
Ministry Training Program Update

There is still time to register for classes for the upcoming Ministry Training Program at Phillips Theological Seminary.

Session 4 Course Offerings: June 25 – August 19


  • June 5: Session 4 Registration Deadline
  • June 25: Session 4 Courses Begin
  • August 1: Session 5 Registration Deadline
  • August 20: Session 5 Courses Begin
  • September 25: Session 6 Registration Deadline
  • October 15: Session 6 Courses Begin

For a full list of classes and further details click HERE. You may also contact Leslie Robb LeSieur (Director of the Ministry Training Program) for additional information. [email protected] 918.270.6471

2019-03-12T09:55:37-05:00May 24, 2018|Congregations|Comments Off on Ministry Training Program Update

Forest Park Christian Church Hosts “The Different Faces of Poverty and Homelessness” Conference

You can make a difference in the lives of others! You are invited to Forest Park Christian Church on Saturday, June 2, 2018 at 10:00am for “The Different Faces of Poverty and Homelessness” Conference.

Click HERE for more details.

2019-03-12T09:56:33-05:00May 10, 2018|Congregations|Comments Off on Forest Park Christian Church Hosts “The Different Faces of Poverty and Homelessness” Conference

Golf Tournament May 12, 2018 at New Covenant Christian Church

Please join fellow Disciples at Lake Hefner Golf Course Saturday, May 12th for the New Covenant Christian Church “Original Master” Golf Tournament. Shot gun start at 8:00 a.m. with a 4 person scramble.

The cost for golf & cart is $50.00 per golfer. Checks may be made payable to NCCC. You can pay when you check in on Saturday.

The money raised will go to the new Chalice NCCC Community Garden. Please contact Mark Harry [email protected] or 405-255-6997 from NCCC with any questions and to register your team. If you don’t have a team don’t worry, you will be added to a good team.

2019-03-12T09:56:44-05:00May 10, 2018|Congregations|Comments Off on Golf Tournament May 12, 2018 at New Covenant Christian Church

Oklahoma Disciples Foundation 2018 Grants Awarded

In 2017, ODF implemented a grant-making process to provide funds for Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Oklahoma related programs, ministries and missions. Over the years, several permanent endowments have been established by donors or through closed church memorial funds with specific, varied purposes to provide ongoing funding to the Foundation’s grant program.

The endowments support ministries and missions for children, youth and young adults as well as provide for the education of clergy, laity and congregations on the guidance and art of spiritual giving. Endowments also provide funding to benefit healthcare ministries for seniors, church innovation and ecumenical spiritual education for students. View the endowment summaries at the link above.

The deadline for applications for 2018 Grant Funding was 5:00 p.m., February 15, 2018. The ODF grant-making committee has met, allocated the funds listed below and checks have been mailed. The grant program awards funding based on events or programs with potential to make the greatest impact. Details of the 2018 awards are outlined HERE.

2019-03-12T09:56:50-05:00Apr 12, 2018|Congregations|Comments Off on Oklahoma Disciples Foundation 2018 Grants Awarded

It’s Time to Register for LTS Workshops

We hope you’ll share our enthusiasm with your congregation about the upcoming Regional Assembly and Leadership Training School April 28th.

Please visit the Congregation Info Center HERE to conveniently download promotional materials:

  • Newsletter article
  • Bulletin insert
  • Worship slide
  • Social media blurbs for Facebook and Twitter
  • Poster
  • Logos

Registration Deadline Extended to April 13th
We’ve extended our Early Bird discounted registration price until April 13th (formerly April 9th). Be sure to remind folks to save $10 by registering early at the $40 Early Bird price. The student price is $20. This price even includes a $10 lunch voucher with our food truck vendors.

As a reminder, we are not offering a flat congregation price as in the past. Each person must register for the combined event of Leadership Training School AND Regional Assembly, including voting delegates.

We look forward to seeing you April 28th at New Covenant Christian Church, 12000 N. Rockwell, OKC!

