
FCC Edmond Offers Adult Education Resources

One of the goals of First Christian Church of Edmond is to be a resource to our Regional brothers and sisters. As we develop resources, we want to make them readily available to other congregations. These resources will range from Bible studies to leadership development tools. We also encourage congregations struggling to find pulpit supply to connect to our live or archived worship feeds.

Check out our available resources:

Please feel free to reach out to me if you would like more information about how to use or connect to these resources.


Rev. Micah James, Associate Minister of Faith Development

405.341.3544 / [email protected]

2019-03-18T15:50:05-05:00Mar 1, 2017|Congregations|Comments Off on FCC Edmond Offers Adult Education Resources

Soup for the Soul Lenten Series at Western Oaks Christian Church

Each Lent I put together a program called “Soup for the Soul” and as you might guess we gather for some good hot soup and then engage in a discussion. I bring in a different guest speaker each week to talk on the same topic that has been selected as the theme for Lent. This year Western Oaks Christian Church will take a closer look at the passages of “Love your neighbor” and the question asked of this “who is our neighbor?” To lead the discussions we have invited our neighbors to come and talk to us about how we can better love our neighbors and their views on these passages found in the gospels as well as Leviticus.

The series this year will begin on March 19th with Dr. Imam Imad Enchassi leading the discussion. Please check out the attached flyer Soup for the Soul 2017 for details.

Please rsvp to the church office (405) 789-8812 if you plan to attend.

Thank you and Shalom,

Rev. Daniel U’Ren
Senior Minister
Western Oaks Christian Church (DOC)
8100 NW 23rd
Oklahoma City, OK 73127
(405) 789-8812

2019-03-18T15:50:14-05:00Feb 14, 2017|Congregations|Comments Off on Soup for the Soul Lenten Series at Western Oaks Christian Church

Rev. Dr. Anna Carter Florence to speak 3/4/17 at FCC Norman

Saturday March 4 Lecture & Workshop

(This training qualifies for Clergy Continuing Education Credit)

As part of the 125th Anniversary celebration of First Christian Church of Norman, Dr. Anna Carter Florence, the Peter Marshall Professor of Preaching at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia will lead a lecture and a workshop on Saturday, March 4, 2017.

The lecture is entitled “Reading and Rehearsing the Script in the Scripture”, which will be followed by a workshop in which participants will have the opportunity to engage and interact with the script in the scripture.

The lecture and the workshop are based on Dr. Carter Florence’s new book Come Back When You’ve Found Something True: New Ways to Encounter Scripture. Eerdmans Publishing has written of the book, “How do we read scripture for moments of encounter? Is it possible to do more in a Bible study than fight over what the text means? Can groups really gather around scripture and speak to one another about what they see and hear there?”

Dr. Carter Florence offers a faithful proposal that this is possible. “Reading and rehearsing the verbs” in the text is a way to move through differences into experiences of deep encounter with the God we meet in scripture. Dr. Carter Florence offers practical guidelines to help groups and individuals including preachers implement reading strategies that are easy to learn and simple to adapt, documenting the process and showing the strategies at work through lively readings of the Biblical texts.

In addition, Dr. Carter Florence will offer a round table discussion with clergy over lunch on Saturday, addressing the challenges and issues of teaching, preaching, and leading in a politically charged and divisive time.

Sunday March 5th Worship Services:

Dr. Carter Florence will also preach at the 8:40 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Sunday services on March 5th, preaching from Exodus 1: 8 – 14, 22 and 2: 1 – 10 with the sermon entitled “The Girls in the Reeds.”

The Saturday workshops and the Sunday worship are free and open to the public.

First Christian Church Norman • 220 South Webster Avenue • Norman

For more information or questions, please call Rev. David Spain at 405-329-2192 or email [email protected]

2019-03-18T15:50:18-05:00Feb 13, 2017|Congregations|Comments Off on Rev. Dr. Anna Carter Florence to speak 3/4/17 at FCC Norman

Christian Church Commission Dinner – Feb. 23rd

You are warmly invited to join the Christian Church Commission for dinner on February 23rd at 6:30pm at New Hope Christian Church. Join us for a meal as we thank God for all that was done in 2016 and discuss what 2017 has in store for new church growth!

