The Faith in Action Commission –
Seeks to empower all in the Christian Churches (Disciples of Christ) in Oklahoma to respond positively to Christ’s call to love our neighbors whoever they may be, near and far, as we love ourselves.
Works to enable individuals, local congregations, areas, and the regional church to do justice through wholeness and oneness.
Encourages the development and implementation of spiritual development, education, programs, and projects designed to offset justice gaps until justice becomes a reality for all.
2023 Reconciliation Grants Recipients
Oklahoma Disciples continue the work of reconciliation through serving our neighbors locally and around the world. The Commission for Faith in Action met in April to review Reconciliation Grant applications for this year. These congregations applied for and received grants for 2023.
Enid, Central Christina Church
Enid, Christian Church of the Covenant, Iglesia Cristiana El Shaddai, University Place Christian Church, Central Christian Church
Midwest City, First Christian Church
Stillwater, First Christian Church
Caminante, a minister supported by the Commission on Faith in Action
Click here to learn more. All grant applications are due by April 15th each year. Contact Marilynn Knott, Commission Chair, or Rev. Michael Davison if you have questions.
Grant funding is provided by the gifts of our congregations to the special Reconciliation offering each year.
Oklahoma Disciples Continue to Support Caminante
Watch this short video to learn about the ministry of Caminante.
Disciples in Enid Serve Senior Adult Meals
(May 6, 2021) University Place Christian Church, Christian Church of the Covenant, and Central Christian Church in Enid are working together to provide Senior Adults from their congregations a lunch. Central’s minister, Rev. Tom Stanley’s vision is to provide a safe meal “out” and community after a year of pandemic life. At this first lunch, forty-five (45), folks enjoyed a meal prepared by members of Central and hosted in Central’s fellowship hall. Rev. Paul Ragle, Covenant’s minister, offered a devotion at the lunch.

Resources on Faith & Justice
Lending Library for Pro-Reconciliation & Anti-Racism
Bibliography Offers Rich Resources
A Lending Library is now available through the Regional Office providing resources to help individuals and congregations explore the intersection of faith and justice as it relates particularly to racism. The library is being created by The Faith in Action Commission’s Pro-Reconciliation/Anti-Racism Committee.
Please explore the Bibliography of recommended books including some not included in our Library. Books and other materials available through the Lending Library are noted. All the books listed are most likely available through your local library or its interlibrary loan program and all can be purchased online at various sites like Cokesbury or Amazon.
Pro-Reconciliation/Anti-Racism work often takes us out of our comfort zones. Most of the major progressions of faith also took our ancestors in faith out of their comfort zones. Abram walking out of Ur to a new land, Moses approaching the burning bush, the young shepherd David facing Goliath with a slingshot and a stone, Elijah running for his life and encountering God, the Resurrection of Christ, the Birth of the Church at Pentecost, Paul’s Damascus road experience, Martin Luther’s vision of needed reform, Alexander Campbell’s quest for unity, and Martin Luther King Jr. struggling for racial justice through peaceful actions.
If the Spirit is stirring your heart regarding the problems of racial injustice in our world today, reading a good book might be a great place to start your own quest.
How to Borrow a Book
Reserve a Book
If you wish to borrow books from the Lending Library, please call the Regional office to see if we have it in our library. We will send the book to you or notify you if there is a waiting list for the book. We will also include a return mailing envelope for your convenience. Phone (405) 528-3577 M-Thurs 8:30am-4:30pm.
Pick It Up at the Regional Office
In the Oklahoma City metro are? Stop by the Regional Office and check out a book using the card in the book and return it. The Lending Library is located in the small conference room at the Regional Office, Disciples Center, 301 NW 36th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73118.
- Check out one book at a time
- Read it at your own pace and return it as soon as possible after you have completed it
- Let us know if the book was helpful or not
- Let us know any books you recommend be added to our bibliography and they will be considered by the PR/AR Committee
- Donate any books on the bibliography that are not yet in our Lending Library