Disciples Men

October 11: Central Area Disciples Men Gathering

Putnam City Christian Church will host the Central Area Disciples Men gathering on October 11th at 6:30 p.m., beginning in the sanctuary, then gathering for the meal at 7:00 pm in the fellowship hall north and across the street from the church. Meal cost $6.00.

Please RSVP Rev. Keith Spaulding at [email protected] or call (405) 473-7441 no later than October 4th in order to prepare for the meal.

A business session will consider officers for next year and dates for upcoming meetings.

Meeting Agenda

We look forward to gathering with the men from your congregation.

2019-03-12T09:47:42-05:00Oct 2, 2018|Congregations, Disciples Men|Comments Off on October 11: Central Area Disciples Men Gathering

Central Area Disciples Men Gathering April 12, 2018

The Central Area Disciples Men gathering will be held April 12th at 6:00 p.m. at the home of Regional Minister Pam Holt.

Please RSVP no later than Monday, April 9th to Rev. Keith Spaulding at (405) 473-7441 or you may call Westpoint Christian Church at (405) 818-9199.

Pam & Randy Holt Residence is located at 309 S. Cemetery Rd. Tuttle, OK 73089

2019-03-18T15:39:59-05:00Mar 29, 2018|Disciples Men|Comments Off on Central Area Disciples Men Gathering April 12, 2018

Save the Date: Disciples Men Retreat April 6-7, 2018

You are invited to the the Oklahoma Disciples Men Retreat on April 6-7, 2018 at Central Camp Ground in Guthrie, OK. The theme this year is “Careful What You Pray For”.

The Retreat will begin at 5pm on April 6th and end at noon on April 7th. You may fill out the attached 2018 retreat registration to register by mail. Cost is $39.95 for first time attendees and $69.95 for all other attendees.

Online registration is available HERE.

Friday, April 6:

  • Registration at 5pm
  • Dinner at 6:30pm
  • Speaker: Joshua Payne, Swat Team Leader with the F.B.I will lead a discussion on Church Security
  • Wrap up by 9pm

Saturday, April 7:

  • Group meal
  • Keynote Speaker: Pastor Dwayne E. Rodgers

Dwayne Rodgers, Senior Pastor Dwayne E. Rodgers from Wildewood Christian Church is passionate about the Word of God, which is evidenced by his sermon delivery and his desire to see the church at large increased in saved souls. Not only is he a dynamic preacher and speaker, but God has blessed him with great leadership and administrative skills and an ability to teach and explain the Scriptures for varying levels of understanding.

2019-03-18T15:41:23-05:00Feb 8, 2018|Disciples Men|Comments Off on Save the Date: Disciples Men Retreat April 6-7, 2018

General Conference of Disciples Men Annual Meeting

Mark your calendar and plan to join the General Conference of Disciples Men for their Annual Meeting. The men have a spring meeting every year. This year the men will meet at Camp Christian in Ohio (10335 Maple Dell Rd., Marysville, OH 43040) on March 2-4, 2018. The theme this year is “What’s in Your Toolbox”.

See the attached FLYER for more details and registration information.

2019-03-18T15:43:58-05:00Jan 25, 2018|Disciples Men|Comments Off on General Conference of Disciples Men Annual Meeting

CANCELLED: Central Area Disciples Men Meeting Jan. 11th at 6:30pm

Due to Oklahoma’s famous unpredictable weather, the gathering this evening of the Central Area Disciples Men has been cancelled for everyone’s safety. Please share this announcement on your church’s FaceBook page or other social media. A new date will announced soon. Thanks!
Rev. Keith SpauldingPlan to join the Central Area Disciples Men Meeting on January 11th at 6:30pm at FCC Shawnee located at 1625 N. Broadway, Shawnee, OK 74804.

RSVP to Rev. Keith Spaulding (405) 473-7441 or email: [email protected]

2019-03-18T15:44:48-05:00Dec 11, 2017|Disciples Men|Comments Off on CANCELLED: Central Area Disciples Men Meeting Jan. 11th at 6:30pm

Disciples Mens Retreat April 7-8 Agenda

The Oklahoma Disciples Men Retreat is fast approaching. Be sure to register using the link below. Following is the schedule of events.



