Clergy News

Bringing Hope Amid the Rubble

By Joshua Bell, Sr. Minister FCC Perry

In the aftermath of disaster, silence often settles over a landscape reduced to debris and devastation. Neighborhoods that once echoed with laughter and routine now stood quiet, shattered by the storm. But amid this chaos, the American Red Cross emerged — a steady force bringing hope, compassion, and relief. Volunteers came from every corner of the country, each with a common purpose: to restore dignity, connection, and a sense of peace for those who had lost nearly everything.

When I arrived in Florida as a volunteer with the Red Cross for Hurricane Helene, I was assigned to the reunification team, a critical part of the Red Cross mission that works to reconnect families and loved ones separated in the chaos. Witnessing the relief on people’s faces as they were reunited with loved ones was humbling. In a world turned upside down, these moments they reminded us all of the resilience of human connections.

As my 16-day deployment progressed, I transitioned into Disaster Spiritual Care, working with seasoned chaplains to focus on a ministry of presence (pictured above l-r: Chaplains Frank Rodriguez, Kevin Foster and Joshua Bell).

In the shelters, we were there not to solve every problem or answer every question but to simply be — to listen, to empathize, and to provide companionship in a time of profound need. This presence offered solace, and for many, it was a small but steady reminder that they were not alone.

Each day in the shelters, I witnessed the quiet courage of those who had lost so much. We supported not only the guests but also the Red Cross staff and volunteers who were working tirelessly to meet physical needs, deliver meals, and provide medical care. Sometimes, our ministry was as simple as sharing a cup of coffee and listening to someone’s story. Other times, it was sitting in silence, honoring grief too deep for words. In these moments, I learned that offering hope doesn’t always mean doing; sometimes it’s simply about being fully present.

For me, this experience was life-changing. It was a reminder that we are all connected and that showing up, even in small ways, can have an enormous impact. Seeing firsthand the dedication of volunteers, the resilience of survivors, and the power of community to lift up those in pain was profoundly moving.

If you ever feel the call to make a difference, I encourage you to volunteer with the Red Cross at least once in your life. There’s something transformative about standing beside others in their most challenging moments and witnessing the unbreakable spirit that emerges in times of crisis. Through the chaos and loss, the Red Cross brought hope to many—and for me, being a part of that was an experience I will carry forever.

2024-11-07T09:56:51-06:00Nov 7, 2024|Clergy News|Comments Off on Bringing Hope Amid the Rubble

Oklahoma Clergy at The Gathering

The emphasis placed on clergy total well-being was great. The Gathering workshops offered practical tips for clergy to reclaim their areas of our lives that we sometimes neglect. Also, seeing new and old faces was a blessing.

(Dwayne Rodgers, Wildewood Christian Church Oklahoma City)

The name of this event says it best of all, The Gathering.  There is something about colleagues and friends that have a shared connection through a calling by God to get together and talk about that connection.  It brings me great joy, support, strength, understanding, and a plethora more positive feelings to walk into the first meeting and see familiar faces of old friends as well as the opportunity to make new ones.   One morning, while waiting on my bagels in a small bagel shop off the street, the man sitting next to me struck up a conversation.  During that conversation he asked why I was in DC.  I told him for a conference of clergy and he said him too.  Turns out he is a Disciples minister in Nebraska.  On top of that, his name was Michael too.  Now I have a new face to look for at the next gathering.  Indeed it was a special time of being together, learning something new, and keeping/making connections. All of these components form the Gathering, a way to continue with more confidence the journey of ministry.  Hope to see you there at the next Gathering!

(Michael Oberlender, First Christian Church Chickasha)

I appreciate time to be reminded that taking care of  myself is worth time and effort.  I loved hearing 400 plus ministers singing together in worship and filling the sanctuary with praise.  It was a “work” setup time of reconnecting with friends in ministry.

(Tara Dew, First Christian Church El Reno)

Shelley and I recently attended an event called “The Gathering” by Pension Fund of the Christian Church.  The event included three outstanding speakers and the blessed opportunity to attend worship without being responsible for ANYTHING.  It was well attended, and I was pleased to visit with some old seminary friends.  (I don’t know how “they” got so old so quickly!)  I learned about some great programs of the Pension Fund to help ministers and their families navigate the challenges of doing ministry and taking care of your own mental, physical, and financial health. The schedule also allowed ample time to enjoy Washington, DC.  We enjoyed the new African-American Smithsonian museum, a great lobster roll, and a double-decker night bus tour on our own.  I will be monitoring Pension Fund communications closely to make sure we do not miss their next gathering event.