This will be a pivotal year in the Commission’s history, and we’d love for your faith, creativity, and passion to be a part of it!

Read more about this event with the attached brochure CCC Dinner.

RSVP Sandy at NWCC 405.691.5366 [email protected]


2019-03-18T15:50:30-05:00Feb 9, 2017|Congregations|Comments Off on Christian Church Commission Dinner – Feb. 23rd

Oklahoma Disciples Men’s Retreat 2017

Mark your calendar for April 7-8, 2017 for the Oklahoma Disciples Men’s Retreat at Central Christian Camp & Conference Center in Guthrie, OK.

The keynote speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Thomas Jewell. The theme for this year is “Are you Afraid!!!”.

Please complete and return this form with payment, payable to Disciples Men, by March 15, 2017.

You may mail your registration form (2017 retreat registration) and payment to:

Christian Church in Oklahoma
Attn: Disciples Men
301 N.W. 36th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73118

You may also register online at this link

2019-03-18T15:50:51-05:00Feb 6, 2017|Congregations|Comments Off on Oklahoma Disciples Men’s Retreat 2017

Year Book Report Due March 15th

It’s that time of year again! Congregations are requested to submit the annual Year Book report to the General Church for publication in the 2017 Year Book.

Why It’s Important – Your congregation is granted 501(c)3 status thru the General Church of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) uses the Year Book to verify your congregation’s non-profit status.

You may submit your form online or complete the form and mail it to the Regional Office and we’ll do the online submission for you. All information is transmitted electronically so your help in taking the quick and easy online steps is a great help!

The deadline is March 15th. Click here to locate the Congregational Reporting Login (or refer to the instructions that accompanied the blue Year Book form.)

Questions? Call Jennifer or Ellen at the Regional Office (405)528-3577 or email us at [email protected]

To mail your form please send it to Atten: Year Book, Christian Church in Oklahoma, 301 NW 36th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73118-8661

2019-03-18T15:50:56-05:00Jan 30, 2017|Congregations|Comments Off on Year Book Report Due March 15th

FCC Norman 125th Anniversary

Join us in celebrating First Christian Church Norman’s 125th Anniversary.

List of Special Events:

  • January 29th at 4:00pm – Handel’s Messiah – Chancel Choir, orchestra, organ, harpsicord, soloists. First Christian Church Sanctuary
  • March 4th and 5th – Rev. Dr. Anna Carter Florence – Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia. Saturday Seminars and Preaching at 8:40am and 10:45am Worship Services on Sunday.
  • April 29th and 30th – 125th Anniversary Weekend
    – Saturday Banquet at the Marriott Conference Center at 6:00pm – Reservations Required – please call the Church office at (405) 329-2192.
    – Sunday Celebratory Worship at 8:40am and 10:45am

We hope you will make plans to participate in these special events as the church gives thanks to God for 125 years of ministry in Norman.

2019-03-18T15:51:12-05:00Jan 24, 2017|Congregations|Comments Off on FCC Norman 125th Anniversary

FCC Luther – A Christmas Play to Remember

It was a packed house on December 11th at the First Christian Church in Luther for the one and only performance of the play, “A Christmas to Remember” performed by church members, some of whom revealed their considerable acting talents for the first time.

The play was written by Pastor Johnny Melton, the play delivered a spiritual message and a reminder about the importance of community. The script was packed with laughs, and tender moments that brought a tear.

The audience fell in love with the plucky and hard-working “beauty operator” Doris, played by Abby Danielle Mendoza.  Her customers Bernice, played by Madison Dae McConnell, and Blanch, played by Donita Mackey, helped tell the story and depicted the usual characters of a sweet small town.

Sweet comic relief came from “the bride” Sasha Renae Wilson who played Patty. Fellow actor Colbey MIchael Alan Chartney affably played two roles of the doctor and Patty’s husband-to-be.

Karley and Scott Fesler were wonderful as the parents of Leslie, their special needs adult daughter who has the gift of seeing the good in people, and rainbows in mud puddles! The role of Leslie was played by Carla Goldsmith. Her authentic portrayal of the beautiful Leslie endeared the audience to the preciousness of having a childlike faith.

Gus Sumner is no bum, even though he played one very well in the show. He also played Santa and shared one of the messages of the play, to give of yourself to bless others.

