Going Into 2025 Keep Memories of 2024 Events that Inspired
by Marilyn Bohlender, ODW President
As we go into 2025, there are parts of 2024 that we would like to leave behind. The stories of God with us through those tough times should be kept as a testament of his love for us. What else to not leave behind? The memories of events that inspired us like ROSES an interregional only held every four years, the first Celebration Luncheon of Women Trailblazers and Mentors, Women’s Conference at Wildewood, many area meetings and fall retreats. We were inspired and “on fire!” Use these memories to keep the fire going through these colder months.
Take this time for the self-care that we learned from Caletta F. McPherson, MHR, LADC, CLC, at Women’s Conference in December organized by Ye’Maya Rodgers and the Women of Wildewood Christian Church. Caletta brought God into our picture of healing and wellness. Following up on that process of self-care, I encourage you to do a deeper dive to become more spiritually connected with Bible study and your prayer life. I pray for your eyes to be open to opportunities to show God’s love through us. Whatever your goals and wherever our paths take us in 2025, remember that our Lord and savior is with us.
Let your path for 2025 take you to CADW meeting at New Hope Christian Church on Tuesday, January 28th. There will be fellowship and worship as we learn about a nonprofit, Hope House*, followed by $10 lunch which is RSVP by 1-22-25 to 405-691-5366 and pay at the door. Look on our Disciples Women section of okdisciples.org for more information. Also, follow Oklahoma Disciples Women Facebook for updates.
*In-Kind Donations of $10-$30 Walmart, Target, or Amazon Gift Cards is appreciated.
Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV) Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.