Have you seen the themes of Advent in movies or pop-culture? Members of the Regional Youth Council have thought about that question this fall and invite you to join them to see “Advent in the Movies.”

Thank you for joining the RYC on this journey into Advent. As you visit each week, underlined words are a clickable link. You can click the films in this document to watch a clip or a trailer for the film. If you light an Advent wreath at church or at home, you will find an Advent Wreath liturgy at the end of this document. We thank Rev. Dr. Lisa Davison and Rev. Michael Davison for allowing us to include their work in this devotional.

Like the shepherds of long ago, we invite you to go and see this thing which God has made known to you. As you return to daily life each week of Advent, in Christmastide, and into 2023, give thanks and rejoice for all that you have seen and heard as it was made known to you.