
About Michael Davison

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So far Michael Davison has created 195 blog entries.

Regional Assembly at Sea

Where have you met Jesus today?

The question of meeting Jesus anywhere. I feel like I have met him often as I’ve gone about my daily life. For me, it’s not a question of “will I?” It’s a question of “when.”

Thinking about the keynotes, what idea(s) are you taking home from RA @ Sea?

The power of baptism in helping people feel welcomed and included.

When did you most clearly sense the presence of God?

Doing ministry in the Word, so many sermons and teaching in the Word.

Watching the sun rise from the deck of the ship over the vastness of the water.

Overlooking the ocean, unable to see anything but water. The expanse of God mirrored in nature!

What story or stories will you remember and tell about RA @ Sea at your church?

The great fellowship and bonding we had and learning things about people I never knew.

Our Thanks . . .

We are thankful for the words and presence of Rev. Allen Harris, Regional Minister of the Christian Church in Ohio, who offered our keynotes and sermons.

We thank our Disciples siblings in faith in Ohio for gifting Oklahoma Disciples the time and talents of your Regional Minister.  Click here to download a pdf of the Rev. Harris’ keynotes and sermons.

We thank these Partners in Ministry cruising: Rev. Terry Ewing (Phillips Theological Seminary), Rev. Rosario Ibarra (Disciples Church Extension Fund), Eric Gray (Oklahoma Disciples Foundation)

We thank Ms Jacque Bass, former Moderator of the Christian Church in Oklahoma, who worked on this event with Carnival and the planning team since the Regional Assembly 2022.  Jacque wrangled all the ideas and details before, during, and after RA @ Sea.  If you need a travel professional, we recommend her at Jacque B Travels.

We thank the planning team: Jacque Bass, Pam Holt, Colton Lott, Elaine Howsley, Joshua Bell, Randy Kuss, and Michael Davison.

RA @ Sea

July 11: Embarkation Day
Oklahoma Disciples Opening Reception 5pm-7pm
Disciples Fellowship and Introductions: Games, Raffles, Music, and Laughs

July 12: Sea Day
Oklahoma Disciples 10am-Noon
Morning Coffee and Snacks
Keynote, “Meeting Jesus Beside The Water: The Call To Honest Conversations, Acknowledged Ambiguity, and Bold Action”
Worship, “The Waters Of Baptism Convict Us, Cleanse Us, & Call Us To Conversion”

July 13: Port Day in Cozumel

July 14: Sea Day
Oklahoma Disciples 10am-Noon
Morning Coffee and Snacks
Keynote, “Meeting Jesus On and In The Water: The Call To Trust In Authority, Imagine Transformation, and Be Willing To Be Redeemed.”
Worship, “The Waters Of Baptism Collect Us, Claim Us, & Commission Us”

July 15: Debarkation Day – Be safe going home
Let’s sail again someday.

2024-08-15T10:20:55-05:00Aug 6, 2024|Regional News|Comments Off on Regional Assembly at Sea

VBS Around the Region

First Christian Church Stroud

Forest Park Christian Church Tulsa

First Christian Church Cherokee

Vacation Bible School is a summer staple for many of our congregations.  VBS was once a primary evangelism tool for congregational growth. While that remains a byproduct of VBS, it is also affordable childcare, a healthy snack or meal, a Sunday school intensive, and, for some unchurched or de-churched children or youth, it is an introduction to following Jesus and the hospitality of Christians.

Here are a few photos from around the Region.  If you have a photo of your congregation’s VBS that you have permission to share, please  email Rev. Michael Davison.

First Christian Church Luther

2024-07-09T09:45:29-05:00Jul 8, 2024|Congregations, Youth|Comments Off on VBS Around the Region

Family Camp Aug 30-Sept 1

What happens at Family Camp?

Play, Prayer, Study, Worship, & Service



Arts & Crafts







Pool and Kayak (weather permitting)


and plenty of family time

2024-07-07T11:12:31-05:00Jul 7, 2024|Youth|Comments Off on Family Camp Aug 30-Sept 1

Church Camp Season Begins June 3rd

Our volunteers are making final plans to welcome campers this summer.   Chi Rho Camp kicks off a busy June.  We deeply value your prayers and ask you to keep our directors, counselors, and campers in your thoughts during June as they explore the ways humans and all creation are connected by God’s love.   Visit the Families & Youth webpage to see photos from each camp this summer.

The writers of the camp curriculum, “Linked by Love,” offer this overview.