(John and Shelley Regan, First Christian Church Edmond)

The 2024 Gathering offered attendees only – three nurturing growth tracks to pick from.  The Pension Fund will utilize trained staff and other ministers to act as facilitators around the subjects of: 1)mental health, 2)physical health, and 3)financial health. The tracks will meet on a monthly basis for 1 year to 18 months.  I look forward to participating with others to find ways to nurture ourselves as we continue the act of serving congregations.  The overall purpose of this experience is to expand; Holy friendship, Validate our past, Hold space for us in the present, and; Help us midwife a vision for the future.

(Julia Jordan Gillett, Western Oaks Christian Church Oklahoma City)

2024-10-07T13:53:50-05:00Oct 7, 2024|Clergy News|Comments Off on Oklahoma Clergy at The Gathering

Disciples Women Trailblazers & Mentors Celebration

Women from across the state of Oklahoma gathered in a grand celebration of Disciples Women Trailblazers and Mentors. The event recognized Rev. Donna Jackson’s 30 years of ministry and a group of honorees including leadership from the general church, seminaries and pastors. They included

  • Rev. Donna Jackson, M. Div., Minister, New Beginnings Christian Church, Tulsa
  • Rev. Teresa “Terri” Hord Owens, General Minister & President, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) United States and Canada
  • Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins, former General Minister & President, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) United States and Canada
  • Rev. Dr. Nancy Claire Pittman, Outgoing President and Stephen J. England Associate Professor of the Practice of Ministry, Phillips Theological Seminary
  • Rev. Dr. Lisa W. Davison, Dean and Vice President, Johnnie Eargle Cadieux Professor of Hebrew Bible, Phillips Theological Seminary
  • Rev. Brenda Denson, Pastor, Pine Street Christian Church, Tulsa
  • Rev. Dr. Delesslyn A. Kennebrew, Administrative Secretary National Convocation

(Pictured above l-r: Sharon Watkins, Nancy Pittman, Lisa Davison, Shelia Hutton on behalf of Brenda Denson, Donna Jackson, Gina Jackson)

The September 14, 2024 event was held at Harvard Avenue Christian Church, Tulsa, and included recognition of all honorees, including women who are Oklahoma ministers, church leaders, Disciples Women and the Oklahoma Regional office.

Program Co-Emcees were Rev. Gina L. Jackson, Sr. Pastor of South Grand Lake Christian Church, and Yemaya Rodgers, Wildewood Christian Church, OKC.

Remarks and videos and letters of acknowledgment were presented by

  • Rev. Teresa “Terri” Hord Owens
  • Rev. Randy Kuss, Interim Regional Minister, Christian Church in Oklahoma
  • Rev. Dr. Thomas R. Jewell, former Regional Minister
  • Rev. Jessie Faye Martinez, pastor, Damascus Fellowship Church
  • Rev. James Jackson, pastor, Maplewood Missionary Baptist Church, Tulsa
  • Pastor Milton Bowens, president, Oklahoma Christian Missionary Fellowship and pastor of Shepherd Street Christian Church, Chickasha
  • Rev. Donna Jackson, minister New Beginnings Christian Church, Tulsa
  • Marilyn Bohlender, President, Oklahoma Disciples Women

The event was sponsored by

  • New Beginnings Christian Church, Tulsa
  • Harvard Avenue Christian Church, Tulsa (event host)
  • Northeast Area Council
  • Oklahoma Disciples Foundation
  • Phillips Theological Seminary

2024-10-01T11:08:59-05:00Oct 1, 2024|Clergy News|Comments Off on Disciples Women Trailblazers & Mentors Celebration

Israel Hogue Ordination

Rev. Israel Hogue was ordained into Christian Ministry on August 4, 2024 at Simplicity Christian Church, Edmond.

Rev. Hogue completed his M.Div. at Phillips Theological Seminary and is pastor of Simplicity Christian Church, which is nesting at Southern Hills Christian Church, Edmond.

2024-08-12T11:33:34-05:00Aug 12, 2024|Clergy News|Comments Off on Israel Hogue Ordination

Joshua Bell Awarded Doctor of Ministry

Rev. Dr. Joshua E. Bell was awarded his Doctor of Ministry Degree from Rev. Dr. Nancy Pittman, president of Phillips Seminary at the 2024 Spring Commencement.

Joshua is the minister at First Christian Church Perry. Congratulations!

2024-07-01T10:04:37-05:00Jul 1, 2024|Clergy News|Comments Off on Joshua Bell Awarded Doctor of Ministry

Anna Holloway Ordained at Disciples First Christian Church

Rev. Anna Holloway was ordained into Christian Ministry at Disciples First Christian Church, Oklahoma City on April 21, 2024.

