Loving God means Loving ALL.
In Jesus Christ’s name, we are there.
As Jesus met individuals where they were in life, face-to-face, in each one’s own condition of brokenness, so does the Christian Church in Oklahoma Disciples of Christ minister across cities, and internationally with wide arms and pocketbook to aid with resources for healing, recovery and relationship.
Refugee & Immigration Ministries
How You Can Help
If you are looking for a way to help, here are some needed requests!
- Donate to RIM through the Regional Church. Designate the funds for RIM on your check or donate here in with online giving.
- Agree to sponsor the apartment for our Congolese family for one month: a gift of $654.00.
- Make donations to affray the cost of electricity and groceries.
- Help drive our family members to the grocery store, doctor appointment, or health department appointments for vaccines.
- Agree to be an English tutor two hours a week.
- Be in relationship with the family by visiting, praying with, sharing a meal with, or playing with the children. (They love taking their bikes to the park close to them.)
- Help acquire items on their wish list. As for now, all three children want a Bible. The four and three-year olds need a toddler/child’s Bible in English. The teenager needs a NRSV study Bible in Spanish. The three-year-old boy has a person who will buy a bicycle helmet. We need someone to buy the four-year-old girl a helmet.
- Contact our leaders to let them know you support refugees and asylum seekers and support work authorizations and a path to citizenship.
- Pray. Pray for our family, all refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants globally. Pray for justice, for safety and security. Pray for all leaders who make decisions regarding the “least of these” to make Godly, compassionate, decisions.
(Please understand, anyone wishing to work directly with the family must undergo a simple vetting process and must contact Rev. Mary Heath. 405-697-7829)
This Bag
Many of us go into our closet,
And think –
I have nothing to wear.
But Imagine,
This bag –
Is your closet.
In fact,
This is your kitchen, your bathroom,
Your living room, and bedroom.
This carries all the possessions you own,
This is all the space you are allowed –
To take up in this world.
Nyx Altizer
This backpack is the actual bag the father of our refugee family came with.
Resources for Refugee & Immigration Ministries
Videos and Documentaries
The Migrants: Where the Immigration Crisis Begins and Ends
Migrants, asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants: What’s the Difference?
More Kids are Making the Dangerous Trip Across Texas-Mexico Border
PBS Frontline: Immigration In-Depth
PBS Independent Lens: Immigration Battle
Netflix: Immigration Nation (Six-part documentary)
International Rescue Committee
Trusted Media/Journalists
- Jorge Ramos
- Jacob Soboroff
- Jorge Rivas
- Daniel Costa
- Maria Sacchetti
- Gabby Pacheco
Interested in mission abroad?
Caminante, “one who walks the path”, is a mission organization working in the city of Boca Chica in the Dominican Republic. Closely aligned with and supported by our denomination’s Global Ministries, Caminante provides a variety of vocational and educational ministries to children and youth at risk of being lured into illicit drug and sex trades that are rampant in this growing tourist mecca.
With the unemployment rate in Boca Chica hovering around 40%, many children are forced to drop out of school to do whatever is necessary to help provide for their families. For many of these children Caminante provides “homework rooms”, a program of remedial education that equips them to re-enter the public school system.
Adolescents, both male and female, are provided with vocational opportunities through a variety of technical schools offered by Caminante, including cooking, sewing, cosmetology, and computer technology, all marketable skills in this tourist-dependent economy. Caminante helps them become contributing citizens of their community.
As a partner with Caminante, Oklahoma disciples travel on mission trips to Boca Chica throughout the year to provide needed supplies and support to the children attending school.
If you are interested in mission opportunities abroad, please consider Caminante! To learn more about it and the next scheduled trips, please contact the Regional office.
Local Mission
Waukomis Kids Cafe
Waukomis Christian Church has been the site of “Waukomis Kids Cafe”, an after school program for nearly forty children for sixteen years.
Two days a week the children receive a snack and one day a week they help prepare a full meal through the CACFP program through the Regional Food Bank of OK.
The rest of their days are filled with homework, reading, games, physical, nutrition and spiritual education activities. This has been a wonderful ministry for WCC and the Waukomis Community.