
Oct. 26 – 27: Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) Workshop at Western Oaks Christian Church

Western Oaks Christian Church (8100 NW 23rd, Oklahoma City, OK) is hosting a two day ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) workshop on
Friday, October 26 & Saturday, October 27, 2018 designed to prepare participants to perform suicide intervention (from recognizing warning signs all the way through safety planning).

The goal of this training is to equip members of our communities with real time skills to recognize, directly ask, and skillfully intervene and assist people, who are having suicidal thoughts and/or plans, to find a “turning point” whereby reason for living is seen, acknowledged, and a plan of safety developed.

It is not a treatment plan or a form of counseling, rather it is an evidence-based model that anyone can use to reduce suicidality and start the conversation toward safety.

Friday October 26: Register 4:30pm / Training 5:00pm – 9:00pm
Saturday October 27: Check-in 8:30am / Training 9:00am – 4:00pm

The tuition is $60 (cost of materials). Some scholarships are available. CEUs are available.

We invite and encourage other churches / organizations throughout the Region to host a two day ASIST workshop or minimally a safeTALK workshop (this half-day training is designed to alleviate the taboo of speaking about suicide; to recognize, directly ask, and refer people with suicidal thoughts to intervention resources).

Contact Cecilia Tolley at 405.513.1334 for further information, registration, or workshop planning.

2019-01-16T12:46:50-06:00Aug 22, 2018|Congregations|Comments Off on Oct. 26 – 27: Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) Workshop at Western Oaks Christian Church

Sept. 15-16: FCC Edmond Hosts Mindfulness & Contemplative Practice Workshop with Dr. Andy Fort

The Adult Education Team of First Christian Church of Edmond is excited to welcome back Dr. Andy Fort on September 15-16, 2018. Andy will lead us in conversations around mindfulness and contemplative practice.

Andrew O. Fort (Ph. D., University of Pennsylvania) is Professor of Asian Religions (emeritus) and Green Emeritus Tutor at TCU. He has published extensively on aspects of Hindu thought and issues concerning teaching, particularly contemplative pedagogy. He founded TCU’s Contemplative Studies initiative in 2012, and has been on the steering Committee of the Contemplative Studies group at the American Academy of Religion.

Fort has been executive director of the Council of Societies for the Study of Religion and chair of the editorial board of Religious Studies Review. He was president of the Southwest Commission on Religious Studies and received its John. G. Gammie Distinguished Scholar Award.

At TCU, he was longtime faculty chair of its award-winning Hunger Week, has been chair of the Faculty Senate, and has won a number of teaching awards, including Mortarboard’s Top Prof and the Deans’ Award for Teaching. He is currently President of the Board of the Tarrant Area Food Bank. He has been to India numerous times, and has also visited China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Pakistan, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Turkey.

The schedule of the weekend is as follows:
September 15 (Open to Public)
9:30am – First Presentation: What is mindfulness, and what is its value today?
10:45am – Second Presentation: Contemplative Practice in a Group Setting
Noon – Lunch Break
1:30pm – Contemplative Exercises

September 16 (Open to Public)
10am – Panel Discussion: Contemplative Practices

For more details please contact First Christian Church Edmond at 405.341.3544

2019-03-12T09:52:36-05:00Aug 22, 2018|Congregations|Comments Off on Sept. 15-16: FCC Edmond Hosts Mindfulness & Contemplative Practice Workshop with Dr. Andy Fort

Aug. 26, 2018: Greenwood Cultural Center Presents “Tulsa 21: Black Wall Street” Play

The Greenwood Cultural Center’s newly formed Theater Company cordially invites your congregation to “Tulsa 21” a theatrical presentation of the worst day in history of Tulsa, Oklahoma, The Tulsa Race Massacre.

When: August 26, 2018
Where: Greenwood Cultural Center 322 N. Greenwood Ave, Tulsa, OK
Time: 4:00 p.m.
Cost: $10 Cash

This is an original theatre production about the history of Tulsa’s Black Wall Street, the 1921 Massacre, and the current experiences of Tulsa today as a result of this history. The play weaves the narrative of the historical account of the Massacre with true stories of people who live in Tulsa today. These stories were collected in the summer 2017 and are told by a company of all-black actors living in Tulsa. The historical stories were collected by Mary E. Jones Parrish in 1921 just weeks after the disastrous event. All stories are based on factual archival research found in newspapers, TU, and OSU-Tulsa.

