
Mission First!

What is Mission First?

Mission First! seeks to help Disciples identify the next mission priorities God has for us as we move toward the year  2020 and beyond.

Mission First! addresses the need to find a new shared focus in mission. We are not setting aside pro-reconciliation/anti-racism, new and transforming churches or leadership development.

Gathering Your Input

Disciples will give their input on what’s important in their communities through Mission Gatherings. At the heart of Mission First! are Mission Gatherings in 2016 where all Disciples will be invited to share their congregation’s particular passion within God’s larger mission.

Learn More

Watch the Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins, president of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the State of the Church’s Mission from the 2015 General Assembly.

2017-01-08T11:03:10-06:00Oct 1, 2015|Congregations|Comments Off on Mission First!

Reconciliation Speaker to Address Racism on Oct. 4, 2015

Racism’s Impact on Our Most Valuable Resource: Our People

Johnson_constanceFormer State Senator Constance Johnson will speak about “Starting the Dialogue” at an event on October 4, 2015 hosted by Crown Height Christian Church, Oklahoma City.

The roots of racism run deep in our culture. God, through Jesus Christ, can change hearts and minds. What can we do with God’s help to facilitate ending racism today?

Join in fellowship and learning:

October 4, 2015 – 5:00 pm • Potluck Supper Fellowship Hall

Crown Heights Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
4020 N. Western St.
Oklahoma City, OK
(405) 528-5568

reconciliationlogo100x100Mission: Reconciliation Ministry advances the Christian Church’s (Disciples of Christ) journey toward wholeness by empowering each expression of the Church to implement structural change to address historic fractures caused by racism and the systems that perpetuate it. It is the goal of our shared work to foster life-giving community within our church and in relationship with the whole family of God. We accomplish this mission through intentional dialogue, inclusive worship, and experiential education.


2017-01-08T11:03:10-06:00Sep 29, 2015|Congregations|Comments Off on Reconciliation Speaker to Address Racism on Oct. 4, 2015

New Endowment to Support Leave No Child Behind Program

Oklahoma Disciple Men are working thru the Oklahoma Disciples Foundation to establish an endowment fund using the “Million Dollar Matching Fund” program of the Sam and Mary Howard Trust. Oklahoma Disciple Men propose to raise $10,000 in one year.

Leave No Child Behind offers scholarships for children and youth to lower the cost of participating in the Oklahoma Region’s Summer Camping Programs. The proposed endowment will be used to grow and accumulate funds for future use in the Leave No Child Behind program of Oklahoma Disciple Men.

In 2014, 248 youth were assisted at the rate of $40 per child. The goal is to be able to provide scholarships to as many children and youth as our camps can accommodate at 100% of camp cost.

John Gauldin, president of Oklahoma Disciples Men, is happy to visit with churches and individuals interested in participating in the program. Contact him by phone at 405-250-0903 or click here.

2017-01-08T11:03:11-06:00Sep 22, 2015|Congregations, Disciples Men|Comments Off on New Endowment to Support Leave No Child Behind Program
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