Many just see churches as a place of worship only; some do see the learning and spiritual connections that are happening. Others, may pre-judge and think churches are some kind of snooty social club. Through my impromptu visits, I see warm inviting congregations that also have a heart for giving.

My visit Sunday took me to FCC Tulsa. The beauty of this building in downtown Tulsa’s “Cathedral Square” was reflected by the warm and caring congregation. FCC Tulsa’s numbers may be small but with help from Pine Street CC, they had recently made 400 snack packs to distribute to those in need. It would take pages to list all the giving happening at all of our churches.

This heart for giving is included in the activities of our Disciples Women. Retreats, events, and area meetings include service projects. Recently, the CADW meeting again touched my heart with the non-profit’s success with the women it helps. Hope House OKC, only using donations, over the years has expanded the size of their mission; God’s hand is in it.

During this month of February be aware of your heart for giving. You are doing this with your many ministries. One ladies group celebrates with collecting and donating their Blessing Boxes in February. With Blessing Box giving down in recent years, Office of Disciples Women in Indianapolis is in need. In honor of DW 150th birthday, they are asking for donations from $15 to $150. Send to Disciples Women, PO Box 1986, Indianapolis, Indiana 46206. Please memo DW 150th birthday. Or give online.

Another cause at our hearts is Week of Compassion. Yes, they help with the floods and fires! They also help women and girls. See their website for more information; they even provided help in Oklahoma! We will have opportunity to show our hearts for giving in these special offerings at our churches or you may give online.

A funny side note: For those of you that know my lost girl story, I had goggled Pine Street Christian Church and my directions took me to First Christian in downtown Tulsa. Could it be divine intervention? Quite the experience with God guiding your steps. It was a good experience at FCC Tulsa. Eventually, I would love to hear Pastor Brenda Denson at Pine Street! Only God knows where my next visit will be.

~Prayers and Blessings,
Marilyn Bohlender ODW President

Acts 25:35 (NIV) In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’


Bicycle donation to Hope House OKC by Central Area Disciples Women