Leadership Training Seminar
Designed for laity and clergy, Leadership Training Seminar packs a large variety of 1 hour workshops into a 1/2-1 day event. Keynoters have included national leaders from Week of Compassion to the brightest professors from Disciples Seminaries.
Exhibitors include local mission teams, Disciples Women and Men, seminaries, Oklahoma Disciples Foundation, Christian Church Foundation, and a large variety of books from Cokesbury.
Don’t miss this annual event, typically held in late January or early February at a church located in the central part of Oklahoma. Publicity will arrive in the fall so be sure to Save the Date on your calendar!

Regional Assembly
Clergy from around the state gather with the regional board and staff to share ideas and enjoy fellowship. The location of this bi-annual event moves across the state and is scheduled during the month of April.
We just broke into song at a #DisciplesareOK impromptu after session at #DisciplesSoar pic.twitter.com/5zrgjbGudE
— CCOKDOC (@CCOKDOC) July 23, 2015
General Assembly
Laity and clergy nationwide gather at this bi-annual event to study and vote on resolutions important to the General Church. Congregations and regions send voting delegates. A host of workshops are offered in this 4-day event. Fellowship tops the list as a great reason to attend!