Interim Regional Minister Rev. Randy Kuss and Associate Regional Minister Rev. Michael Davison conducted the services attended by a large group of Anna’s family and friends.

2024-07-01T10:19:07-05:00Jul 1, 2024|Clergy News|Comments Off on Anna Holloway Ordained at Disciples First Christian Church

New Website Collects Oklahoma Worship Content

Resources Offered to Oklahoma Congregations

Seeking Elder & Clergy Submissions

Rev. Joshua Bell has developed a new website,, a collection site to receive worship resources from elders and clergy in Oklahoma. In full partnership with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Oklahoma, the research project is a part of Rev. Bell’s doctor of ministry program at Phillips Theological Seminary. He serves as the minister at Perry FCC.

Josh is requesting submissions from Oklahoma clergy and elders including elder prayers, communion prayers and meditations, and worship service materials. These resources will then be offered to Oklahoma congregations through the Oklahoma Chalice Publishing LLC, a non-profit subsidiary of the Oklahoma Disciples Foundation. Ultimately, the content will be used to create a new Chalice Worship and Chalice Hymnal. All are welcome to submit resources by uploading materials to

Over the summer Josh will be visiting each area in the Oklahoma Region to share about this exciting new resource and will be cooking his famous barbecue. He is encouraging Oklahoma elders and clergy to attend these upcoming gatherings to learn about the value of sharing local resources.

“It is my passion and dream to help congregations of every size and location to have tools to use in worship,” Josh remarked.

  • Southeast Area – Saturday, July 15th, 5:00 pm, Sulphur FCC, 403 W. Muskogee Ave.
  • Southwest Area – Saturday, August 19th, 5:00 pm, Duncan FCC, 912 W. Walnut Ave.
  • Central Area – Saturday, August 12th, 5:00 pm, Western Oaks CC, 8100 NW 23rd St., OKC
  • Northeast Area – TBD
  • Northwest Area – TBD

To learn more, contact him at [email protected] or 580-336-4576.  Download a brochure.

2024-04-02T15:01:02-05:00Oct 13, 2023|Clergy News|Comments Off on New Website Collects Oklahoma Worship Content

Oklahoma Disciples Clergy Women 24 Hr Retreat

Come Away With Me – A 24hr Retreat

Oklahoma Disciples clergy women with standing are invited to participate in a 24-hour retreat, 12pm Tuesday, Oct. 17 through 12pm Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023.

The event will be held at St. Crispin’s Conference Center (just east of Seminole near Sportsman Lake Recreation Area). Come rest and renew at this beautiful retreat center just 70 miles east of Oklahoma City and 85 miles southwest of Tulsa.

Guest speaker is Pat Webb of The Silence Foundation.

Registration Cost: $35 includes 3 meals, snacks and a book

Complimentary Single Room or Double Occupancy (Rooms are free for participants)

Registration closes Sept. 11th.

We hope to see you there!

2023-08-17T08:48:43-05:00Aug 14, 2023|Clergy News|Comments Off on Oklahoma Disciples Clergy Women 24 Hr Retreat

Caring in Crisis Webinars for Congregation Leaders

Embracing God’s Future without Forgetting the Past in Congregations

Crisis Care Ministries is hosting a four-part series to help congregations navigating changes that have led to decline and significant loss, Embracing God’s Future without Forgetting the Past: A Conversation about Loss, Grief, and Nostalgia in Congregational Life.

The four free, hour-long webinars focus on ways clergy, church staff and lay leaders can work through these experiences with the congregation. Registration is now open for the first session on Tuesday, January 17th at 10:00 am CT. (sessions will be recorded)

2023-01-04T15:17:30-06:00Jan 4, 2023|Clergy News|Comments Off on Caring in Crisis Webinars for Congregation Leaders

Spring 2022 Installations & Ordinations

Rev. Sondra Ladd was installed as Sr. Minister at First Christian Church Stillwater on January 9, 2022

Rev. David Wheeler was installed as Sr. Minister at New Covenant Christian Church, Oklahoma City on May 8, 2022

Rev. Alexis Villafane Engelbrecht was installed as Sr. Minister at First Christian Church Claremore on May 22, 2022

Rev. Shane Hickey was installed as Sr. Minister at First Christian Church Broken Arrow on June 5, 2022

Rev. Vera Porter was installed as Sr. Minister at University Place Christian Church, Enid, on July 3, 2022

Rev. Nancy Hodgkinson was ordained at
Southern Hills Christian Church, Edmond on April 23, 2022

2022-07-07T10:08:17-05:00Jun 23, 2022|Clergy News|Comments Off on Spring 2022 Installations & Ordinations
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