We see God’s love in close friends and family – those we are born into and those we choose along the way. We see God in quiet moments where we are present with each other and in acts of profound grace when we have been far apart. We hear God in life-guiding and life-changing words of truth from those who know and love us. We know that such love links our lives, teaching us about commitment, intimacy, grace, and faith. As we seek to create and strengthen life-giving relationships, we remember that such love flows from God, links us all together, and we give thanks.

There is more curriculum than days of camp. Here are the scriptures that our directing teams will choose from: Colossians 3:12-14, Luke 10:38-24, Job 2:11-13, Luke 15:11-32, Exodus 18:5-24, Philemon 1:8-17,
1 John 4:7-9;19

Church Camp 2024 Check-In & Pick-Up Info by Camp

Chi Rho Camp: June 3-7

  • Check-In Monday June 3rd: 2:00 – 2:45 pm

  • Pick-Up Friday, June 7th: 12 (noon) – arrive between 11:30 am – 12:00 pm

CYF Conference: June 17-22
(charter bus service from FCC Edmond to Tawakoni)

  • Check-In @ First Christain Church Edmond, Monday, June 17: 12:45-1:15 pm

  • Bus departs @ 1:30 pm sharp

  • Pick-Up @ First Christain Church Edmond, Saturday, June 22: 2:00 – 2:30 pm

Discovery Camp: June 21-23

  • Check-In Friday, June 21: 1:00 – 1:45 pm

  • Pick-Up Sunday, June 23: 12:30 pm – arrive between 12:00 – 12:30 pm

Junior Camp: June 24-28

  • Check-In Monday, June 24: 2:00 – 2:45 pm

  • Pick-Up Friday, June 28: 12 (noon) – arrive between 11:30 am – 12:00 pm

2024-06-27T13:37:31-05:00May 22, 2024|Youth|Comments Off on Church Camp Season Begins June 3rd

Summer Camp Registration Update

There is still time to register for a church camp experience this summer. Our regular rates (fees) for camp begin today, and all our camps still have space available. So far, 184 campers from 25 congregations have registered for a camp. Visit the Families and Youth page to see if your congregation is sending campers and to learn more about registering for a camp.

Sponsor an Adult Camp Counselor This Year
The Comm for Children, Youth, & Young Adults is seeking congregations to sponsor the cost of providing adult counselors for our 2024 camps.  All the adults that attend church camp volunteer their time.  The Region passes along the cost of camp counselors to families and congregations.   Could your congregation sponsor an adult or two this year?  Contact Rev. Bill Hemm (hemmco22 at gmail dot com), Co-Chair of the CYYA, or Rev. Michael Davison (mdavison at okdisciples dot org) for more information.  Ready to make a donation today?  You can do that through the Region’s Givelify page.  Choose your gift, and on the next page, choose “Church Camp 2024.”   Thank you for supporting our missional ministry for children and youth.

2024-04-25T09:42:35-05:00Apr 25, 2024|Youth|Comments Off on Summer Camp Registration Update

Camp Registration Is Open

300 Campers from 30 Congregations

Help us reach our goal this summer.  We want to grow our program to reach 300 campers representing 30 Oklahoma Disciples congregations this summer.  Have you registered a camper for Church Camp this summer?  All the Region sponsored camps are during June.  The Region has recruited directors who are recruiting counselors to serve at Chi Rho Camp, CYF Conference, Discovery Camp, and Junior Camp.  All of our directors and counselors are volunteers from our Oklahoma congregations.  And, the past few years we have been selected to welcome a Disciples Peace Fellowship Intern to Chi Rho Camp and CYF Conference.

The Commission for Children, Youth, and Young Adults (CYYA) oversees our camp program and retreat ministry.  The CYYA is seeking financial support for the camp program.  We pass on the cost of our adult volunteers to each camper, making our camp fees higher. If your congregation doesn’t send campers or you don’t have campers to send or adults to volunteer, you can be part of the summer church camp program by sponsoring (paying) for an adult volunteering their time.  We will accept gifts until May 1st, then take the balance, do some math, and apply an additional discount to all campers registered by April 24th.  Would you like to be involved?  Contact Rev. Michael Davison (mdavison at okdisciples dot org) or Rev. Bill Hemm, co-chair of CYYA (hemmco22 at gmail dot com).