Registration: 5:00-6:30 pm

Dinner: 6:30- 7:30pm

Break: 7:30-7:45pm

Welcome from Regional Minister Rev. Pam Holt and Music: 7:45-8:10pm

Rev. Dr. Tom Jewell: Handout of cards for Saturday: 8:10-8:20pm

Entertainment: The Potter, Collin Roseburg: 8:20-9:30pm

Free time: 9:30pm-?



Coffee: 7:00am

Breakfast: 8:00-8:30am

Break: 8:30-8:45am

Music: 8:45-9:00am

Guest Speaker Rev. Dr. Tom Jewell: 9:00-10:30am

Break: 10:30-10:45am

Business Meeting: 10:45-11:30am

Break: 11:30-11:45am

Communion: 11:45am

Lunch: 12:00


2019-03-18T15:49:12-05:00Mar 22, 2017|Disciples Men|2 Comments

DATE CHANGE: Central Area Disciples Men’s Meeting in April

DATE CHANGE: The April Central Area Men’s meeting date has been moved to April 20th, to avoid conflict with Maundy Thursday events. It will be held at FCC in Yukon Oklahoma, 601 Maple Street.

Central Area Men’s work project: Keith is looking for ten Central Area Churches to supply a team of four men to repair picnic tables at Central Camp. It should only take a couple of hours and the material will be supplied. He will assign the first ten churches he hears from to the task. Please call him at 405-473-7441 if willing to take on this project. Once teams are assigned, a date will be set, it will have to happen really soon as camps are just around the corner.

2019-03-18T15:49:29-05:00Mar 8, 2017|Disciples Men|Comments Off on DATE CHANGE: Central Area Disciples Men’s Meeting in April

Disciples Men to Hang Their Hats at Ft. Worth General Conference

General Conference of Disciples Men
Sessions 2016
Hang Your Hat in Fort Worth
At Texas Christian University

July 8-10, 2016

You are a man, active in leadership in a congregation, or you would probably not be reading this far. You may be wondering, “Is it worth the trip?”

We, the General Conference of Disciples Men, know that it is. We all struggle with many of the same problems in our congregations and we know the value of fellowship, exploring our calling as leaders, hands-on mission, and having fun while doing all that.

The Sessions agenda includes hearing about “Being a Man in the Local Church” from Todd Adams and “Three Big Mistakes Churches Make” from Newell Williams.

There will be workshops both introspective and practical, repeated so all can participate. We will learn about “Soul Repair” with Rita Brock and “Fiduciary Responsibility” with Todd Adams. And Bible study with Dr. Warren Carter, Professor of New Testament at TCU.

We will hang our hats out and about with optional activities, a bus tour of Fort Worth, a tour of the TCU athletics department, or a mission project at a local food pantry.

And we will worship Sunday morning with Alvin Jackson leading us in proclamation and hope as we set off for home knowing that we have been called by name and with new experiences to share where we hang our hats.

The program starts with dinner at 6:00 pm, Friday, July 8 and ends after 8:30 am worship on Sunday, July 10. Download a schedule.

Come and see—God is calling!

You can register online now at:


Or at the Registration link at Sessions2016.org Or by downloading the paper registration form and sending it in with your fees.

2016-04-04T16:02:32-05:00Apr 4, 2016|Congregations, Disciples Men|Comments Off on Disciples Men to Hang Their Hats at Ft. Worth General Conference

Disciples Men Retreat April 1-2

Rev. Jesse Jackson, Jr. will keynote the 2016 Oklahoma Disciples Men Retreat. Rev. Jackson is Senior Pastor of East Sixth Street Christian Church, Oklahoma City, OK

The annual event will be held April 1-2 at Central Christian Camp, Guthrie. The event theme is “Looking Forward” and it will feature great meals, fellowship as well as entertainment by the Praise Band of Southern Hills Christian Church.

Click here to learn more and find registration information.

2016-03-08T11:51:48-06:00Feb 16, 2016|Congregations, Disciples Men|Comments Off on Disciples Men Retreat April 1-2
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