Disciples Women

Southeast Area Disciples Women Fall Retreat

The Southeast Area Disciples Women gathered at Texoma Christian Camp Friday, September 15 and Saturday, September 16 for their fall retreat. The guest speaker was Rev. Marilyn Merle.

The women enjoyed the message from Rev. Marilyn Merle, fellowship, and a gift basket auction which raised money for Texoma Christian Camp.

2019-03-18T15:45:42-05:00Sep 25, 2017|Disciples Women|Comments Off on Southeast Area Disciples Women Fall Retreat

Central Area Disciples Women Meeting: August 22, 2017

You are invited to join the Central Area Disciples Women on Tuesday, August 22, 2017 at First Christian Church in Midwest City, 11950 E. Reno (Reno and Anderson Road) for their August Area Meeting.

Schedule of Events: 9:30am: Coffee Fellowship, 10am: Meeting, Noon: Lunch

The Lunch Menu: Baked potato bar, Salad and Dessert – Cost of Lunch $8

Program: Guest speaker will be Heath Pike, Administrative Director, Oklahoma Family Network.

In Kind Service Project: Collecting items for families served by Oklahoma Family Network: rattles, ornaments, small board books, bags of candy, gas gift cards, $5 Starbucks gift cards, journals, neck pillows, blankets, bus pass cards, small ornaments for decorating children’s rooms.

Please RSVP to: Floydette Seal (844-2885) or Carolyn Christie (478-5284) by August 14th.

Pay at the door: Cash or checks payable to: FCC Midwest City CWF

2019-03-18T15:46:49-05:00Aug 14, 2017|Disciples Women|Comments Off on Central Area Disciples Women Meeting: August 22, 2017

Disciples Women Announce 2017 Fall Retreats

Texoma Fall Retreat

Keynote Speaker: Rev. Marilyn Merle

Date: Friday-Saturday, September 15-16, 2017

Registration Check-in: 4:00 pm – 2:30 pm Friday

Location: Texoma Christian Camp, 15448 Texoma Christian Camp Rd., Kingston, OK

Cost: $45 Friday & Saturday. $35 Saturday only

Questions: Email [email protected] or call 580-618-2046

Register: Download a registration form and mail to Jessica Tilley, 10427 State Highway 3W
Ada OK 748200258

Northwest Area ODW Fall Retreat

Keynote Speaker: Ginger LaCroix

Song Leader: Regina Smith

Theme: Who’s Afraid of the Dark?

Date: Friday-Saturday, September 29-30, 2017

Location: Central Christian Camp, 1 Twin Cedar Ln., Guthrie, OK

Planners/Hostesses: Community Christian Church, Ponca City and Woodlands Christian Church, Ponca City

Register: Information Coming Soon

Flyer: Download a Flyer

Northeast Area ODW Fall Retreat

Keynote Speaker: Bernard Brandon Scott, Ph.D.

Theme: Jesus: Inspiring Women Then & Now

Labyrinth Walk: Lead by Rev. Darlene Martinez

Date: Friday-Saturday, October 6 & 7, 2017

Location: Camp Christian, 275 Camp Christian Ln., Chouteau, OK 74337

Cost: $70 Friday & Saturday (Bedding $5). $50 Saturday only (Make checks payable to NEODW Fall Retreat)

Scholarships: 50% available to first time attendees – contact Lori Richcreek

Register: Download a registration form and mail to NEACCO, 500 N 15th St., Broken Arrow, OK 74012

2017-07-24T15:25:16-05:00Jul 10, 2017|Disciples Women|Comments Off on Disciples Women Announce 2017 Fall Retreats

SW Oklahoma Disciples Women’s Field Trip June 6th

You are invited to join the Southwest Oklahoma Disciples Women for a field trip to the Myriad Botanical Gardens in Oklahoma City on Tuesday, June 6, 2017.

It’s time to treat yourself to the three R’s: Road trip, Refresh, and Rejuvenate. Imagine Christian Women converging at Myriad Botanical Gardens to enjoy some of the wonders of our creator.

