Special Offerings

Information and dates for the Special Offerings is available here, along with online giving.

Easter Offering

The Easter Offering supports the General Ministries of the church. General Ministries serve across the U.S. and Canada and around the world. General Ministries are partners in ministry serving through far-reaching and unique organizations.

Pentecost Offering

The Pentecost Offering supports Disciples new church development. Planning, nurturing and sustaining new congregation is part of the Disciples’ vision.
This offering supports the specialized ministry of new church development through both regional and general programs – with gifts for this offering divided between each. Fifty percent of gifts received by a region remain in that region, the balance supports the work of general, new church efforts.

Thanksgiving Offering

The Thanksgiving Offering provides direct support to Disciples colleges, universities and theological institutions. Disciples have a long history of post-secondary and theological education. This offering provides a direct connection to 14 colleges or universities, 3 seminaries and 4 seminary foundations/divinity houses. Gifts from the Disciples Mission Fund Thanksgiving offering continue a Disciples tradition of developing leaders for our communities and the church.

Christmas Offering

The Christmas Offering supports Regional Ministries. In 32 regions across the U.S. and Canada, ministers are nurtured and congregations are provided opportunities for work and worship.

Help support the Christmas Offering!

Often recognized for the ministries of camps and conferences, regions also play a critical role in the preparation and authorization of ministerial ordination. Both are key to church leadership and development. Regions partner with congregations to support the work required to call a new minister.

Week of Compassion

Week of Compassion is the relief, refugee and development mission fund of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada. We seek to equip and empower disciples to alleviate the suffering of others through disaster response, humanitarian aid, sustainable development and the promotion of mission opportunities.

Vy Nguyen, Executive Director
Week of Compassion
P.O. Box 1986
Indianapolis, IN 46206

Office 317.713.2442

Vy Nguyen 510.473.8962

Reconciliation Ministry

Reconciliation Ministry advances the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)’s journey toward wholeness by empowering each expression of the Church to implement structural change to address historic fractures caused by racism and the systems that perpetuate it. It is the goal of our shared work to foster life-giving community within our church and in relationship with the whole family of God. We accomplish this mission through intentional dialogue, inclusive worship and experiential education.

Rev. April Johnson, Minister of Reconciliation
Reconciliation Ministry
Disciples Center
1099 N. Meridian St., Suite 700
Indianapolis, IN 46206