The play is written and directed by Tara Brooke Watkins, a native of Tulsa, Oklahoma currently working on a Ph.D. in Theatre and Performance Studies at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts.

All the actors and actresses are Tulsa residence. Please announce this play to your congregations and encourage attendance.

2019-03-12T09:52:41-05:00Aug 20, 2018|Congregations|Comments Off on Aug. 26, 2018: Greenwood Cultural Center Presents “Tulsa 21: Black Wall Street” Play

Educational Resources For Sale

FCC Shawnee is selling some of their church educational resources. They are looking for a new home for 5 octaves of hand bells, including the cases, the table for the bells, gloves, and music.

FCC Shawnee is also looking for a new home for 9 “Muppet” style puppets that have been in storage for about 15 years. Looking to start a “Puppet Ministry” for children? Contact Rev. Ray Belford to discuss. [email protected] (405) 275-1519

2019-03-12T09:53:16-05:00Aug 14, 2018|Congregations|Comments Off on Educational Resources For Sale

Back to School Community Outreach Events

As we gear up for the new school year, the churches around the Region have been supporting their communities with amazing Back to School Events. The Regional Office would like to thank each of these churches for touching so many families with their outreach ministries!

Let’s all be in pray together for our students, parents, caregivers, teachers, administrators, and loved ones as we kick off a new school year!

First Christian Church Thomas hosted 300-400 people at their 5th Annual Back to School Bash on August 10. This outreach was for the Thomas-Fay-Custer Unified School Communities. FCC Thomas filled their North parking areas with inflatable rides, bouncy houses, and games. They provided hot dogs and homemade ice cream. Each child also received a t-shirt. This event is always free to the public. Thomas FCC members volunteer every year to work this celebration for the community’s children.

On August 19th, In the Spirit Christian Church, will provide prayer, haircuts/hair styles, food and giveaways to the community.

First Christian Church Guthrie debuted their new “All In” theme and participated in several community wide events in August. The “Frisbee Toss” booth at Guthrie Summer Streets took place on August 12.

On August 19 FCC Guthrie will host a community wide “Back to School” movie “Minion’s 3” in the sanctuary at 3pm featuring a snack and craft time. Following the movie, families can make their way to Highland Park, where FCC is joining the Guthrie Ministerial Alliance’s community wide picnic from 5-7 p.m. The pool will be open and free food served including catfish, hot dogs, chips, desserts and drinks.

First Christian Church Stillwater provided a $500 donation to Altrusa International in Stillwater to sponsor the “Backpack  Buddies” event.  1,000 backpacks were distributed to youth in Payne County through those efforts.  We can accomplish so much when we join together in our efforts!

Shepherd Street Christian Church hosted its 6th Annual Community Back to School Outreach Event on August 11th from 11am – 3pm reaching around 150 youth. This event is open to the Chickasha community and surrounding areas to help parents and children have a positive experience to begin the school year. The church provided basic hygiene products, clothing, free haircuts and hair styles. The church partnered with Oklahoma Caring Van and Chickasha Clinic Pharmacy to provide vitamins and free immunizations.

First Christian Church Hennessey hosted an opportunity for children and youth to get free school supplies. On July 29, the congregation welcomed nearly 300 participants to their fellowship hall.

Central Christian Church Enid distributed over 700 pairs of shoes at church on Sunday and Monday evening in conjunction with Enid’s “Feed the Neighborhood” program.  Throughout the school year the church works with school guidance counselors in the community and sends shoes to the schools where there is a need.

First Christian Church Edmond provided backpacks, pencils, crayons, markers, glue, paper, notebooks, etc  and filled over 40 backpacks for residents of the Rolling Green Apartments, along with families from the FCC Edmond Child Care Center and Church. With the additional donations provided, the church was able to give extra school supplies to nine schools in our Edmond community, plus, to the Anna’s House Foundation, Refuge Fellowship Church, and our own Children’s Ministry. Your generosity was overwhelming and made the beginning of the school year special for many!

2019-03-12T09:53:28-05:00Aug 13, 2018|Congregations|Comments Off on Back to School Community Outreach Events

June 29 – Oklahoma Family Empowerment Center 2018 Annual Dinner

The Oklahoma Family Empowerment Center will host its Annual Dinner and Awards Program on June 29, 2018 at 7pm at Yale Avenue Christian Church located at 3616 S. Yale Avenue, Tulsa, OK 74135. Read more about the event HERE.