3 More Opportunities

  • Regional Assembly @ Sea – July 11-15
    There are still cabins available as Oklahoma Disciples sail together and Meet Jesus on the Water
  • Water Weekend @ Lake Texoma – July 19-21
    This weekend for grades 8-12, is a partnership with First Christian Church, Sulphur.
  • Family Camp @ Camp Christian – August 31-Sept 2
    A weekend retreat for families of all sizes and ages.  Come away and be introduced to our camp program, or remember when you were a camper.
2024-03-27T16:33:15-05:00Feb 27, 2024|Youth|Comments Off on Camp Registration Is Open

Looking Back: 2023 Reconciliation Grants

Over the past two years, the Commission for Faith and Action has funded $20,00.00 of Reconciliation grant requests.  This has helped congregations expand their reconciliation reach and imagination through educational and service trips, support for Caminante, leadership development, multi-church VBS, musicals, meals, relationships with first responders, and integration of neurotypical and non-neurotypical persons, and Careportal ministry.  The grants have been so successful that the yearly Reconciliation Special Offering has not kept up with demand.  The gifts by Oklahoma congregations each September to this special offering are divided 50/50 with the denomination so that Oklahomans are supporting the denomination’s Reconciliation Ministry, and that of congregations in our Region.

This spring, the Comm. for Faith In Action will publish a “Reconciliation Series” on the Region’s podcast.  Each episode will focus on one of our 2023 Grant recipients.

Thank you for supporting our Reconciliation Ministries.

2023 Grants

  • Enid Welcome Table
  • Caminante Boca Chica
  • Enid Joint Disciples 5 Church Vacation Bible School
  • FCC Stillwater Jamaica Mission Trip
  • Central Christian Church, Christian Church of the Covenant, University Place Christian Church Enid, Hero Fund
  • FCC Midwest City Careportal
  • Central Christian Church, Enid, Teen Neurotypical / Non-Neurotypical Integration

2022 Grants

  • FCC Claremore, First American Museum Trip
  • In the Spirit Christian Church, Tulsa, Emerging Young Leaders Justice
  • FCC El Reno, No Justice, No Peace Opera
  • FCC Midwest City, Christmas for Others
  • Caminante Boca Chica
  • Enid Welcome Table
  • Enid Joint Disciples 5 Church Vacation Bible School
  • Central Christian Church, Christian Church of the Covenant, University Place Christian Church Enid, Hero Fund

Learn more about what these congregations are doing in their community.  You can download the 2023 Grant Reports in PDF format.

2022 Grant Reports in PDF Format

2024-02-12T11:13:37-06:00Feb 12, 2024|Faith in Action|Comments Off on Looking Back: 2023 Reconciliation Grants

The Christmas Story by RYC

"Let's go and see this thing which the Lord has made known to us."

Pause for three minutes with Luke 2:1-20, read by members of the Regional Youth Council.  RYC invites you to use their reading in your Christmas Eve worship.  Download it here.

Regional Youth Council Readers

  • Maryanne
  • Derek
  • Leah Grace

Maryanne created a video reading of Luke 2:1-20.  Download it here.

Regional Youth Council Youth

  • Derek (New Covenant Christian Church, Oklahoma City)
  • Jonah (First Christian Church, El Reno)
  • Leah Grace (Forest Park Christian Church, Tulsa)
  • Luke (First Christian Church, Duncan)
  • Maryanne (First Christian Church, Cherokee)

Regional Youth Council Adults

  • Eula (First Christian Church, Norman)
  • Shannon (First Christian Church, Norman)
  • Tara (First Christian Church, El Reno)
  • Travis (First Christian Church, Chickasha)
2024-03-27T16:33:40-05:00Dec 20, 2023|Youth|Comments Off on The Christmas Story by RYC

Letter from DHM President, Rev. Chris Dorsey: Crisis in Israel/Palestine

October 23, 2023

My heart breaks with the ongoing tragedy in Israel and Gaza. The images on the news, the stories of brutality and retaliation, the collective experiences of grief, loss and trauma have been heart-wrenching and agonizing. May the violence born of hatred be overcome so that we can see the humanity in one another in ways that build justice and celebrate dignity for all.

The long history of conflict in Israel/Palestine is complex and complicated. As we pray for peace and an end to violence, I’d like to share some of the resources that I’ve found helpful in seeking to understand the situation. I share them in the hopes that you and your community of faith might use them to learn about what is happening and engage in ways that build peace and purpose.