The 15 acre Myriad Botanical Gardens is located at 301 W. Reno, Oklahoma City. Join for a short “Meet and Greet” at 9 am and then take advantage of group rates of $6 per person to the Crystal Bridge Conservatory which is the centerpiece of the gardens.

You will be provided self-guiding information so you are free to see all the thousands of beautiful varieties of flowers and plants at your own pace.

Please note they do not allow food or drinks inside the Crystal Bridge Conservatory area. Marilyn Bohlender will provide snacks at 9am during the “Meet and Greet” in the Public Pavilion area near the gift shop, located as you come in from the south entrance on Reno Ave. This is a good drop off entrance; buses may drop off here and park on SW 2nd between Harvey and Hudson Ave.

Everyone should expect to pay for metered parking and up to $10 in the nearby parking garages. Plan about two hours​ for looking but you may determine how much time you want to tour the gardens.

Lunch is on your own​ but you are invited to join the Lawton FCC women for lunch at Western Sizzlin on I-240 and Western Avenue.

For more information contact Marilyn Bohlender (SW OK DW Director) at 580-483-5110

Hope to see you there!

2019-03-18T15:47:55-05:00May 22, 2017|Disciples Women|Comments Off on SW Oklahoma Disciples Women’s Field Trip June 6th

Disciples Women Retreat: Encounter God and Preview His Word

Save the Date! Saturday, March 25th 2017 for the Disciples Women Retreat, “Encounter God and Preview His Word”

9:00am to 2:30pm at Crown Heights Christian Church located at 4020 North Western in Oklahoma City.

ODW has listened to your suggestions and redesigned ENCOUNTER and PREVIEW to meet your needs!

  • One day
  • Workshops and Lessons suggested by you
  • A keynote to inform and empower
  • Cost: $25.00 including boxed lunch

You can pay at the door. To register email: [email protected]

Download the Order of Events

2019-03-18T15:49:53-05:00Mar 1, 2017|Disciples Women|Comments Off on Disciples Women Retreat: Encounter God and Preview His Word

Disciples Women’s Fall 2016 Retreats

Northwest Disciples Women

Gathered at Central Christian Camp

Gathered at Central Christian Camp

Southeast Disciples Women


Gathered at Texoma Christian Camp

Northeast Disciples Women

Gathered at Camp Christian around a 40 foot long communion table.

Gathered at Camp Christian around a 40 foot long communion table

2019-03-18T15:53:38-05:00Oct 12, 2016|Disciples Women|Comments Off on Disciples Women’s Fall 2016 Retreats

Disciples Women 2017 Fall Retreats Announced

Oklahoma Disciples Women will meet for their fall retreats at camps across the state.

Texoma Women
Sept. 16-17 • Texoma Christian Camp, Kingston
Contact: Mary Mueller 580-622-3776

NW Area Women
Sept. 30 – Oct 1 • Central Christian Camp, Guthrie
Contact: Rogene Hawkins 419-296-0766 or Sally Wheeler 580-747-4142
Download the Registration and Program Information

NE Area Women
Oct. 7-8 • Camp Christian, Chouteau
Contact: Sonya Vann 918-822-0426

Click here for a full list of Oklahoma Disciples Women officers and area directors.

2016-08-15T10:25:15-05:00Aug 10, 2016|Disciples Women|Comments Off on Disciples Women 2017 Fall Retreats Announced

Disciples Women Join for Encounter 2016

Preparations are underway for the annual Oklahoma Disciples Women Encounter. This year’s theme is “Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace Piece”. First Christian Church Moore is hosting the event July 8-9.

Online registration is available now, and you’ll find all the details on the Disciples Women webpage.

“Speak your piece,” and “Hold your peace” are two common idioms in the English language. The spelling is often confused. That is not the case when the theme was chosen for Encounter 2016. There is logic in the difference.