Click HERE to become a sponsor or register to attend.

2019-03-12T09:53:54-05:00Jul 11, 2018|Congregations|Comments Off on June 29 – Oklahoma Family Empowerment Center 2018 Annual Dinner

August 9, 2018: Regional Food Bank’s Hunger Action Month Breakfast

You are invited to join us for breakfast on August 9th at 8:30 am at the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma. This will be a time to learn more about hunger in Oklahoma and to interact with other religious leaders that partner with us to provide food and hope to our neighbors facing hunger each day.

Did you know the Regional Food Bank provides enough food every week to feed 136,000 people in central and western Oklahoma? This is possible through a network of over 1,300 community-based partner agencies, 60% of which are faith-based organizations.

Today, your community of faith has the opportunity to ensure that hungry Oklahomans have the nutritious food they need to thrive. You can get your organization involved in fighting hunger in Oklahoma through a variety of activities. We offer programs for kids of all ages, have numerous volunteer opportunities and can provide a speaker if requested.

September is Hunger Action Month, a time for food banks across the nation to come together to not only share the great work being done, but also raise awareness of how far there is still to go to provide food for our neighbors.

Please contact Natalie Wood at 405-600-3174 or by email at [email protected].

2019-03-12T09:54:35-05:00Jul 3, 2018|Congregations|Comments Off on August 9, 2018: Regional Food Bank’s Hunger Action Month Breakfast

Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival

Over the past two years, the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival has reached out to communities in more than 30 states across this nation to join in fighting against systemic racism, inequality and poverty, ecological devastation, war economy and militarism, and national immorality. As stated on their website, “When confronted with the undeniable truth of unconscionable cruelty to our fellow human beings, we must join the ranks of those who are determined not to rest until justice and equality are a reality for all.”

For the past few weeks, this campaign has committed itself to “40 Days of Moral Action,” which is scheduled to conclude with a mass rally on Saturday, June 23rd at 10am on the National Mall.

On the morning of the June 23rd rally, National City Christian Church is hosting a Disciples Gathering at 8:15am. We invite you to join the Disciples Center for Public Witness for this important rally—and in the struggle for justice that will continue long after the rally ends. This movement is growing fast and gaining more support everyday. We hope that you will take action and try to get involved.

Let us know you’re coming to DC for the event:

Let us know you’re coming to the pre-gathering:

2019-03-12T09:54:51-05:00Jun 18, 2018|Congregations|Comments Off on Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival

Free AdminIsMinistry June Webinars

Rev. Micah James, lead consultant of AdminIsMinistry will facilitate the conversations about church administration topics each third Friday starting in June 2018. Each conversation is aimed at bringing ministry leaders together to share their wealth of wisdom and knowledge in a collective conversation.

No registration required. The link to the chat will be posted on the AdminIsMinistry Facebook page 30 minutes before each conversation.

The first three conversations are scheduled as follows:
● June 15, 2018 @ 1:00pm CST – Social Media Management
● July 20, 2018 @ 1:00pm CST – Supervision 101
● August 17, 2018 @ 1:00pm CST – Child Care Ministry.

The conversations are FREE and will be ONLINE in roundtable format. Mark your calendars and join in the conversation!

Our goal at AdminIsMinistry is to resource congregational pastors and leaders with bite-sized resources on church administration. We are pastors and we know that you have limited time, so we want to make sure the time you are spending in ministry is spent in the most effective way possible.

Let us help you be the best minister or ministry leader possible! Learn more at

AdminIsMinistry Contact:
Rev. Micah James
Tel. 405.694.1818
Email: [email protected]

2019-03-12T09:55:08-05:00Jun 11, 2018|Congregations|Comments Off on Free AdminIsMinistry June Webinars

How Can a Health Ministry Benefit Your Congregation?

Attend the Health Ministry Academy on June 9, 2018 from 9:30am – 3pm.






The Academy will be held at Northeast Regional Health and Wellness Campus
(Oklahoma City-County Health Department – 2600 NE 63rd St.. OKC 73111)

Register: HERE

Flyer: Click HERE to read further details.

2019-03-12T09:55:26-05:00May 29, 2018|Congregations|Comments Off on How Can a Health Ministry Benefit Your Congregation?
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