4=5]  @ Central Oklahoma Camp
Discount: $359 / Regular: $390

June 22-24: Discovery Camp [grades 2-3] @ Central Oklahoma Camp
Discount: $224 / Regular: $250

June 25-29: CYF Conference [grades 9-12] @ Central Oklahoma Camp
Discount: $362 / $390

July 8-13: Heifer Camp [grades 7-10] @ Perryville, AR
Discount Fee: $450 / Regular $500

July 10-12: Grand Camp [K-3rd grade] @ Camp Christian
Discount: $225 (adult & camper total) / Regular: $250

2018-03-01T14:12:08-06:00Mar 1, 2018|Events, Youth|Comments Off on Summer Camp Registration OPENS March 7

Last 2 Events of the Year in November

October is here!  It’s time to register for two events you’ve seen advertised for a few months: Adult Swim and CYF Koinonia.

Adult Swim – Nov 1-3
$225 per person [includes: 2 nights housing, meals, snacks, program]

This retreat is designed for adults that work with and serve children, youth, and families in our congregations.  It is for volunteer staff and paid staff.  The event includes connections to others sharing this ministry, continuing education, idea sharing, worship, and rest.  This year all the housing is single rooms.  We have space for 10-15 participants.  Come, join your colleagues and peers for this retreat.

Click here to register or visit the Event Registration Page.


CYF Koinonia: Between Many Faiths
Nov 11-12
$75 per person [includes: 1 night housing, meals, snacks, program]

Rev. Courtney Richards and Pastor Evan Taylor will tell us about their Interfaith Trip to Israel earlier this year and help us learn about living in a religiously pluralistic world.

This retreat is designed for youth in grades 9-12 and their adult sponsors.  The Regional Youth Council has planned a great overnight event that includes time with old friends and new friends, a service project with Stamp Out Starvation, food, games, worship, and much more.  Register by Oct 10 to hold your hotel rooms.

Click here to register your group or visit the Event Registration Page.

2017-10-03T13:25:28-05:00Oct 3, 2017|Events, Youth|Comments Off on Last 2 Events of the Year in November

Last Day 2 Register for Summer Camps

Next month the Summer Camp Season will branch out into faith.  Today, May 16, is the last day to register for any of these camp experiences:

  • Chi Rho Camp (grades 6-8)
  • Junior Camp (grades 4-5)
  • Discovery Camp (grades 2-3)
  • CYF Conference (grades 9-12)

Visit the Families and Youth webpage to click on the camp of your choice to register or find out more information including drop off and pick up times for each camp, the forms needed for each camper to complete, a packing list, and the “Camper Welcome Letter” for each week of camp.

Grand Camp Registration is open until June 15!  This camp experience is designed for grandparents of all ages and children grades K-8th. The discount rate is $235 (grandparent & grandchild combined).  Register soon!

See you at Camp!

2017-05-16T11:58:41-05:00May 16, 2017|Events, Youth|Comments Off on Last Day 2 Register for Summer Camps
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