“Hold your peace,” generally means to keep silent or not to say anything about something. It is often in traditional marriage vows, and usually in wedding ceremony scenes in old movies. Generally it means hold your peace and accept the changes. If someone is “at peace” with the situation, he/she is then obligated to speak of it no more, to keep silent. That is to hold your peace. In those movie wedding scenes it is always a dramatic moment after the person performing the ceremony speaks the words, “If any of you has reason why these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace.” In the movies this may be the time when the ex-lover runs forward and declares his or her love or some other shocking information that stops the ceremony.

The word chosen for Encounter 2016 theme is Piece; as in, your oration. Hold your piece. If you were at peace with the situation it would not need to be held. Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Piece implies that you have something to say on the matter, but if you do not share it at that time, you must hold it forever.

Speak your piece literally means to “speak aloud a piece of writing”. The understanding is we are encouraged to express our ideas, to make a statement.

To Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Piece also points us to scripture as the writing and wisdom on a situation, but if it is not shared, it must be held forever, perhaps lost to the situation. If scripture with God’s wisdom is held and not shared, we as disciples are not following God’s directive to share His word with the world.

Encounter 2016 is designed as your opportunity to be encouraged by the worship services, the keynote speakers, the workshops and your own reflective moments to be empowered to speak His word to the world.

The visual theme is PUZZLES. Why puzzles? Because living life as a Christian and striving to follow God’s plan for each of us, we encounter mysteries, enigmas, riddles, conundrums, posers, problems, dilemmas, and brain teasers; all puzzling. Each of us is a part of the bigger puzzle of society. We are all called to speak our piece with others and clarify our piece of God’s Kingdom here on earth.

Women’s status and freedoms were severely limited by Jewish law and custom in ancient Israel, as they were in essentially all other cultures at the time.

Christ overthrew many centuries of Jewish law and custom. He consistently treated women and men as equals. He violated numerous Old Testament regulations, which specified gender inequality. He refused to follow the behavioral rules established by the three main Jewish religious groups of the day: the Essenes, Pharisees and Sadducees. He ignored ritual impurity laws: Mark 5:25-34 He talked to foreign women: John 4:7 to 5:30 and in Matthew 15:22-28. He taught women students: In Luke 10:38-42, He taught Mary, sister of Martha.

Luke 13:16 describes how He cured a woman from an indwelling Satanic spirit. He called her a daughter of Abraham, thus implying that she had equal status with sons of Abraham. “The expression ‘son of Abraham’ was commonly used to respectfully refer to a Jew, but ‘daughter of Abraham’, was an unknown parallel phrase…It occurs nowhere else in the Bible.” It seems to be a designation created by Jesus.

He accepted women into his inner circle: Luke 8:1-3 describes the inner circle of Jesus’ followers: twelve male disciples and an unspecified number of female supporters (Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna and “many others.”) It would appear that about half of His closest followers were women.

He appeared first to one or more women after His resurrection: Matthew 28:9-10 describes how Mary Magdalene and “the other Mary” were the first followers of Jesus to meet Him after His resurrection.  Women were present at Jesus’ execution: Matthew 27:55-56 and Mark 15:40-41 describe many women who followed Jesus from Galilee and were present at His crucifixion.

Jesus called women to be an integral part of His ministry then and He continues to call us today.

Now more than ever before, it is time for us to speak our piece. The puzzles of the world are challenging us each and every day.

The stated Christian Women’s Fellowship Purpose calls us to be proactive in our ministries. The CWF Scripture, 1John 1:3, calls us to “declare” to others what we have seen and heard. The CWF Opening Prayer we recite at every meeting and event calls us to service. Our CWF Benediction sends us into the world to “Speak our Piece!”

It is the hope of all who worked to plan, implement and present this Encounter 2016 that you experience an encounter with Christ that inspires you to be a speaker of His word to the world.


Penny Hampton,
Encounter 2016 co-director

2017-01-08T11:03:07-06:00May 10, 2016|Congregations, Disciples Women|Comments Off on Disciples Women Join for Encounter 2016
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