Andy, played by Chistian Yeager played a good sidekick to Leslie and Kelly Melton “preached” as the guardian angel.

The lighting and set design were very clever using the space provided. This group of actors and crew acted professionally and never missed a cue.

It’s too bad there was only one performance of this show. It was that good. But with every seat filled, and many standing, more than 100 family members, friends and theater lovers enjoyed the Sunday night show.

Pastor Melton said he was so proud of all of the actors and crew. He thanked the crowd for coming, and shared that his dream is to start a community theatre in Luther. With this kind of talent, it could happen.

It is inspiring to see our Youth participating in drama and the arts.

2019-03-18T15:51:16-05:00Jan 24, 2017|Congregations|Comments Off on FCC Luther – A Christmas Play to Remember

OKC Community Foundation Grant

Grants Help Provide Warm Meals to Homebound Elderly

Oklahoma City Community Foundation Awards Grants to Nine Christian Churches in Oklahoma County

(OKLAHOMA CITY) – The Trustees of the Oklahoma City Community Foundation recently awarded $34,100 in grants to 56 churches, including nine Christian churches, providing warm, fresh meals to homebound elderly residents through Mobile Meals of Oklahoma County. Grants were also awarded to Edmond Mobile Meals and Meals on Wheels of Norman for $3,000 each.

The Oklahoma City Community Foundation has supported Mobile Meals programs in central Oklahoma for eight consecutive years, awarding more than $259,000 since 2008. This year, the organization increased the amount of grants awarded for Mobile Meals programs by 10 percent. The grants come at a critical time for Mobile Meals of Oklahoma County. Earlier this year, the organization was in danger of closing following state budget cuts.

“The grants we have received from the Oklahoma City Community Foundation have been an absolute lifesaver for our program,” said Allen Johnson, project director for Mobile Meals of Oklahoma County. “The grants provided the sustenance to keep our program alive until other funding options were available, and they have allowed us to expand our reach of home-delivered meals over the last six months.”

Older adults often experience challenges such as limited income, travel and health limitations that contribute to their risk of going hungry. One out of every six Oklahoma seniors struggles with hunger, including 16,152 seniors in Oklahoma County. According to the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma, our state ranks among the top 10 in the nation with seniors who experience food insecurity. As the baby-boom generation continues to age, these statistics are predicted to increase.

Through the help of volunteers from churches and other organizations, Mobile Meals of Oklahoma County provides meals to more than 1,000 metropolitan area seniors age 60 and older who are unable to prepare their own food. Edmond Mobile Meals serves 1,000 meals per week and the Norman Meals on Wheels program serves more than 300 clients a day. The programs also provide seniors with consistent personal contact and inquiry on their well-being.

“Mobile Meals is a vital service for homebound elderly in our community and we truly appreciate the commitment from these churches and their congregations to support the program,” said Nancy B. Anthony, president of the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Grants were awarded to the following Christian churches that provide meals through Mobile Meals of Oklahoma County:

  • Crown Heights Christian Church
  • First Christian Church
  • Forest Hill Christian Church
  • Hillcrest Christian Church
  • New Covenant Christian Church
  • Nicoma Park Christian Church
  • Putnam City Christian Church
  • Western Oaks Christian Church

A complete list of churches that recently received grants can be found at

About the Oklahoma City Community Foundation: 

Founded in 1969, the Oklahoma City Community Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity that works with donors to create charitable funds that will benefit our community both now and in the future. To learn more about the Oklahoma City Community Foundation, visit

2019-03-18T15:52:12-05:00Jan 17, 2017|Congregations|Comments Off on OKC Community Foundation Grant

Central Area Disciples Men 2017 Schedule

Central Area Disciples Men Announce 2017 Meeting Schedule
April 13, 2017
6:30 – 8:00 pm
First Christian Church Yukon
601 Maple Ave, Yukon 73099
July 13, 2017
6:30 – 8:00 pm
Location to be determined
October 12, 2017
6:30 – 8:00 pm
Location to be determined
If you would like to be involved in the Central Area Disciples Men activities, please contact president Rev. Keith Spaulding (405) 473-7441.
2019-03-18T15:52:30-05:00Jan 17, 2017|Congregations|Comments Off on Central Area Disciples Men 2017 Schedule
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