First Christian Church of Oklahoma City votes unanimously to become Open and Affirming on December 15, 2019.
Open and Affirming Statement Approved by the Congregation:
We at First Christian Church of Oklahoma City are committed to Love ALL the People! We differ in race, age, gender, cultural background, marital status, sexual orientation, physical and mental ability, gender identity, family structure, political stance, theological perspective, life circumstances and spiritual journey. Diversity is a gift from God, and we are called to celebrate our differences as well as what makes us the same. We know that the church has at times rejected diversities, and denied God’s promises for itself and for others. So without reservation, we proclaim:
“You are a beloved child of God, embraced as you are at the Welcoming Table of our Lord. Together let us share God’s love so completely, that we might make a difference in God’s world!”