Yours in the Journey,

Rev. Chris Dorsey
President and CEO
Disciples Home Missions


  • Global Ministries: The Crisis in Israel/Palestine
    Global Ministries has created a page that Includes links to a growing list of statements from mission partners, opportunities to sign-up for weekly prayer sessions, and a full collection of worship resources.
  • Churches for Middle East Peace
    Churches for Middle East Peace has created recurring spaces for prayer and learning. You can sign up for Weekly Prayers for Peace held on Wednesdays from 12:30PM ET to 1PM ET and register for a Weekly Issues Briefing held on Thursdays from 10AM ET to 10:30AM ET.
  • BBC News: History of the Conflict Explained
    BBC News assembled a thorough explainer article on the history of conflict between Israel and Palestine that includes additional links with updating stories on the Israel Gaza War.
  • United Nations: Israel-Gaza Crisis
    UN Secretary-General António Guterres voiced grave concern over the escalating conflict in Israel and Gaza and stressed the need to prevent the violence from spreading. The UN webpage Includes links to statements from the UN as well as continuing news updates.
  • United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Maps
    Interactive, information-rich, and highly detailed maps of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank created and curated by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. These maps are free and available for fair use.
  • Vox: Israel-Hamas War News & Updates
    The news site Vox has developed an updating news page for the daily stories that are emerging about the Israel-Hamas war. It contains a dynamic timeline that links “big picture” stories of the ongoing war.
  • Vox: Everything You Need to Know about Israel & Palestine
    An older article (2018) from Vox that breaks down the history of the conflict between Israel and Palestine in a series of 20-different Q&A style articles. It is specific, accessible, and informative.
  • ACLED Fact Sheet: Israel and Palestine Conflict (October 2023)
    The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) is a data collection, analysis, and crisis mapping project. ACLED collects information on armed conflicts around the world and makes both data and analysis open for free use by the public.
  • Global Conflict Tracker: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
    The Center for Preventative Action has created an explainer article that includes background, concerns, and recent developments in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. The page also aggregates the latest news in a sidebar panel.

2023-11-08T14:21:03-06:00Nov 8, 2023|Congregations|Comments Off on Letter from DHM President, Rev. Chris Dorsey: Crisis in Israel/Palestine

Reconciliation Special Offering: Sept 24th & Oct 1st

What does it mean to be reconciled?

by Marilynn Knott, Chair: Commission on Faith in Action

The only reference to reconciliation in the Hebrew Bible is in 1 Samuel 29:4, when David was on the outs with King Saul and had joined the Philistines. He had proved himself with the one who had welcomed him to fight for the Philistines, but the Philistine leaders did not trust David and ordered him and his army to be left behind as the Philistines went into battle. The Hebrew word ratsah* translated as reconcile in this scripture, means to be pleased with and accept favorably. The leader of the Philistines could do neither regarding David.  As society spread among many cultures, the need for reconciliation grew. For example, the Apocrypha records six instances when reconciliation was addressed.

Reconcile is only used once in the Gospels in Matthew 5:24: leave your gift there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother or sister, and then come and offer your gift. The Greek word used here by Jesus is diallassó, which means change enmity for friendship. In this instance, Jesus is addressing believers. We must take that counsel seriously as faith groups living in a worldview of divide and conquer.  Our behavior is a witness to the validity of the one we follow.

Paul and the other early Christ-followers had to deal with reconciliation as they entered the many cultures around them in following Jesus’s instruction to go into all the world and teach the good news of Christ. Much of that good news targets building the Kingdom of God, the Beloved Community.

Paul also uses various Greek words now translated as reconcile, like katallassó, which means to decisively change, to the same position, and the word apokatallassó, which means to reconcile completely, to change from one feeling to another. While this was 2000 years ago, and we have in many ways since gone into the whole world, we have not yet attained the beloved community worldwide. Thus, the word Reconciliation, and more importantly, the act of Reconciliation, is more necessary today than ever. The words of Paul regarding this issue still resonate today.

The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) recognizes the last Sunday in September and the First Sunday in October for Reconciliation emphasis. Yes, we suggest that a special offering be taken on those Sundays with the funds dedicated to reconciliation, which is important. We must, however, take time on these Sundays and always consider the challenge we have in bringing the whole world into a Beloved Community. How is your congregation working toward that goal? What special needs can you identify in your community? How do you plan to address them? How can we decisively change racism, poverty, and violence against one another? How can we change enmity for friendship?

*All translations were gleaned from Strong’ Concordance using the NRSV Bible Translation

2023-09-11T11:50:05-05:00Sep 11, 2023|Faith in Action|Comments Off on Reconciliation Special Offering: Sept 24th & Oct 1st
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