Oct. 26 – 27: Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) Workshop at Western Oaks Christian Church
Western Oaks Christian Church (8100 NW 23rd, Oklahoma City, OK) is hosting a two day ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) workshop on
Friday, October 26 & Saturday, October 27, 2018 designed to prepare participants to perform suicide intervention (from recognizing warning signs all the way through safety planning).
The goal of this training is to equip members of our communities with real time skills to recognize, directly ask, and skillfully intervene and assist people, who are having suicidal thoughts and/or plans, to find a “turning point” whereby reason for living is seen, acknowledged, and a plan of safety developed.
It is not a treatment plan or a form of counseling, rather it is an evidence-based model that anyone can use to reduce suicidality and start the conversation toward safety.
Friday October 26: Register 4:30pm / Training 5:00pm – 9:00pm
Saturday October 27: Check-in 8:30am / Training 9:00am – 4:00pm
The tuition is $60 (cost of materials). Some scholarships are available. CEUs are available.
We invite and encourage other churches / organizations throughout the Region to host a two day ASIST workshop or minimally a safeTALK workshop (this half-day training is designed to alleviate the taboo of speaking about suicide; to recognize, directly ask, and refer people with suicidal thoughts to intervention resources).
Contact Cecilia Tolley at 405.513.1334 for further information, registration, or workshop planning.