2019-03-12T09:57:22-05:00Apr 3, 2018|Congregations|Comments Off on It’s Time to Register for LTS Workshops

Putnam City Christian Church Rejoins the Denomination

The Regional Church welcomes Putnam City Christian Church back into the fold! They have submitted a certified letter to the Regional Church, have signed a Covenant of Agreement, and will be listed in the 2018 Yearbook & Directory. They are in the process of re-branding to reflect their Disciples identity.

Please join with us in welcoming these faithful folks and their ministries in the name of Jesus!

This February, members of Putnam City hosted their annual Valentine’s Dinner! It was a huge success, serving dinner to 72 people. The entertainment was a medley of music provided by harpist, Jill Justice of the Oklahoma City Symphony, and 5 singers.

2019-03-18T15:40:05-05:00Mar 14, 2018|Congregations|Comments Off on Putnam City Christian Church Rejoins the Denomination

Disciples Home Missions: Summer Internship Available

What Are You Doing This Summer?

Disciples Home Missions is thrilled to call on young adults to serve in mission leadership each summer through the summer intern program. Please read the following information carefully; if you feel that a summer internship may be for you, a link to the application is at the bottom of this page.

Are you looking for a faith-filled adventure? Do you imagine a life beyond the mundane, working beyond cultural boundaries, faithfulness beyond the familiar? This may be just what you’re looking for.

Disciples Volunteering seeks applicants for summer internships, to serve with mission partners across the country. With a primary focus on Leadership Development, interns may host volunteer groups in mission settings, face cross-cultural issues, engage diverse groups of people, serve in hands-on mission experiences through the church, provide leadership within a congregational setting, and help church groups make justice connections between the mission site and their home churches.

Each intern can expect individual supervision and opportunities for reflection on personal, spiritual, and social justice issues. Some interns may also earn college or seminary Field Education credit, with theological supervision provided through Disciples Volunteering.

A number of placements are available, perhaps including:

  • Disciples Volunteering Disaster Response Mission Station
  • Yakama Christian Mission, White Swan, Washington
  • Urban Spirit, Louisville, KY
  • Urban Mission Inn, St. Louis, MO

Preference will be given to members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) or the United Church of Christ.

Applicants must be age 20 to 26 (as of Memorial Day) and be available for placement without interruption from late May to mid-August.

Each intern earns a stipend of $2,500, sponsored through DHM and Week of Compassion; lodging and travel are provided.

The application deadline is now rolling and interviews will be scheduled as complete applications are received. Although the deadline has passed, if internships remain unfilled, the process will be extended.

The application form is available HERE. For additional information contact: Intern Coordinator Deb Conrad at (502) 550-1236, Josh Baird at (985) 778-6915, or Brenda Tyler at (317) 713-2642.

As of 3/13/2018 there is one spot remaining open for this program.

2019-03-18T15:40:18-05:00Mar 13, 2018|Congregations|Comments Off on Disciples Home Missions: Summer Internship Available

Upcoming Ministry Training Program Courses

There is still time to register for classes for the upcoming Ministry Training Program at Phillips Theological Seminary.

Apr 10: Session 3 Registration Deadline

  • Apr 30: Session 3 Courses Begin
  • Jun 5: Session 4 Registration Deadline
  • Jun 25: Session 4 Courses Begin

Session 3 Course Offerings: April 30-June 24

Theology: Instructor: Dr. Trish Greeves
How do we study and think about the unimaginable complexity we call God? How have our ancestors in the faith considered God and God’s interaction with the world? Students will learn to read and critically evaluate theological texts, and in the process learn to work with different theological approaches, see distinctions and similarities in various traditions, and develop a coherent personal description of the gospel and relate it to Christian life.

The online course is from April 30 to June 24, 2018. The cost of the course is $250.00. Click HERE to register.

Disciples History and Polity: Instructor: Dr. Kenneth Watson
This course is an exploration and analysis of the history, polity and characteristic beliefs of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The course will include the origins, development, growth and current status of the Disciples of Christ) and its related groups around the world; discussions of the characteristic beliefs and practices which make the Disciples of Christ a unique part of the universal church while celebrating the Disciples’ ecumenical pilgrimage; and an awareness of how the polity of the Disciples of Christ works.

