It’s that time of year again! Congregations are requested to submit the annual Year Book report to the General Church for publication in the 2017 Year Book.
Why It’s Important – Your congregation is granted 501(c)3 status thru the General Church of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) uses the Year Book to verify your congregation’s non-profit status.
You may submit your form online or complete the form and mail it to the Regional Office and we’ll do the online submission for you. All information is transmitted electronically so your help in taking the quick and easy online steps is a great help!
The deadline is March 15th. Click here to locate the Congregational Reporting Login (or refer to the instructions that accompanied the blue Year Book form.)
Questions? Call Jennifer or Ellen at the Regional Office (405)528-3577 or email us at [email protected]
To mail your form please send it to Atten: Year Book, Christian Church in Oklahoma, 301 NW 36th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73118-8661