Center for Faith & Giving Releases Free 12-Month Stewardship Resources
(Jan. 2021) Rev. Bruce Barkhauer has announced the release of new stewardship resources titled “Created To Be a Steward”. To meet changing circumstances, the Center for Faith and Giving determined that “business as usual” for resourcing stewardship was simply not going to work. The new “dynamic resource” provides fresh installments made each quarter as the year progresses. It is designed to to be relevant in the moment rather than hope we “guessed right” where your congregation finds itself throughout the year. It is intended to keep the stewardship conversation alive throughout the year by providing preaching, teaching and personal practical resources.
Created To Be a Steward
“Created To Be a Steward” is a 12-month stewardship emphasis for congregations that seeks to explore four major themes of biblical stewardship:
- Self-Care (January – March)
- Earth Care (April – June)
- Resource Management (July – September); Gospel
- Sharing [Evangelism] (October – December)
What is Included?
Each quarter, the free materials will contain:
- Three background pieces for sermon preparation
- Three companion educational curriculums based on the texts for preaching
- A commitment card for that particular theme (self-care, earth care, resource management, gospel sharing)
- Additional “experiential” exercises
- Links to additional resources and ideas (updated during that quarter)
- Worship resources including: prayers, call to worship, and offering and communion meditations
- An entire separate resource of “campaign guidance” meant to help you organize and manage a financial campaign
How Do I Access the Free Resources?
Visit the Center for Faith and Giving website here. When you request the materials you will be given a link to the folders that may be downloaded free of charge.

Faithful, Hopeful, Loving Stewardship Resources
(2020) Are you planning a season of stewardship? Do you need resources to help you?
The Oklahoma Disciples Foundation just hosted a webinar with The Center for Faith & Giving with Rev. Bruce Barkhauer. Rev. Barkhauer provided wonderful information and words of encouragement reminding us that even in the midst of a pandemic, stewardship is still valuable and a faithful act of discipleship. He has also prepared a document called “Essentials” to help us think theologically about the way forward when we don’t know exactly what to prepare for. Regardless of the circumstances, he says, our faith practices may look different, but they are still vital to loving and serving like Jesus. This certainly includes stewardship.
On your behalf, the Region invested in the 2020 Faithful, Hopeful, Loving Annual stewardship campaign materials and resources from the Center for Faith & Giving. Every minister serving a local congregation in Oklahoma now has access to these wonderful resources. Please use these resources as your church plans and encourages continued stewardship.
- Faithful, Hopeful, Loving Essentials document
- Faithful, Hopeful, Loving Year-Round document
- Faithful, Hopeful, Loving Links document
- Faith, Hopeful, Loving Slide Presentation
If you have trouble accessing any of this information, please contact the Regional office or you may contact Rev. Bruce Barkhauer directly at 317-635-3100 or The Center for Faith and Giving.
May God’s blessing of abundance and joy continue to be upon you and your congregation.
Peace & God’s Grace,