The online course is from April 30 to June 24, 2018. The cost of the course is $250.00. Click HERE to register.

Worship: Instructor: Rev. Bob Kemp-Baird
Worship is central to the Christian life. This course will focus on the formulation of a theology for worship in the local congregation, an overview of the history and present trends in Christian worship, development of practical skills in planning and implementing weekly and special services of worship, introduction to the rich use of the arts and sacred music in the worship setting and the development of resources which can be used for worship.

The online course is from April 30 to June 24, 2018. The cost of the course is $250.00. Click HERE to register.

Introduction to the New Testament: Instructor: Rev. Margot Trusty Pickett
This course will enhance the students’ understanding and use of the New Testament in their own faith development, and in their teaching, preaching and service to God’s world.  Students will pay particular attention to the message of the texts while looking at major themes, textual issues, literary forms, social and cultural context, and other issues and concerns. Students will become better acquainted with the historical, cultural, social, and religious context of the writings; the themes of the Biblical drama centered upon Jesus; and the New Testament’s bearing on current issues and ministry.

The online course is from April 30 to June 24, 2018. The cost of the course is $250.00. Click HERE to register.

2019-03-18T15:40:25-05:00Mar 13, 2018|Congregations|Comments Off on Upcoming Ministry Training Program Courses

Make a Difference and Get Involved with the DHS CarePortal Program

Rev. Ray Belford, First Christian Church Shawnee, is involved in finding much needed care solutions for children and families in the DHS System. Read about Ray’s experience, and find out how you can get involved as well.

The Department of Human Services CarePortal Program for churches is in place to help provide needs and services to children and families in the DHS system.

There are currently more than 9,000 children in the State of Oklahoma who are in the Department of Human Services custody. Only about half are in foster care. Now there is something that every church can do to help improve the lives of these children.

The DHS has adopted the CarePortal program that has been very successful in other states for helping churches become involved in being a part of the solution. Rev. Ray Belford, first became aware of the magnitude of the foster care needs in our state last April when he attended a Children & Law Conference.

While at the conference, Ray was struck with the reality that most of the homes willing to accept DHS children, only wanted one child, and the foster parents wanted a specific age range. The bottom line was that there was no place that would accept both a 6-year-old boy and an 11-year-old girl. The role-play exercises during the conference were eye-opening and heart breaking.

Oklahoma’s extremely high incarceration rate, particularly of women, is a major reason many children end up in DHS care. According to Kris Steele, former speaker of the house in Oklahoma, about 80 percent of the women incarcerated at Mabel Bassett are mothers, with the majority of that group being mothers of small children. In effect, a mother serves time in prison and her children serve time in DHS custody.

The CarePortal is a step toward improving life for these children. The purpose of CarePortal is to provide support services through local churches to children and families in the DHS system.

The CarePortal is an email notification system that forwards needs via email to participating churches. It requires a group of about 20 churches within a community that agree to provide what resources they can to meet specific needs of children and families in their area.

The CarePortal works in this way: A DHS worker becomes aware of a need, and that need is emailed to the member churches that are part of the CarePortal. The church then forwards the request to members of their church to see if anyone can supply what is needed in the request. If the church, or a member of the church, is able to meet the need then the church responds to DHS to fulfill that need.

As soon as the need is met, the other churches in the CarePortal receive an email message that informs them that the need has been met. A simple and powerful process!

A common type of request is the need of a bed. One of the requirements for taking in a foster child is that the foster family must have a separate bed with mattress for the child. If a bed is requested, it is very likely that someone in the CarePortal group has an extra bed that is not being used or is stored in the garage which can be donated, and the need is met.

One of the things the CarePortal advocates is meeting specific needs and discourages providing cash for numerous reasons.

With all the problems that we have in our state, this is one for which churches from all denominations pulling together can certainly make a difference.

Remember, Matthew 25:40 tells us, Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me. (NRSV).

There is a website for the CarePortal program with step-by-step instructions for participating. The website can be accessed at

2019-03-18T15:40:32-05:00Mar 13, 2018|Congregations|Comments Off on Make a Difference and Get Involved with the DHS CarePortal Program
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