Sometimes a Christmas letter tells of important events in a individual’s or family’s life over the past year. Often, there will be sentiments for a joyous Christmas and a blessed year to follow. It would end with expressions we need to see of love, comfort and peace.
It has been about a month since I submitted a yearly report on Oklahoma Disciples Women . One of the aspects not stressed enough in the report was how busy some of our women were because of Covid-19. Many became the makers of masks. Some women were extremely isolated while others had their children or grandchildren at home. Simple activities such as a grocery store trip became difficult with shortages of certain items and extra precautions taken to maintain as much safety as possible. Some women became the shoppers for others. We adjusted to many changes from doctor appointments to not gathering in person.
In spite of all the challenges, we persevered. We made phone calls, wrote letters, and sent cards. Some learned new technology. We had drive-by parades to celebrate graduations and birthdays. Our many churches that were able to go online reached an even bigger audience. We became creative and even when we open, we will have new ideas to keep and use to carry out our ministries.
As Christmas approaches, I feel compelled to attempt to uplift those of you that may not be able to have the usual Christmas traditions. I have experienced Christmas holidays isolated and discovered it is what you make of it. Plan activities for yourself. It may be a few simple lights and decorations that you especially enjoy while listening to Christmas music. Plan times for phone calls so you will still have the opportunities to visit with others. Write letters or send cards to others who need uplifting like nurses, to those who might be isolated, and to others who might be away from family such as soldiers.
Be proactive and be determined to be creative on what you can make out of the situation. I continue to stress scripture reading, devotions, praise songs, and most of all prayer.
I anticipate that God will be moving even more in 2021 and hope you include this thought of “increase” in your prayers.